Jocariah: I have returned

Interesting – in reviewing my earliest posts from 5 years ago I see that I utilized this open forum to come to terms with who I am, in real time; as I was coming to terms with it.

5 years later and I am still coming to terms with who I am.

Either this much time is a necessary part or ingredient of the process, or I am locked within a closed-loop, that is to say, a perpetual loop in which I will be forever acting out coming to terms with who I am.

Either way, it is of no consequence to me - I am who I am, regardless. So that I act out, what I act out.

If I am crazy or not, that is simply subjective.

So then, in answer to your question; "Who the Hell are you?" - I must answer, I am thought, I am my thought process, that process by which I think, that very process that defines, refines and establishes me, moment-by-moment each day of my life.

If you are what you think, and thusly are established, defined and redefined every moment of your life, then "you" do not exist, do you?
You only exist in the fleeting moment that is "now" and by the tiem you even think, "I exist", "now" is in the past, and you no longer exist.
If you are what you think, and thusly are established, defined and redefined every moment of your life, then "you" do not exist, do you?
You only exist in the fleeting moment that is "now" and by the tiem you even think, "I exist", "now" is in the past, and you no longer exist.

Your 'Now' appears to be much more finite than my own. More Alzheimer-ish, as well I might add. One may live in the Now and still reflect on or be cognizant of the past.

Either way though, it represents a state of mind – or more specifically, the state of the thought process inherent within the individual.

‘Be in the Now’.
Why should I care?

...exactly, why should you?

Asking a question takes thought, time and energy - why did you expend your time, thought and energy - why did you do what you did?

Why do any of us do what we do?

From where did your motivation come?

Figuring out your motivation herein will go a long way toward helping you understand yourself.

And isn't that what we are all looking for, discovery of self?


My mother-in-law told me the other day, as I took her and my wife to confession, that she fears death, and that she does not want to die. She is 79 years old and recently lost her husband of 50-some years.

In talking with her as we made our way to her church, I discovered what she really fears is the unknown – not death.

Fear of the unknown … hmmm?

Why fear – why not delight at the prospect of being placed within the unknown?

Probably, it is because we have not been genetically programmed to emote delight at the prospect of being thrust into the unknown – however, we have been genetically programmed to emote fear, at the slightest nudge.

My question then is why? Why have we been genetically programmed to emote fear?

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Leopards are the most abundant and adaptable big cats in Africa.


... beautiful creatures!
Interesting – in reviewing my earliest posts from 5 years ago I see that I utilized this open forum to come to terms with who I am, in real time; as I was coming to terms with it.

5 years later and I am still coming to terms with who I am.

Either this much time is a necessary part or ingredient of the process, or I am locked within a closed-loop, that is to say, a perpetual loop in which I will be forever acting out coming to terms with who I am.

Either way, it is of no consequence to me - I am who I am, regardless. So that I act out, what I act out.

If I am crazy or not, that is simply subjective.


...exactly, why should you?

Asking a question takes thought, time and energy - why did you expend your time, thought and energy - why did you do what you did?

Why do any of us do what we do?

From where did your motivation come?

Figuring out your motivation herein will go a long way toward helping you understand yourself.

And isn't that what we are all looking for, discovery of self?



K I take it back, he's kind of interesting.

But no tricks. :bugeye:

The trick, from my perspective at least, is to do whatsoever it is that you do, with your intent set for multiple agendas.

A simple way to explain this is if you go out for a gallon of milk, take the dog for a ride, ask the wife what she needs from the store, pick up your dry cleaning, get gas and buy a newspaper.

Multitasking, another word possibly.

One can do the same thing in a forum, as well. With each and every post, I imagine, if one sets one's mind to it.

So that you can be brutally honest with yourself, in the saying; say it in such a way that it can be taken as BS or the truth, depending on the bias, or underlying slant of the reader. Give the reader options - allow them to utilize their subconscious mind as well.

Allow the reader to contribute their input, whatever that might be, in the reading. No need to structure what you say in only one narrow interpretation or meaning.

Great comedians accomplish this - they can be funny and honest or truthful at the same time. Dual agendas. So that it increases the richness of both the honesty and the humor.

Na ... maybe not, this sounds too much like BS to me?

Just forget it!


The trick, from my perspective at least, is to do whatsoever it is that you do, with your intent set for multiple agendas.

A simple way to explain this is if you go out for a gallon of milk, take the dog for a ride, ask the wife what she needs from the store, pick up your dry cleaning, get gas and buy a newspaper.

Multitasking, another word possibly.

One can do the same thing in a forum, as well. With each and every post, I imagine, if one sets one's mind to it.

So that you can be brutally honest with yourself, in the saying; say it in such a way that it can be taken as BS or the truth, depending on the bias, or underlying slant of the reader. Give the reader options - allow them to utilize their subconscious mind as well.

Allow the reader to contribute their input, whatever that might be, in the reading. No need to structure what you say in only one narrow interpretation or meaning.

Great comedians accomplish this - they can be funny and honest or truthful at the same time. Dual agendas. So that it increases the richness of both the honesty and the humor.

Na ... maybe not, this sounds too much like BS to me?

Just forget it!

