John Snow Refuses to Wear Poppy

Employment? These were indentured workers, the opium trade financed the British empire to an unbelievable degree. The poppy was seen as a death knell to the village. The British gave contracts to the farmers which they had to fulfill or it was considered a debt to the Empire which they must then pay back with the proceeds of their harvest. In effect, not only did the British take the opium, they also took [almost] all the money the farmers made from it as "debt", this had the effect of keeping the farmers in poverty and indenture.

The British empire is currently occupying India and forcing them to work?
And they have color cameras now, as well?
Nope, the Ghazipur factory still exists and is used for pharmaceutical processing of opium. But it has a long history. :)
Nope, the Ghazipur factory still exists and is used for pharmaceutical processing of opium. But it has a long history. :)

So what, exactly, is the issue?
Dead people?
If they're not zombies, I don't care. Unless they're vampires. They aren't vampires, are they sam?
The same here. ANZAC days are full of pointless symbolism. I appreciate the sacrifice that these men made, but I see no need to carry on about it. After all, I'm exercising the freedom that they died for. In a twisted,but perfectly legitimate way.
The dead, rather than the manner in which they died, is glorified. You could argue that the soldiers of WWI were fighting for a worthless cause - but isn't their bravery and loss worth something in itself?
Bravery and sacrifice only have a value in the service of self-defense.

Expanding the empire doesnt count.
Bravery and sacrifice only have a value in the service of self-defense.

Expanding the empire doesnt count.

Say that to the grieving widows left behind.

"War is the province of governments; dying is the duty of the men."

Have you ever heard of conscription? Or thought about the fact these men often didn't fully understand what they were fighting for? How dare you declare their bravery as without value. Does the end gain for YOU cheapen their sacrifice?
Have you ever heard of conscription? Or thought about the fact these men often didn't fully understand what they were fighting for?
You wish to honour stupidity, conformity...apathy?

Shall we honour the courage and sacrifice of those who fought for Hitler?

The least patriotic are those who blindly follow.

One should always be wary of we the people.
Chances are, 'we' is just a rabble of public opinion,
not much different than the mindless howling one encounters among wrestling fans.

One should always be wary when the president asks for blood. Chances are, he probably just wants you to die for his pals.
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To paraphrase: "I don't want to glorify war."

Cellar Door, I think you need to read the article again. You did a poor job of paraphrasing Mr. Snow. He actually states that he wears a poppy off air, but, chooses not to wear one on air. In fact, he eschews all symbols while on air.

In part, I suspect its to avoid misunderstandings like this one.
You wish to honour stupidity, conformity...apathy?

Shall we honour the courage and sacrifice of those who fought for Hitler?

The least patriotic are those who blindly follow.

One should always be wary of we the people.
Chances are, 'we' is just a rabble of public opinion,
not much different than the mindless howling one encounters among wrestling fans.

One should always be wary when the president asks for blood. Chances are, he probably just wants you to die for his pals.

The idea of dying political trifles is a fair point, but it's not the point in question.
You're shot for desertion by your own side or shot for not deserting by the Germans. These men, often little more than boys, went through hell for what they believed was freedom and protection of their country. I don't see why would should forget the blood spilt just because the war was ultimately fruitless.

Germans who fought in WW2 are commemorated - and rightly so.