Judeo-Christian Bible--Proof, Divinely Inspired

I am done with this website. Therefore, I have removed my avatar.
And just as you accuse others of "running away" from arguments when they merely tire of your drivel, you now deem it fit to "run away" from the entire site when people identify your arguments for what they are, recognise your conclusions for what they are, and recognise you for what you are: one criticism by a moderator and you flee.
Fly away, little troll.
You will be sorely missed.
I think that some parts of the story were patched in,
not in order to deceive, but because the writers thought:
"This must have happened because it was foretold".

I'm inclined to agree.

That creates problems for those who want to read the gospels as historical accounts, since so much of what Jesus is portrayed as doing turns out to be illustrations of him fulfilling what the messianic expectation of the time believed had been foretold. Matthew in particular seems to have been written so as to show his Jewish readers that Jesus displayed all of the expected messianic signs.

For example, in order to fulfil prophesy, Jesus had to be born in Bethlehem.
The Bible says that his parents had to travel to that place to take part in a census,
but there is a problem with the dates:


Another interesting difficulty of the same sort concerns Jesus' virgin birth.

Isaiah 7:14 has God supposedly telling a king of Judea that an 'almah' would soon give birth to a child named 'Immanuel', and that before the child was old enough to know right and wrong, two rival kingdoms of Ephraim and Syria would be overthrown.

As was their style, intertestamental Jewish messianism interpreted this Immanuel as a 'type' of their expected messiah. And, since Jesus was supposedly that messiah, the first Christians did the same, interpreting him as a 'type' of Christ. (It didn't hurt that 'Immanuel' literally means 'God is with us'.)

That's where a difficulty arose. Many of these early Christians, including some of the New Testament writers, seemingly couldn't read Hebrew. (Most Jews at the time of Christ couldn't, Hebrew was a liturgical language by then and Jews typically spoke Aramaic or Greek.) So these first Christians certainly studied their scriptures, but they studied them in Greek translation, namely the 'Septuagint'.

The problem is that the translators who produced the Septuagint had translated the Hebrew 'almah' (a young woman who hasn't yet given birth) as the Greek 'parthenos' (virgin). So sure enough, we have Matthew's gospel showing us that Jesus' virgin birth fulfilled the prophecy in Isaiah... even though that prophecy was rather fanciful to begin with and arguably involved a translation error.

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The one that cracks me up is the genealogy of Jesus proving that he was a direct descendant of King David. There is a long list from Abraham through King David to Joseph in Matthew showing showing that Jesus was a direct descendent of David. But Joseph and Jesus weren't even related. o_O

Hold the phone. That genealogy can't even be correct since it is not the same list given in Luke. Oops. Now what?? Maybe you just opt out of the Virgin Birth Plan, omitting two lies from columns C and D, plus the inconsistency you mention between columns B and C, in order for a promise of immortality in column E. Or maybe you refer back to column A, "Thou shalt not lie" and put more money there, and start ripping out the pages that make you cringe. Oh, I get it. That's why there are so many Christian denominations!

Actually this is beginning to make sense. Jehovah did indeed inspire the Bible (which one? who cares) but since he was discovered to be a sock puppet of the banned user Yahweh (reason: lying, flaming, threatening members, preaching, pretending to be God, and trolling generally) there just hasn't been enough interest in his posts to continue dialogue on the subject. After all, the participants were expected to have about a 7th grade level of education to follow the discussion.:cool:

Oh, I understand, all right. I understand that you have a delusion of grandeur merely because you are a moderator at an ordinary website. You have managed to convince yourself that being a moderator at just another website has suddenly granted the power that you clearly will never find off-line in the real world? Get over yourself.

Do you know how many websites I have abandoned because of people like you? I do not remain on websites where moderators think it is a bright idea to micro-manage.

I am done with this website. Therefore, I have removed my avatar.

From the post Top Signs you are Reading Woo:

Cranks often enjoy posting on science forums. Once they feel the thrill of making up some pseudoscientific woo, telling it to a friend and having the friend think they are clever - they come on line, find a science forum and post away, hoping for kudos and compliments on their imagination and intelligence. We see them here all the time.

But how can you tell a true crank from someone who is just confused, or someone who has a reasonable idea that is just not developed? How can you tell plain old errors from woo? Below is a guide to help with that decision. It lists several characteristics of cranks. If you see one of these characteristics, be wary. If you see several, well - either ignore the fellow or have some fun with him.

. . . . .

17) The Grand Trampling Exit. Often cranks, once they have realized that they are not going to get kudos and attaboys for their unconventional thinking, will make a "final post" that is usually along the lines of "you're all a bunch of idiots! I'm going to leave this once and for all, and deny you all the pleasure of my company. Instead I am going to post on a board where intelligent people have open minds!"

Reading the Grand Trampling Exit, readers of the forum might be tempted to breathe a sigh of relief as the signal to noise ratio improves. However this relief is often short-lived. Cranks love attention, and thus more often than not they come back sometime later, often with a statement along the lines of "well, I just had to say one more . . ." or "I realized you wanted me to leave, so I'm going to stick around to get back at you!"
...Based upon the 1961 U.S. Supreme Court ruling in Torcaso v. Watkins, Atheism is Religion:
Sorry, that doesn't make atheism a religion. It's a legal principle that means atheism is protected the same way religious freedom is protected.

I no longer debate at debatepolitics.com for the same reason that I am abandoning Sciforums.com, namely, the moderators intervened for the benefit of the atheists aka rescued them when they saw that the atheists were losing the argument. ...
That's absurd. You've already lost.
Wow.. Four responses in a row.


FIRSTLY, Something tells me that is an order. Interestingly, I do not recall seeing anything in forum rules forbidding colorizing and bolding. And since you find it tiresome, why do you persist in reading my posts, considering that other moderators--who do not find bolding and colorizing tiresome--could just as easily moderate my posts?

1) It was s suggestion, because it is very distracting and annoying.

2) We are all adults and not pre-schoolers who need to have bright bold letters in bright colours to read. So it comes across as being condescending.

3) While there are no rules about constant huge bolds and colours like we are small children learning sight words for the first time, there are rules and suggestions about how you participate on this site.

SECONDLY, your opinion that I am trolling--after I already debunked one of Dywyddyr's three sources at Post 102, and was getting ready to debunk the other two--is based solely upon your membership to the Religion of Atheism. Based upon the 1961 U.S. Supreme Court ruling in Torcaso v. Watkins, Atheism is Religion:
How can you debunk any source you openly declared to have never read?

Not to mention that your own link and quote debunked you and what you were trying to claim.

Finally, no, Torcaso v. Watkins never ruled that atheism is a religion. Far from it. What it found and reaffirmed was that a Government requirement or demand that one believes in God is unconstitutional. The reason for that is simple. You should read your First Amendment to understand why.

Anyone who wants to take up the Religion is Atheism debate will find me at this website. http://forum.bible-discussion.com/showthread.php?20073-The-Religion-of-Atheism&highlight=alter2ego
No thank you.

I no longer debate at debatepolitics.com for the same reason that I am abandoning Sciforums.com, namely, the moderators intervened for the benefit of the atheists aka rescued them when they saw that the atheists were losing the argument. They, like Bell, got the bright idea that micro-managing is a good idea.
I do not micro-manage. What I do is make suggestions when I see a thread start to fall into a pit of trolling and flaming and where one or more parties are making wild claims that are completely unfounded. Such as when I noticed you supposedly debunk something, but you had no idea what you were debunking because you claimed you hadn't read it. I also saw you demanding people support their argument (which you are still to do) and then tell them that you were not going to read it. That is trolling. It shows that you are not interested in discussing or debating anything. You should read up on the trolling section in this site's rules for further clarification.

BTW: Atheism is Religion is one of the topics I was planning to debate here, until you showed up and decided to rescue your atheist pals, ordering me around, while waving the ban stick. Whenever a moderator shows and starts to SELECTIVELY micro-manage my posts, I simply abandon the website.

But you aren't debating. You are lecturing. There is a difference.

I am not rescuing them. They do not need to be rescued. And frankly, there is nothing to rescue them from. Unless you think my suggesting you not troll, that you support your argument and that you not demand people support their argument and then refuse to read it is some kind of rescue mission? This is a basic expectation on most forums. That you support your argument, that you actually read what people post especially if you demand they post it, before you label it as being "debunked". These should not be hard tasks. It is also in the rules of this site.

I have abandoned literally dozens of website because of the behavior you are demonstrating: You are taking sides and micro-managing. Moderators are supposed to be neutral. Moderators are only supposed to intervene when people are personally attacking each other or when they are not responding directly to what opponents post. The only thing that micro-managing accomplishes is that it runs off good debaters. You managed to run me off.

Surely there should come a point where you should start to realise that it isn't everyone from the dozens of websites who are the problem and perhaps it is how you participate in discussions that may be the problem.

If you think the suggestion that you adhere to this site's rules by not trolling is my not remaining neutral, then really, it is somewhat laughable. If you are going to demand people support their side of an argument, you can't then dismiss it from the outset after declaring you were not even going to read it, misrepresent a quote from wiki as a reason for your refusing to read it, when your quote clearly notes that the traditions were mostly oral, which completely destroys your own argument.

THIRDLY [snip]

Because I suggested you not troll and that you support your side of the argument?

The other participants in this thread participated in it in good faith. They all supported their argument, which you clearly and openly refused to read, you refused to address those who were genuinely interested in discussing this with you and instead dismissed their efforts, the time they took to research their position and support their argument. It is clear that while they were participating in this discussion with you in good faith, you had no intention of doing the same.

Now, that's cute, you transferring your ineptitude to me. The reality is that you are the one demonstrating that you have reading-comprehension issues. Here's why. I rebutted Dywyddyr's Wikipedia source, at Post 102, where it states in plain English that none of Pythagoras' writings have survived and there are forgeries under his name. Therefore all claims made about Pythagoras at Wikipedia are not based upon documentary evidence.
Dyw did not mention his "writings" in his post. You went to wiki and declared that none of what he posted could be true (without having read them) because none of his writings have survived, while ignoring the fact that what we know is because of the "oral nature of his teachings".. So not only did you openly declare that you aren't reading what people are posting, you also misrepresented your own quotes or you did not understand what you actually quoted.

Ergo this:

Did you see that portion bolded in blue from Wikipedia? It acknowledges that there is no proof Pythagoras wrote anything about a spherical earth because NONE of his writings exist. To put it simply, your reliance on Wikipedia is cancelled out by Wikipedia itself. I will deal with Ohio State University and American Physical Society later.

Is wrong. Because the "nature of his teachings" were oral. Not written. How do we know this? From what you quoted:

Ancient Pythagoreans usually quoted their master's doctrines with the phrase autos ephe ("he himself said") — emphasizing the essentially oral nature of his teaching.​

So your proposition and your dismissals are completely incorrect because you misread and misrepresented fact.


Oh, I understand, all right. I understand that you have a delusion of grandeur merely because you are a moderator at an ordinary website. You have managed to convince yourself that being a moderator at just another website has suddenly granted the power that you clearly will never find off-line in the real world? Get over yourself.

Do you know how many websites I have abandoned because of people like you? I do not remain on websites where moderators think it is a bright idea to micro-manage.
As I noted above, if it's that many websites, perhaps the issue is you and not everyone else.

I am done with this website. Therefore, I have removed my avatar.
Err okay.. I didn't even notice you had an avatar. It is obviously important to you.

Have a good day and I hope that you find a site that will allow you to lecture instead of discuss.
http://starchild.gsfc.nasa.gov/docs/StarChild/questions/question54.html said:
It has actually been known that the Earth was round since the time of the ancient Greeks. I believe that it was Pythagoras who first proposed that the Earth was round sometime around 500 B.C. As I recall, he based his idea on the fact that he showed the Moon must be round by observing the shape of the terminator (the line between the part of the Moon in light and the part of the Moon in the dark) as it moved through its orbital cycle. Pythagoras reasoned that if the Moon was round, then the Earth must be round as well. After that, sometime between 500 B.C. and 430 B.C., a fellow called Anaxagoras determined the true cause of solar and lunar eclipses - and then the shape of the Earth's shadow on the Moon during a lunar eclipse was also used as evidence that the Earth was round.
Around 350 BC, the great Aristotle declared that the Earth was a sphere (based on observations he made about which constellations you could see in the sky as you travelled further and further away from the equator) and during the next hundred years or so, Aristarchus and Eratosthenes actually measured the size of the Earth!
This measurement of earth's radius at ~250BC was quite accurate* and done by knowledge that on two days each year, the noon sunlight fell "straight down" a deep well briefly illuminating the full water surface. On one (or more?) of those days from a city (or site) due North of that well a measured distance, they measured the shortest length (I. e. at "high noon") of a tall vertical stick's shadow. The ratio of the shadow length to the stick length is the tangent of the angle the known distance arc along the curved surface of the earth made. For example, if the arc length was 556 Km and the angle with that tangent was 5 degree (values made up to illustrate their method, which required no clock, and yet get nearly the correct answer) then the circumference of the Earth would be 556(360/5) = 40,036km.

* As I recall the value obtained by the ancient Greeks was more correct (as illustrated here) than the post-revolution French could do. I.e. they defined the meter (I think) so that 10,000 m was 1/4 of the earth's circumference. Those old elite Greeks were quite smart. If you think you have discovered something directly observable or in simple math, it is a good idea to ask an ancient Greek scholar what name the Ancient Greeks gave to your discovery.

The circumference of earth passing thru the poles, is 40,075 km
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