Jonah and the big fish


OH JOY!!!!
Valued Senior Member
What body of water was Jonah in when he was swallowed? What fish is in that body of water that could have swallowed him?
There's no fish actually large enough to swallow a man whole without biting him to shreds in the process. Whales, as we all know, are not fish.
Well considering that SOME bible stories are based on events that really did occur....
A whale, or maybe it was just a muttering fool who claimed to be eaten by a fish...
It was all made up, just look at some of the crazy shit people have made up, all the monsters, dragons and what not in movies, we are master of imagination.
OK, I bet they didn't know whales were mammals, so it was a big fish to them. Are there whales in the Meditteranian? Or the Red Sea?
The body of water was most likely the Mediterranean. Jonah was supposed to go to Nineveh on the Tigris River but instead went to Joppa and Tarshish. Joppa is the modern seaside city in Israel and Tarshish is thought to have been located in the Mediterranean Sea.

The fish could have been a Great White or a Basking Shark, both of which are found in the Mediterranean. Great Whites have been know to bite a human and almost instantly release him with no problem and Basking Sharks move slowly through the water with their enormous mouths open.

It is quite possible Jonah was taken into one of the two above fish's mouths and spit out. I doubt if the fish swallowed him and then took him to shore. The Great White would have bitten him into swallowable pieces and the Basking Shark has too narrow a throat since it is a plankton eater.


Basking Shark
this story always makes me think of long john silver's filet of fish and hushpuppies.
What I'd like to know, is where do they get fish fingers from? I've never heard of a fish with hands, but I guess there must be loads of them, somewhere:shrug:
jonah (jehovah) survived 3 days and 3 nights in the whales belly the same way that jesus survivided 3 days and 3 nights in the heart of the earth.
jonah (jehovah) survived 3 days and 3 nights in the whales belly the same way that jesus survivided 3 days and 3 nights in the heart of the earth.

Did they have day-lights savings times? Cuz the days had to have been shorter...