Jocariah: I have returned

When are you leaving?

Hello again, spidergoat.

No telling when ... I am as one thin strand of spider web upon the wind; who may know which direction it may take. I am merely a small fiber in the fabric which makes up all of creation.
Please feel free to ask me any questions you may have regarding my return.

What has been sent from the above to make your presence so graceful and marvelous that I am mystified by your perpetual existence within this forum's limitless boundaries? :bugeye:

Oh yes, Hello again Jocariah. Let not me in despair and tell me you do not remember me.
What has been sent from the above to make your presence so graceful and marvelous that I am mystified by your perpetual existence within this forum's limitless boundaries? :bugeye:

Oh yes, Hello again Jocariah. Let not me in despair and tell me you do not remember me.

..perhaps a parable of sorts.

A man arrives at a small village, faraway, seeking rest from his journey, and finds to his delight that he has once before there. His memory returns as he strolls the streets and marketplaces of the small village and he hopes that he may again feel that pleasure, which he felt once before, for the village was one such of subtle beauty, alive with energy and the commerce at hand.

But he is a different man now – forever changed by time, distance and circumstance. And although the streets and byways felt familiar, he himself was in a far different place. Even those that had know him prior, knew a different man then the one that stood before them now.

But it is said that a leopard does not change its spots – but a man is not a leopard, and a thinking man is as the stone in a gristmill, its surface, its very face, in perpetual change, from one day to the next.

We all leave behind the old, and are reborn, in a way, moment-by-moment, cell-by-cell, as we live out our lives.

So that the small village, as well, had changed, and neither it nor he were as they had been, no matter how similar they both seemed.

I stand before you both naked and open; open to the very core of me - how might i now be received?

Who might welcome me as i am?
..perhaps a parable of sorts.

A man arrives at a small village, faraway, seeking rest from his journey, and finds to his delight that he has once before there. His memory returns as he strolls the streets and marketplaces of the small village and he hopes that he may again feel that pleasure, which he felt once before, for the village was one such of subtle beauty, alive with energy and the commerce at hand.

But he is a different man now – forever changed by time, distance and circumstance. And although the streets and byways felt familiar, he himself was in a far different place. Even those that had know him prior, knew a different man then the one that stood before them now.

But it is said that a leopard does not change its spots – but a man is not a leopard, and a thinking man is as the stone in a gristmill, its surface, its very face, in perpetual change, from one day to the next.

We all leave behind the old, and are reborn, in a way, moment-by-moment, cell-by-cell, as we live out our lives.

So that the small village, as well, had changed, and neither it nor he were as they had been, no matter how similar they both seemed.


thats why leopards are becoming extinct. They don't adapt well. So Jecoriah, adapt, be free, fly free into eternal tomorrow and let the clouds be your home.
Those whom you want yourself to be welcomed by.

I assume nothing - I exist in the now - that which connects us all surprises and delights me.

To my way of thinking we are all inexorably connected, one to another. It is this fabric of creation, which I see at every turn of the turnstile.

Perhaps it is not I alone that sees this - by whatever name it may be known by, it is nevertheless the same thing.

Creation is great enough, large enough it seems to include within it, evolution as well.
To my way of thinking there is a great inherent saddens within all of mankind - for we are all genetically programmed it seems, to seek our place within the universe via, or by way of, this perpetual search that we all do for our creators. It is as the ticking clock that goes unnoticed, except when it is pointed out to us.

Such as obvious thing that we should know, and don't - because it is so meant to be.

How absurd it is to me that we, as a species, know not our own creators.

Who the Hell are you? :bugeye:

I was wondering the same thing as well.

Who are we? are we what we do for a living? Where we live? Are we the amount of money we possess? Perhaps we are the colour of our skin, defined by our race, or our gender, no? Possibly then, it is our mind -- the way in which we think. For as we think so are we, yes?

So then, in answer to your question; "Who the Hell are you?" - I must answer, I am thought, I am my thought process, that process by which I think, that very process that defines, refines and establishes me, moment-by-moment each day of my life.

But surely you know this already.

