john titor-time traveller?


Registered Senior Member
Decide for yourself

I actually am 95% sure the guy was pulling our chain,however i found it entertaining and very interesting,i do not believe the guy is stupid or insane,quiet the contrary.

Theres the other side of me that says "god i hope he is wrong,i really really hope it was just a entertaining stunt"

Part of it is feasable,the physical way he explains why paradoxes dont happen is correct to current theory,i thought story wise his story was accurate,however whether it is more than just fiction is difficult for me to say.

Whats clever is hes made the story so that a)you dont wanna believe it
b)you wanna believe it
c)he admits and knows no one will believe it or expect it to be true

In other words its up to YOU what you wanna believe.
Heres what i believe:

I think that john titor is just a made up name and it is fiction
HOWEVER i think the person behind it is a science fiction writer,might be famous or not.

The guy spent all this time writing and coming up with a story but needed some direct research on how people actually react towards a claim such as "hi,im from the future"

Theres no way its just some guy messing about for 5 months,i think this guy has really done research into the whole thing and needed some sort of conversational material for his book.

I also think he was playing with certain notions,such as how people react when you suggest the future for most of us ends in 2015 with nuclear war,also a good piece of info such as why time travelers might not reveal themselves.

The ways to make a best seller is doing RESEARCH,making your story convincing to make it an interesting story one where you wont wanna put the book down.

I really cant imagine any other reason why any sane person would continue for 5 months with such a story.
Originally posted by BobG
So he went back in time just to post on internet forums

Well yeah he said "personal reasons"
i dont have any trouble believing that,i mean if i were a time traveller id want to know what people would think if i told them,the internet is as good a place as any,id not want to come face to face with flesh and bone people as that same flesh and bone will probably come pounding into my face,youd get comments like "go back to the fucking loony bin,wierdo!".

Perhaps them particular people are important in the future but hed not say so,i mean in his timeline that website might be an archive and them people may actually be usefull.

As hes from the future (or one possible future) then you cant really question his motives as hes supposed to know more than you,it out of normal coarse.

I just question the device,if the device he used was feasable id believe it,the theory around time is one i share with him.

But his device is typically flawed like most sci-fi writers,i very much doubt you can have 2 mini black holes without causing the device to implode,its not like you can have an on/off swich to a black hole,itll consume itself.

3 words:
conservation of energy
But as i say it all depends on if civil war does break out in 2005 as he says.

Basically ill be 100% sure hes the real deal if by jan 2006 civil war has occured in the US,
and ill start prepairing for it.

I said elsewhere that personally i dont give a fucking shit if hes a real time traveller,all i wanna know is is if i should be prepairing for nuclear war in 2015,i just wanna save my own butt.

Why anyone would be happy if it turns out to be true is beyond me,according to him 3 billion lives end in 2015.

Im gonna be shitting myself if come 2006 what he said comes true,im not gonna be saying "hooray time travel is possible"
i dont care about that one bit.
Here what I think: the guy is a wino living wit his momma in Kansas! Of course I could make a more detailed description if I had some actually evidence and post from this guy!
2015, why not 3015.The Person mustv'e wanted a major event to happen in our lifetime for people to think about, yet so many predictions on the end of the world are based on this century.
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Its a very interesting story, I'm surprised I didn't hear more about it. Even if it is fake, its fun all the same. Its like living scifi.

I don't believe it.

Titor didn't say anything particularly surprising or revealing, and he so easily could have. He didn't make any checkable predictions, as far as I can tell.

I think this is a hoax.
True, that is the most obvious answer of course...but then the most obvious questions is... Why???

Any ideas?

Why the hoax, you mean?

My guess would be that this guy did it just to see if he could convince people, or gain some internet fame, or whatever. These are the usual motivations, along with money-making.
I agree...I am not in any way saying its true... but he just doesn't "feel" that way to me. I'm wondering if perhaps he himself doesn't believe it. That would explain why he "feels" legit, yet can't be. I do hope CERN gets the whole micro-singularity soon though.

Originally posted by James R
I don't believe it.

Titor didn't say anything particularly surprising or revealing, and he so easily could have. He didn't make any checkable predictions, as far as I can tell.

I think this is a hoax.

Except for CJD in the US,which only seems likely now to be the case and it could be an epidemic as he said.

Although technically you could guess that as in 2000/2001 it was
still a main talking subject.

He did point to war in the middle east,basically he was talking about weapons of mass destruction and the recent war with iraq.

Although no date was given again that could be guess work.

He made two accurate predictions about CERN and new findings which he said 6 months and 2 years before the events respectivly.

But again he could work at cern,or the government or just guess work.

However if civil war in the USA occured,with events unfolding 2004/2005

It would then be silly for a sane man to write it off as a hoax.

While you will still be skeptical even if such an event did occur,i on the other hand dont care and will build a bomb shelter and stock up on food supply.

Gotta realise my only problem with mr.titor is his device,i quiet accept time travel as feasable,i quiet accept a time traveller could have his own religion,politics,personal adgenda etc,i can even accept his holding back on predictive power.

I dont fucking care,all of that is feasable,perhaps if i travelled back in time id not give you stock market tips cos id think you were a lazy fucking arsehole who cant earn his own fucking money,he just might have put it more politely.
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Yeah, I'm convinced :rolleyes:

Why do I think this is bullhockey? Because I don't think we'll have the technology for time travel by then. Think of the factors you need to know: position of earth in 1975, theory of how to get to a time before the time machine has been invented (which in some theories can't happen so this one I can't take so seriously), and technology to create and manipulate Kerr black holes for transmission of a full human being safely. I can make predictions too, and, if I know my world events well enough, can make assumptions about what may come about and through probabilities, make claims about accidents and tragedies.
Originally posted by blackholesun
Yeah, I'm convinced :rolleyes:

Why do I think this is bullhockey? Because I don't think we'll have the technology for time travel by then. Think of the factors you need to know: position of earth in 1975, theory of how to get to a time before the time machine has been invented (which in some theories can't happen so this one I can't take so seriously), and technology to create and manipulate Kerr black holes for transmission of a full human being safely. I can make predictions too, and, if I know my world events well enough, can make assumptions about what may come about and through probabilities, make claims about accidents and tragedies.

Well as i say like you its the device,im not concerned about anything else.

Anyway its obvious you dont see the real problem,and thats the two singularaties,while i have nothing againsts this,the real problem is WEIGHT,he said the device is 500lb,which is +/-260kg

Ill say the actual device is 60kg and the other 200kg is the two singularities,they must weight about 100kg each,they might only be the size of say 0.5cm but they would be bloody heavy let there be no doubt about that,
so i wonder about the effect on the rest of the device.

The rest of what you say is ok when you are talking wormholes,youre quiet correct about it if this was a worm hole,you cant go back before the device is invented.

But what the problem here is the way in which it is described,as a gravity distortion device,i quiet accept gravity would be involved but singularities at this level would only shift a few subatomic particles,let alone a human being.

Although he spoke of 2% divergence and he has technically come from another universe,so perhaps the divergence can mean
difference in physics by 2%,although some would argue he couldnt exist here/his universe couldnt exist.

While others argue about the person,the device is all that matters.

Its not a case of being convinced,no one on earth could convince me even with the best hoax and science imaginable.

Skepticism is good,its fine,thats how i look at things,at the same time id have to pretend to be convinced temporarily if i was to accept it then look into it.

Personally i think hed make a good sci-fi writer.
Hes wasted his creativity on making up this stuff on the internet.
Or maybe not as i say he could be looking at all this cos hes left it open and all of this feeds the story,quiet clever if thats the case,im not gonna knock it.
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Interesting stories. He avoided so many direct questions that everything else can nicely fit into a movie.

There is an awareness that there will be a major global disaster between 2012 and 2015. May be a World War III due to Iran, Korea and may be China jumping in. Or it could be an asteroid that no one has foreseen. It could be also a tiny singularity we find the hard way and say oops!

My resident psychic says the world will continue till 3500 AD. Genetic technology would run amok and force the people to travel back in time to 1978 to gather seeds. The reason we do not remember that (I am told) is because the time machine creates a time loop that ends with their departure. That is if you consider each day is a time frame, the week of interaction stays local. The outside continues as it should because it has already happened. It is like a printed book with say 1200 pages. If you write something in page 100, it does not affect the rest of the pages.

Between now and then we definitely will develop cryogenic freezing of humans, Advanced Computers, meet people that evolved from fish, travel to distant planets via some type of transporter that my fried will develop and so on....

Enjoy the ride...but watch out 2012.
Time paradoxes and memory problems are NOT an issue if what he says is true.

It may surprise you to learn that the best evidence for a multiverse is quantum computing.

I actually find it almost impossible to believe a quantum computer can even do its job in a classical single universe.

Prof david deutch would agree with me 100%

Although a few other proffessors argue against this,they say the multiverse is one real universe and the rest are "ghosts",
david deutch does well to warn us that they need to be equally real from there reference cos each needs an individual working system rather than ghost probability or ghost mathamatics.

There is a multiverse one way or another,while many are not convinced about this I AM.

Another good argument is if time travel is possible how come we are not surrounded in time travellers?
this is a good argument although i can then say
What if we are?
but they dont reveal themselves very often cos of the amount of stick they get,
youd certainly not reveal yourself in real life that will threaten your security,so actually the internet is the safest way to talk to people,coarse youll have your own personality,adgenda and all that.

The worst argument you can fall into is "oh well no time traveller would spend 4 months talking to people on the internet"

exactly how do you know,and why not?

Thats why i say,forget everything else cos its poor logic,i dont know what id do if i were a time traveller,i know on the one hand id want to warn people about big things,but on the other hand id not wanna be resposible for making things worse.

Like im from the future and i tell you how to avoid an earthquake,you could be anyone,the person i happened to have saved turns out to be the worlds worst dictator and due to that person we have nuclear war in 2004 instead of 2015.

Or you tell someone how to win big on the stockmarket and they become the richest person in the world which could again divert the original course.

So why give main big dates?
cos he knows they are things that cannot be avoided and cannot be made worse based on the fact he knows you dont believe him.

So we can work round it,maybe his logic,it does work,but as i say forgetting all this the device sounds a bit fishy along with them diagrams and pics.
If he is a time traveler in the way he says he is, then there is really no point in trying to "change things" because no matter what, everything that CAN happen, will and has happened somewhere along the different worldines of the multiverse. So, you're simply changing one of infinite, and we all know the limit of 1/infinity is 0. So you're really changing nothing.
