Jonah and the big fish

I didn't say that I believe in the literal truth of the story. However others do. I think is is a story whose intention is to teach a lesson about those who refuse to do what God asks. If you believe in God it is a story about the consequences of disobeying him. If you don't believe in God it is simply a story about a man and a big fish.
That's my belief. It is not the belief of everyone. I cannot presume to speak for anyone but myself.

Well I understand that, but surely if you believe that you have an idea of what actually happened. There are people on this board who believe the government has an interplanetary travel program up and running, and while most people would agree this is not possible, at least those people have some sort of argument for it, however inaccurately. So I would like to know whether it is actually possible to survive for 3 days in a whale, I don't think so, but if you do then you must have some sort of support for that?
Even if he was swallowed by some fish (or whale) and was spit out three days later, how would he have survived ? It's a bullshit story indeed.
What I'd like to know, is where do they get fish fingers from? I've never heard of a fish with hands, but I guess there must be loads of them, somewhere:shrug:

:) It's the same place they get buffalo wings from.

Wouldn't Jonah have suffocated to death? or have been digested?
As someone said's a story to teach a lesson. Do what god says or you'll end up as whale poop.
As someone said's a story to teach a lesson. Do what god says or you'll end up as whale poop.


I think most, if not all, stories in the bible are that way. It's pretty dumb to take everything written in the bible as literal.
Even if he was swallowed by some fish (or whale) and was spit out three days later, how would he have survived ? It's a bullshit story indeed.

Would it not have been possible for you to say you do not believe the story without calling it a bullshit story. You chose a phrase you knew would be imflammatory to certain people. That is not the way to foster dialogue. Say you don't believe it. Say you think it is impossible. Spare us the excrement references.
Would it not have been possible for you to say you do not believe the story without calling it a bullshit story. You chose a phrase you knew would be imflammatory to certain people. That is not the way to foster dialogue. Say you don't believe it. Say you think it is impossible. Spare us the excrement references.

You are right, I apologize.
But it was a reference to someone that said it earlier.
If you accept the story as literally true, yes, Jonah did get away. We know this because he later appeared in Nineveh on the Tigris River where he preached to the king. Jonah had further dealings with God. (Read about the growing shade plant and the worm.)
If you accept the story as literally true, yes, Jonah did get away. We know this because he later appeared in Nineveh on the Tigris River where he preached to the king.

Well yes, that's what it says, but I want to know whether you personally think that it is possible to survive three days and three nights inside a whale?
Till, the story is part ripoff from the Epic of Gilgamesh. Like many "bible stories". This is because the Hebrew are a splinter of old Sumerian civilization these hand me down stories somewhat change in Torah texts and change even more in the numerous translations(Aramaic - Greek - Latin - English - etc).

Very telling is the part in the epic of Gilgamesh, in which Gilgamesh obtains a plant from the bottom of the sea.

Christianity is a piggyback of Judaism(+pagan tradition/religion), a piggyback of Hebrew tradition, a piggyback of Egyptian and Sumerian religions.

All in all, the great adaptation of ancient to modern crowd control. Personally, I do not need a fearsome story of a becoming whale shit, in order for me to act morally. I hope in the near future most people are able to obtain morality from within. Self imposed discipline and not imposed discipline. We are in this together, we are not in this for "God".