Joseph Campbell and Goddess Worship


Great, I agree we need God to interact with our minds in some concrete terms or we would just say, "ooh" and "aah" all day. But I would still say masculine and feminine are just inapplicable unless you are willing to accept both.


I understand your reasons for reacting to the misuse of words that require masculine readings, "mankind" for example. The feminine will still not be an accurate description, I think. Unless you want to say the two "wrongs" in conjunction make a right. Leo's and your's. Or maybe the two "rights" in conjunction make a right.
cole grey said:

Great, I agree we need God to interact with our minds in some concrete terms or we would just say, "ooh" and "aah" all day. But I would still say masculine and feminine are just inapplicable unless you are willing to accept both.

No, i AM saying that, really.


I understand your reasons for reacting to the misuse of words that require masculine readings, "mankind" for example. The feminine will still not be an accurate description, I think. Unless you want to say the two "wrongs" in conjunction make a right. Leo's and your's. Or maybe the two "rights" in conjunction make a

You have to know the past. slaves need to know the past sos they can shake off their shackles. if they are made to believe they are proprty of the master then they carry on being slaves

'master' has made the rules, and it works by symbols and text. so i am paying attention to the language and imagery being used.
i have nothing against 'mankind' and 'him' and masculine terms. i have nothing against MEN. i LOVE EM,...i am Queer, and a male. BUT what i have learnt is this patriarchal pattern running through to the deepest levels, and that s what i unmask whenever i can. not only encouraging others to also look, but myself too
You are mistaken. Mother Earth, or the Earth Goddess was seen as a primary goddess when she was worshiped, while Virgin Mary is no divinity at all, let a lone a primary, most important divinity.
whitewolf said:
You are mistaken. Mother Earth, or the Earth Goddess was seen as a primary goddess when she was worshiped, while Virgin Mary is no divinity at all, let a lone a primary, most important divinity.

Not seeing the Virgin Mary as a Goddess is simply a failure to correctly interpret these Divine Revelations.

To assume that an Apparition of the Virgin Mary is NOT a Goddess requires an application of Orthodox Doctrine -- a projection of intellectual opinion upon the Raw Materials of Perception. It is not as though the Virgin Mary wears a Sandwiche-Board Sign that says "I am NOT a Goddess". It is simply an assertion made in order to pretend that She is not equal or greater than Her Son... it is not anything that anybody KNOWS is true, but only something they were taught to suppose was true.

Besides, the Higher Religions which worship a Goddess render a description of Her that is indistinguishable from the Virgin Mary. I would conclude that it is the Same Girl.
cole grey said:

Great, I agree we need God to interact with our minds in some concrete terms or we would just say, "ooh" and "aah" all day. But I would still say masculine and feminine are just inapplicable unless you are willing to accept both.

Since I got you to agree with me that far, I must confess that one can really overdo the intellectual thing of superimposing concepts upon the Things of the Spirit. I used to be an Aurobindonian, and studied those intricate Spiritual Philosophies day and night, until it finally occured to me that the multiplication of categories was simply losing me and leaving me way behind. It would have been great if it had continued to mean anything, but it had gotten so far out that it lost any visereal appeal and became nothing more relevent than pretty geometric pictures drawn in the sand -- fascinatiing but all for no discernable or foreseeable purpose. The Big "So What".

In this regards, talking to much of the spiritual meanings of the Male and Female metaphors can and does give me a headache after awhile.
now, the opposites of D-y and L-o can mellow a little I hope. Did you guys see how subtle that was, not mentioning names or anything?

I personally had the idea of the holy spirit having a more feminine aspect, counteracting the more masculine aspect of Jesus, but I don't think it is worth fighting about.
Joseph campbell should be required reading anywhere there is a Christianville, USA.
He IS part scientist, part storyteller though, like you guys were saying. I try to appreciate him for the type of genius he had.
Not seeing the Virgin Mary as a Goddess is simply a failure to correctly interpret these Divine Revelations.

Quote me some text from which you are deriving this. I want to see quote+reasoning right after that would lead to the conclusion above.

Edit: if you see Mary as a Goddess you are acknowledging at least two deities. Very wrong to a Christian mind :p
cole grey said:
(Talking of Joseph Campbell:) He IS part scientist, part storyteller though, like you guys were saying. I try to appreciate him for the type of genius he had.

But unfortunately he is a Barbarian as partisan as even the worst Nazi who ever came before him. He simply does not recognize that the West, which he endlessly praises for its spirit of individualism, never created a Civilization but is only still pillaging and raping what is left from the Momentum of Catholic Civilization. He mistakes the Barbarian's plunder for self-created Wealth, and fails to understand that with every Generation where people like himself cheer on the Barbarians, True Civilization becomes more and more remote, and the return to a dismal and miserable Dark Age approaches closer and closer.

The World had to stand up and stop the Nazis from trying to impose their Master Race doctrines upon everyone else. Now we must stand up and stop Joseph Campbell from imposing Western Barbarism on the rest of the World. Or are we saying that as long as the Rest of the West is included, then Nazi Doctrines of Conquering the World are okay -- that Hitlers mistake was only in not including Great Britain and the United States in his plot, the way Joseph Campbell does.
whitewolf said:
Quote me some text from which you are deriving this. I want to see quote+reasoning right after that would lead to the conclusion above.

Edit: if you see Mary as a Goddess you are acknowledging at least two deities. Very wrong to a Christian mind :p

So, you can't deal with the logic of my argument until I can quote an adult? You are being silly, I hope you know.

Again, return to common sense. The Virgin Mary has appeared in hundreds of Apparitions, often performing Miracles. It is only by the insistance upon adhering to a limiting doctrine, that She is not considered a Goddess. How is it that before the Christian Dispensation She was a Goddess, but as Christianity moved into the same Jurisdictions, She is no longer a Goddess. Certainly She is the same Before as After. She did not change, but what the Religious Leaders would allow for Her changed. But that is quite arbitrary, don't you think?

Besides, you need to evaluated what it is you will allow a Goddess to be. To the Greeks any Mortal who could win Immortality would be considered as having attained to Divinity; thus Hercules became a God. Now, who would not suppose the Blessed Virgin Mary has not become an Immortal. Who, being familiar with Her Cult, would not allow Her to be dispensor of All the Graces of God and all the Bounties of Heaven? If She is not worthy of being called a Goddess, then I would like to know who would be.

Meanwhile, allow me to argue like yourself, and to insist that I will disregard everything you say until you can have your mother come on line and say that you have permission to be using her computer.
Joseph Campbell provides information. He is also fun to hear tell a story.
He does both better than most in his fields will do either. That's his genius.
Agreed, do not follow Joseph Campbell's ideas. Unless he has a good one. For example, "People do not want the truth. They just want information that agrees with what they already know." Did he get that from Heinrich Zimmer? Who cares. He describes us all, at least I am aware of what I am doing.
You say Joseph Campbell promotes the idea that the "west" created civilization, and that is a suspect claim. You promote the idea that the catholics created civilization, and that is a suspect claim.
I have yet to see civilization.
When it arrives I guess we will have to spend time discussing who was responsible.

I apologize for getting snippy at you before. You just kind of shocked me a bit with your descriptions of various body parts.

In my Church we believe in a Mother in Heaven. She and God together create spirit children that one day come to Earth as people. That is where we came from. God is very protective of her because he does not want her to be dragged through the mud like we do to him sometimes. She is a partner with God and together we are their literal genetic offspring. In other words we have Godly DNA. That is what makes us special.
cole grey said:
Joseph Campbell provides information. He is also fun to hear tell a story.
He does both better than most in his fields will do either. That's his genius.
Agreed, do not follow Joseph Campbell's ideas. Unless he has a good one. For example, "People do not want the truth. They just want information that agrees with what they already know." Did he get that from Heinrich Zimmer? Who cares. He describes us all, at least I am aware of what I am doing.
You say Joseph Campbell promotes the idea that the "west" created civilization, and that is a suspect claim. You promote the idea that the catholics created civilization, and that is a suspect claim.
I have yet to see civilization.
When it arrives I guess we will have to spend time discussing who was responsible.

You need to carefully evaluate an auther you would put into everybody's head. You and I can use the faculty of discernment, but that seems to be a rare gift. Most other people either don't understand books at all, or they take them for Gospel. And Joseph Campbell's cheering on the West to Conquer the World is a dangerous doctrine.

And what do you mean that Catholicism did not create this Civilization. Yes, certainly the Church carried forward many Institutions of the old Roman Empire -- respect for Law, Judicial Procedures, Bureaucracy and all of that. But after Barbarism had achieved an almost total victory over Civilization, it was the Catholics, of Churches in the Towns, and Monasteries in the country who slowly, over the Centuries brought back Civilization by instilling in the people a Morality that would be propitious to Civilization. Surprisingly, the author who makes the best argument for this is Joseph Campbell when, in his youth, he had not yet become such a thorough neonazi. He describes how the Catholic Church, and particularly the Church of Ireland, brought back Civilization that had barely held on "by the skin of its teeth". And these Irishman were not the Germanic Vikings with their pillaging Individualism, or the Greeks who had sabotaged their own Civilization with Individualism -- these were the Mother Goddess Worshipping Irish who brought into Latin Europe the Moral underpinnings of a Matriarchal and collectively oriented Civilization based on cooperation and not on self-defeating competition, which, in Barbarism, makes each man the enemy of all others, what we now call "Conservative Republicanism".

That Political Entity that united Western Europe, and successfully defended Europe against the Mongolian Hordes (who swept over all the other Civilizations then on Earth) was Catholic Christendom. Built the Cathedrals, gave Europe a common language, maintained a Bureaucracy that was in some part a meritocracy in which Education was provided and rewarded, and was able to create a Religious Atmosphere and Environoment that gave the World a cluster of Great Saints unprecedented in any prior Civilization and not duplicated or exceeded ever since.
Brutus1964 said:

In my Church we believe in a Mother in Heaven. She and God together create spirit children that one day come to Earth as people. That is where we came from. God is very protective of her because he does not want her to be dragged through the mud like we do to him sometimes. She is a partner with God and together we are their literal genetic offspring. In other words we have Godly DNA. That is what makes us special.


It is good to see you are a Devotee of the Blessed Virgin Mother of God. Your heart must be in the right place.

But much of your culture and education has been indoctrinated into you by protestants. It is like Blood Poisoning except that they did it to your mind.
cole grey said:
"I have yet to see civilization."

Well, you have the title for your essay, but you need to provide the essay.

We could guess that you are an idealist of such utopian strains that there has never yet been a 'civilization' quite up to your high standards. I sympathize; however, we have had enough indications of what Civilization should be to get a general picture. As with a metaphor I have previously used, Civilization is like an engine that has yet to fully start and roar with life, but we have had it crank and almost catch a few times... and using a little imagination we can guess what it would be like if only it would really begin to run.

Yet I think it is only from lack of knowledge that you are unaware of Civilization. For instance, I once read of the building of the famous Cathedral of Chartres. On certain Festival Days everybody in the City, rich and poor, would go to Confession to absolve themselves of sin so that they could be pure in their work, and then they would go to the material storage depots, some of them scores of miles from the city, and then, dismissing all of the beasts of burden as not deserving of the privelege of such service, the people of the city would haul all the supply wagons into town themselves while singing hymns and chanting prayers. Likewise with the Artisan Labor that went into the building of these Cathedrals. It was the High Middle Ages, the very peak of Catholic Civilization... or I should call it as they call it today -- "Western" Civilization. All the statues, paintings, carvings and glass work was in all its skill and glory left unsigned. It was all done as gifts to God and not for personal glory. That was Civilization.
Sounds nice.
That is "community".
Civilization implies a widespread effect.
The "civilization" you speak of having now is a result of input from MANY earlier "civilizations".
Also, if someone is just talking about learning to read, write a symphony, or light a fire, then forget my argument, you missed the point. The symphony writer requires someone to make his bread.
cole grey said:
Sounds nice.
That is "community".
Civilization implies a widespread effect.
The "civilization" you speak of having now is a result of input from MANY earlier "civilizations".
Also, if someone is just talking about learning to read, write a symphony, or light a fire, then forget my argument, you missed the point. The symphony writer requires someone to make his bread.

Mr. Grey,

Have you read Arnold Toynbee? In his terminologies, what we have today is a Universal State, which is the final stage of a Civilization immediately before its collapse. A Universal State is a Civilization that has already been dealt its Death Blow but which is scrambling about doing whatever is still in its power to stave off the final fall. Since the Demise of a Unifying Catholicism, the West has attempted to maintain political, economic and social stability through Revelotion and War. Frontier Territories have been invaded and subjugated in order to neutralize them as threats.

Universal States have always appeared to the unaided Historical Eye as though they were the High Points of Civilization. So one is puzzled upon first reading Toynbee. But once he is understood, it seems plain. Civilizations are only viable while there is a working moral concensus, that is, a reciprocal Civilized attitude reaching everywhere virtically in the Organization, as well as wide cooperation horizontally. Once a Civilization is infiltrated and subverted, thus compromising the moral concensus, wars and revolutions can only hold things together for so long. In the 21 Civilizations that Arnold Toynbee has ennumerated, none have ever been able to translate the tremendous capacities of their Universal State stages into the merest survival. They each dissolved into utter chaos.

The World Wars were devastating to European Civilization. The British, for all their boasting that they Won, lost their Empire. No longer in a position to exert an overwhelming influence, Asian Civilization has taken over the dominance of the World's Economy as more than half of the manufactured wealth in the World today originates in China.

China, is NOT a Universal State. Their Civilization had already collapsed into chaos, banditry and disorder. But for the last several cycles of collapse of its Civilized Dynasties, China had been setting Speed of Recovery Records. Confucian Morality has been deeply inculcated into the Chinese People, to the extent that they are Civilized almost by second nature.

As the New Chinese Dynasty emerges as the Greatest World Power (every Chinese Dynasty has become a Greatest World Power of its time, and this most recent one is not proving that it will be the only exception) it will do what every Successful Civilization has done before it -- it will exercise an attractive influence on the surrounding Barbarian Cultures. It will attract wealth and people worldwide will assimulate to it. Its strength, even without military threat being involved, will hasten the collapse of the West. It will be as though the West will be crushed by the mere gravity of the Rising East.

The problem with every Chinese Civilization, though, is that they have relatively little staying power. They rise quickly and fall quickly. The great wealth generated by their Civilizations gives bias to a Barbarian Streak that has yet to have been bred out of their Character. And their Religions while offering plenty of respect for Secular and Familiar Authority, give little instruction on the Charitable and Cooperative Moralities of the Higher Religions.

The only real hope for the West is a quick collapse, and the formation of a New Unifying Religion which could cement together a New Civilization. Perhaps there could be a melding with the Chinese Civilization. We need to remember that China had once allowed itself to be greatly influenced by Buddhism. Communist Brotherhood seems to be a fruit of Christian Doctrines taken to heart. There is an outside chance that there could be One World Civilization.