Judaism become stagnate in promoting monotheism


Because Judaism become stagnate in promoting monotheism evolutionary force through Jesus had to come to continue propagation of monotheism.
The same way early in time, Christianity had become stagnate , therefore Islam had to come to continue expanding monotheism .
Because Judaism become stagnate in promoting monotheism evolutionary force through Jesus had to come to continue propagation of monotheism.
I assume you mean "stagnant," since "stagnate" is a verb. And I assume by "stagnant in promoting monotheism" you're referring to the Jews' failure to evangelize.

According to their own mythology (which the Christians, Muslims and other Abrahamists or "children of the Book" also adopted), God entered into a Covenant with the Jews. This was an agreement that God would lead the Jews out of bondage in Egypt and in gratitude they would spread monotheism to all parts of the earth.

As the legend goes on, the Jews did not hold up their end of the bargain. Judaism is not an evangelical religion, and in fact Jews do not encourage conversion at all. The most prominent exception is the case of a Jewish man marrying a Gentile woman, and his parents insisting that she convert so that their children will be counted as Jews, since "Jewishness" is inherited only from one's mother.

Because of this breach of the Covenant, God (so the fairytale tells us) has been punishing the Jews ever since. This is what they mean when they call themselves "the chosen people." They have been singled out for punishment. The destruction of the Temple more than once, the conquest of their people by every empire in the region, the occupation of their country by the Romans so that it no longer existed as a homeland, the Diaspora so they no longer existed as a nation, the thousand years of antisemitism that virtually defined European Christendom, culminating in a Holocaust that killed half of them, followed by Europe's refusal to let them return to their burned-out homes and instead giving them another tribe's homeland in the middle of the desert as a place to "return" to, surrounded by their sworn enemies, and as if that's not enough, the newest threat to Judaism in the increasing number of countries where they are welcomed and treated with respect is assimilation... all of these are just the non-stop, eternal plagues and misery that inevitably come to people who welch on a contract with God! ;)

The Christians and the Muslims learned by the Jews' example, and their religions are extremely evangelical. As a result, through conversion, they now represent roughly half of the earth's population, whereas the numbers of the Jews only increase by reproduction.
The same way early in time, Christianity had become stagnate , therefore Islam had to come to continue expanding monotheism.
I'm not quite sure what you mean. Christianity has always had a strong evangelical nature. The Romans made it their state religion and spread it to the far corners of Europe. The Greeks went in the other direction and spread it throughout the Middle East, all the way to India.

By the Age of Discovery in the middle of the last millennium, the new stewards of what became Greco-Roman civilization continued to spread Christianity to entire new continents, making it now the dominant religion in North America, South America and Australia, a major force in Africa, and even well-established in the Far East.

Christianity has more adherents than any other religion, and Christians continue to aggressively evangelize--some sects more than others. There has been no failure to evangelize.
I assume you mean "stagnant," since "stagnate" is a verb. And I assume by "stagnant in promoting monotheism" you're referring to the Jews' failure to evangelize.

Yes that is what I mean by stagnate

I'm not quite sure what you mean. Christianity has always had a strong evangelical nature. The Romans made it their state religion and spread it to the far corners of Europe. The Greeks went in the other direction and spread it throughout the Middle East, all the way to India.

Easter part of Europa was not Christianized until to about year 900 if I remember correctly.

Greeks went to India , but this was during Alexander that is about 300 BC

By the Age of Discovery in the middle of the last millennium, the new stewards of what became Greco-Roman civilization continued to spread Christianity to entire new continents, making it now the dominant religion in North America, South America and Australia, a major force in Africa, and even well-established in the Far East.

Christianity has more adherents than any other religion, and Christians continue to aggressively evangelize--some sects more than others. There has been no failure to evangelize.

I agree in this part.
My whole point , the Jews failed to do their job . It is written in the bible were God said to them I will make you the priests to the nations . It may be a ferry tail to you , bit some thing like that is taking place .
God spread the Jews all over the world , they are the symbol of monotheism . And as the prophet Isaiah write . God said I will bring you to tour land from the four corners , so we have the fulfillment from 1948 and is continuously taking place .
Judaism is not an evangelical religion. There is nothing in Judaism which commands jews to spread their religion, or monotheism. Jew are specifically enjoined from proselytizing . I've been Jewish all my life, and this is a novel, and I assume christian, view of judaism.
Judaism is not an evangelical religion. There is nothing in Judaism which commands jews to spread their religion, or monotheism. Jew are specifically enjoined from proselytizing . I've been Jewish all my life, and this is a novel, and I assume christian, view of judaism.

You are chosen people chosen for what , you must function doing some job,
Abraham began with monotheism
The Jews are supposed to be the priest to the nations It is written somewhere in the Torah or by the prophets . Because you guys did not do it God had to send you a carpenter, who started to roll the ball , then after the word will be spread trough the whole world , then the Messia will come .
You are chosen people chosen for what , you must function doing some job,
Abraham began with monotheism
The Jews are supposed to be the priest to the nations It is written somewhere in the Torah or by the prophets . Because you guys did not do it God had to send you a carpenter, who started to roll the ball , then after the word will be spread trough the whole world , then the Messia will come .

Yes, this a wholy christian interpretation, and not a very educated one at that.
Because Judaism become stagnate in promoting monotheism evolutionary force through Jesus had to come to continue propagation of monotheism.
The same way early in time, Christianity had become stagnate , therefore Islam had to come to continue expanding monotheism .

Yes, the evolution of religion favors the most virulent and expansive forms.
Nope. I have no wish to be an instructor of the jewish religion or history.

I think there us a misunderstanding . It is not to promote religion , it is to accept that there is only one God , and we are part of his creation
Evolution is fine , it is a part of creation. The earth is 4.5 Bil old it is fine
That is what grandpa Abraham locked for , Man was a half ass ape for 100 thousand years , until God give man his spirit , then man become creative also.

This is about what I expected for an answer. None.
Yes if there is an purpose.

But if there is no objective , why have it ( You shit or you get of the pot )

Why have religion if the purpose isn't to convert as many people as possible? It could be personal.
Why have religion if the purpose isn't to convert as many people as possible? It could be personal.

I don't think is to convert , it is only to covey that there is a God the creator .
I don't give a hood if you accept or not . My job is for me, to live Respect Him and you as His creation which is you. and tell any one who wants to hear . " there is One God "
Not every version of monotheism is the same, they don't all want as many believers as possible.
Not every version of monotheism is the same, they don't all want as many believers as possible.

I agree. What I mean we share our belief our opinion as here on the forum and that is all, I go my way and you go your way.
Would you not say if we share the same view we will trust each other a little more ?
Also, sharing belief as opinion on the forum, and sharing the same view, are not the same thing.