John Clayton

Originally posted by hshatfield
You just ignored what I posted. That is fine. I already warned you and from now on I will ignore you.

Your warning has no credibility as i cannot benifit from your close-mindedness. In effect you are cutting your nose of to spite your face as you have now fallen to new lows of ignorance.


Jan Ardena.

This is hshatfield. I have been having lots of computer problems and my entire hard drive was deleted. It has taken me a long time to catch up with everything.

I have decided to give you one last chance to respond, but this is it. Respond to what I have posted or I will put you back on my ignore list.
Originally posted by NonSequitur

This is hshatfield. I have been having lots of computer problems and my entire hard drive was deleted. It has taken me a long time to catch up with everything.

I have decided to give you one last chance to respond, but this is it. Respond to what I have posted or I will put you back on my ignore list.

My dear NonSequitur, you are so kind and merciful for granting me this goldust opportunity, but i have come to the conclusion that you have nothing of any worth to say.
So it is with much regret that i reqest....Please, please, please, don't bother me anyomore with your obsessive nonsense.

Yours sincerely
with love
Jan Ardena.
Very well. I never intended to bother you and it was you that chose to reply to my initial post in the first place so you should really have nothing to complain about.
This thread has died a horrible, agonizing death. I have taken the opportunity to compose a eulogy to its unfortunate demise...

Oh golden thread, how thy time has sped
How long and promising your future was!
But you have lately gone where the lowest led,
and was thereby tucked into an eternal bed
Where all brief existence into sleep must pass...