john titor-time traveller?

Full of rubbish, is my opinion of this guy. I mean would the powers that be send ppl back in time who have no clue on how to fix a time travel device if errors occur?

A wanna be Sci-fi writer imho.
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Originally posted by davewhite04
Full of rubbish, is my opinion of this guy. I mean would the powers that be send ppl back in time who have no clue on how to fix a time travel device if errors occur?

A wanna be Sci-fi writer imho.


GREAT POINT! i did not even think of that prior to you posting it.. why would they send someone back that couldn't even fix the machine.. but just for sake of argument.. did he ever say he couldn't fix it? and who is to say it wasn't designed in a way where problems would be somewhat simple to fix by reading some sort of code (kind of like an ecu on a car these days) and he just failed to mention it because either no one asked him or he just didn't think it was important?

great post!
Then again, they also would know immediately if there was a problem with him getting back. Even if it took him 65 years (yes yes...i realize that would mean he'd already be in his time again) to fix the problem and get back, he would get back only moments after he left. So if he DIDNT return moments after he left, they would send someone to help him perhaps even to a moment after he got there to be like... "there must have been a problem because you didn't come back immediatly, so we're aborting." and they both come back to a few moments after the second guy left.

Just ideas. With time travel, you can no longer use a lot of standard logic because reality is easy to change (assumming, once again, that ANY of it is possible or plausible).

bullshit - look at the resolution of the pictures the jackass provided. they are piss poor. you know damn well that kodak or canon will have better res on photos within the next few years.

one even has a steering wheel in it. where is he storing this thing? in a storage unit. fuckin buckaroo banzi.

in addition, the guy went to far to explain things such as the laser being bent and it being observed only because his instructor is blowing smoke over it. nonsense

interesting story and it would be nice to see but if the gov were to create something such as this no joker would be allowed to come back and tell us what is going to happen. it would seriously alter too many things.

Well... not his timeline..

althought the thing about repairing the machine..

How the HELL are you supposed to get another singularity or repair nano machinery, CPUs, etc... When all the spare parts Havent been invented?

If there is only room to take the person, the car and the machine inside... well thats it..

and according to his theory, nobody could go after him, since there are infinite timelines

The story is very nice, at the level of a SF book, I liked it
Originally posted by Ertai
Well... not his timeline..

althought the thing about repairing the machine..

How the HELL are you supposed to get another singularity or repair nano machinery, CPUs, etc... When all the spare parts Havent been invented?

If there is only room to take the person, the car and the machine inside... well thats it..

and according to his theory, nobody could go after him, since there are infinite timelines

The story is very nice, at the level of a SF book, I liked it

I'm sure the car must have luggage space if it is to pass for a vehicle in 1976!!!(Think of Back to the Future, I'm sure this guy did when he wrote this story) It would surely make no sense to send someone back without adequate resources to fix any problem that they might encounter.

I liked the story but don't believe it.
Originally posted by Ertai
Well... well all know If it was just a story or not..

by 2004 and 2005...

and when none of it is true... We find out who this guy is and lynch him? i like lynching... or maybe just the word lynch.. lynch
Originally posted by JoojooSpaceape
Now... I know its illegal, but, can you trace someone's IP address from them posting on a forum?

If it's a private forum admins can legally view their IP and there are ways to track it if you know how.

I think the guy is a fake anyways.
Originally posted by bandwidthbandit
If it's a private forum admins can legally view their IP and there are ways to track it if you know how.

I think the guy is a fake anyways.

What the hells the point,lets make some things clear:
you either believe it or you dont.

Now if you dont then who cares,leave it alone.

If you DO believe it then its a good idea not to mess around with things you could make it all worse for all you know.Also if you believe it youd not need to try and prove it.

So i see alot of people sitting in the grey area,where there not 100% certain either way.

I dont believe it,but like i cant prove god dont exist i cannot myself prove this is all bullshit.

The only proof really is time,time will tell.

Theres absolutely no point bothering the guy behind it,mainly cos its none of your business.
Originally posted by doom
The only proof really is time,time will tell.
Indeed it will. To quote Sagan: "Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence."
Yeah I don't think he is for real, but he sounds like a very funny guy!

1. Time travel (if it were possible) would not be able to be done in America, it would probably have to be done at either of the poles. It was mentioned that a spinning device is used create a 'mini-black-hole'. For a start a black hole has so much gravity that it would immediately pull everything into it, including the earth, so I cannot see how it time-travel could be done this way. Also with the 'spin' that is used to create this black hole, comes a counter-spin. This can be seen with helicopters: because the rotar is spinning in one direction, with nothing to steady (counter-balance) the helicopters body, it is forced in the opposite direction with equal force; this is why a tail-rotar is needed to hold it straight: See Attachment*.

2. Because of this, anything on the Earth that tries to spin anywhere close to the speed of light must be spinning it's 'foundation' (the Earth) with a counter-spin. However because the Earth is spinning, if such a spinning-machine were to be placed at the poles, not only would the spin of the Earth provide (maybe) enough counter spin to allow this to be possible, but the speed with which the object must travel, would only have to be a fraction of the speed of light (maybe only half): when two objects travelling at 30mph collide with each other, the total impact force is 60mph. So if the Earth is already spinning at one speed, an object on a pole, spinning counter-directionally will produce a total speed of double what is actually being acheived. Thus only a speed of half the speed of light may have to be reached, which may be manageable (note: 'Half' the speed of light is only true if the Earth is spinning at close half the speed of light itself).
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HMmm if a civil war breaks out in 2005 then it would suggest that time has a set course it has to follow meaning no matter what if you were meant to die then it happen
Originally posted by AntonK
True, that is the most obvious answer of course...but then the most obvious questions is... Why???

Any ideas?


The insane never seem quite right.
Mucker What you explained about the Time Travel problems..

Well John Titor Explains that, Its some kind of mechanism on the hipotetical timemachine..

So he does have a good explanation for space movements, with something that "attaches" the timemachine to the surface of the earth..

Very interesting stuff from the Scientific Fiction approach
Ertai, even in if it was possible to travel in time, i.e. by travelling faster than light something can travel in time, it would disappear from the machine, only to reappear at that point in time, only while the machine was travelling at that speed. The faster the spin, the further back in time it would travel, but as the machine slows down, the object/person would disappear form that time, and reappear in this time again. This means that it would be very hard to devise a machine that allows a person to leave it (to write internet pages) at those speeds!! I will look into what this man writes though.
Let me see...
1. Once you get down below Planck-Wheeler length space as we know ceases to exist and becomes quantum foam (a mess of worm holes, black holes etc)
2. Time travel could probably be initialised anywhere.
3. If he left his event (point in space time) and is changing the past the exact event he left from is no longer in existence.
4. If he is in the past they would only know their was a problem with the machine when he meets up with his time (if the his mission is still in existence).
5. Look at the space shuttle, if something goes wrong the astronauts only have limited repair ability without earth assistance. They also do not have a lot (if any) repair components.
6. No one can travel faster than light according to normal physics. Einstein's formula for time ceases to work at the speed of light. Once one reaches light speed x time on earth equals 0 abroad the craft.
Time elapsed on craft= Ct
Time elapsed on Earth= Et
Speed of light= C
Speed of craft= v


(graph it and see what I mean)

7. The most probable form of time travel would be done with the use of exotic material, singularity expansion and/or gravitational perturbation of space time.
8. Stephen Hawking would just laugh at all of us and cite his Chronology Protection Conjecture

All and all we cannot prove his claim because he has changed the past (unless the alteration of the past was already factored in and changing the past is part of the past). Well my brain hurts so I guess I'll just stockpile guns baked beans and Ensure meal replacement (yum).
"One cannot choose but wonder. Will he ever return? It may be that he swept back into the past, and fell among the blood-drinking, hairy savages of the Age of Unpolished Stone; into the abysses of the Cretaceous Sea; or among the grotesque saurians, the huge reptilian brutes of the Jurassic times. He may even now—if I may use the phrase—be wandering on some plesiosaurus-haunted Oolitic coral reef, or beside the lonely saline lakes of the Triassic Age. Or did he go forward, into one of the nearer ages, in which men are still men, but with the riddles of our own time answered and its wearisome problems solved? Into the manhood of the race: for I, for my own part cannot think that these latter days of weak experiment, fragmentary theory, and mutual discord are indeed man's culminating time! I say, for my own part. He, I know—for the question had been discussed among us long before the Time Machine was made—thought but cheerlessly of the Advancement of Mankind, and saw in the growing pile of civilization only a foolish heaping that must inevitably fall back upon and destroy its makers in the end. If that is so, it remains for us to live as though it were not so. But to me the future is still black and blank—is a vast ignorance, lit at a few casual places by the memory of his story. And I have by me, for my comfort, two strange white flowers —shrivelled now, and brown and flat and brittle—to witness that even when mind and strength had gone, gratitude and a mutual tenderness still lived on in the heart of man."

Source: The Time Machine by H. G. Wells