Jesus was murdered by the rich

Brian Foley

Valued Senior Member
The Messiah foretold in the Old Testament was a man , who with a sword would conquer all of Israels enemies and install the Jews on a throne to rule all nations and races . Jesus Christ the Messiah spoke Love , forgiveness and equality . Jesus Christ walked with the untouchables of society such as lepers , the lame , beggars , prostitutes and the poor . Multitudes accepted Jesus Christ as the Messiah foretold of in the Old Testament . This frightened the rich of Israel , something had to be done to protect their wealth from what they saw as a threat from the disposessed multitudes lead by Jesus Christ . Conspiring with the religious Jewish authorities of the day , these conspirators hatched a plan whereby Jesus Christ would be proclaimed a false Messiah , charged with blasphemy and executed . And so it was our Messiah was sold over by the Apostle Judas , denied by the Apostle Peter and deserted by the other Apostles , placed in front of the ignorant , jeering crowd flogged and murdered by crucifixion . GOD sent us his only son to save us and we killed him ! This is the story of humankind and our greed and what importance we place on protecting our mortal wealth over the promise of everlasting life , coffins don't come with pockets .

You have lived on earth in luxury and self-indulgence. You have fattened yourselves in the day of slaughter.You have condemned and murdered the innocent man, ( JESUS CHRIST ) who was not opposing you.
James chapter 5 verse 7
A pretty good rendition of the popular myth - so did you have a point to make as well?

Of course at the end there you are condeming all of mankind yet your topic says the rich people did it - which story do you want to follow?

And then of course when you say we killed him it seems this didn't quite work out either since the dude up and got ressurected. I guess even God got upset at losing his son so he took back his gift and brought his son back to life. Shame, could have been a good story otherwise - ya know - a god giving up his only son to save mankind - never mind, but just the sort of thing that would have made a good fairy tale.

Katazia said:
A pretty good rendition of the popular myth - so did you have a point to make as well?
The point is obviously lost on you , the common belief is that it was the unbelieving Jew's who killed him but if you read the N.T in a dozen places it quite clearly states Jesus was a victim of a conspiracy by the rich .
Katazia said:
Of course at the end there you are condeming all of mankind yet your topic says the rich people did it - which story do you want to follow?
Mankind ! the rich like the poor are mankind .What do you think the rich came from outer space they are extra-terestials or something ?
Katazia said:
And then of course when you say we killed him it seems this didn't quite work out either since the dude up and got ressurected. I guess even God got upset at losing his son so he took back his gift and brought his son back to life.
God sent Jesus to save mankind and we killed him ... savvy
Katazia said:
Shame, could have been a good story otherwise - ya know - a god giving up his only son to save mankind - never mind, but just the sort of thing that would have made a good fairy tale.

Fairy tale , Holy Writ or whatever I gave an opinion .
To bad Donald Trump didn't live back then, he would have just looked at Jesus and said.........YOUR FIRED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
You are a liar.

You have lived on earth in luxury and self-indulgence. You have fattened yourselves in the day of slaughter.You have condemned and murdered the innocent man, ( JESUS CHRIST ) who was not opposing you.
James chapter 5 verse 7

That is NOT even close to what James 5:1-6 says. NOT even a lazy paraphrase comes CLOSE! Have you even taken a LOOK at what the verses say for yourself?

The point is obviously lost on you , the common belief is that it was the unbelieving Jew's who killed him but if you read the N.T in a dozen places it quite clearly states Jesus was a victim of a conspiracy by the rich .

James is not referencing Jesus' execution, nitwit.

I killed Jesus and I'm not rich.
James 5:6 Ye have condemned and killed the just; and he doth not resist you.
Thats the King James Version it is more concise other than that your just splitting hairs .
Because I'm not Jewish?
But for the longest time I thought my maternal great-grandmother might have been Jewish, and I like matzos.

CHRIST-KILLAZ! We be bling-blinging with our posse from the East Coast of the Sea of Galilee, represent!

Brian Foley:

There is nothing in that verse or the subsequent ones to indicate that James is referring to Jesus. That verse isn't even referring to a specific individual.

I am TRYING to tell him that he is making a fool our of himself and yet he persists... ah well, i suppose that is what ignorance is all about.

Look at the "he", it is NOT "He", it is "he".

"he" REFERS to "the just" that were "killed".. LOOK AT THE SENTENCE! "just" and "Just" are NOT the same.

I hope you will come up with something more sensible in your next reply.
Brian, do you hate the rich and successful for killing JC?
is every rich successful person a Christ-killer?
or is it The Jew (who is often rich and successful :D) that you hate for killing JC?

i suspect it is because you yourself are not rich and successful that you hate those who are rich and successful.
and since you hate them, why not blame them for killing Christ?
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Ye have condemned and killed the just; and he doth not resist you.
Christ was innocent was he not ? and did he did not resist ?
Dress it up and interpretet which way you want the N.T is full of anti rich verses face it that what James 5 is all about a warning to rich oppressors Christ was a Socialist .
eh, God killed Jesus, not the Jews or the Romans or whoever else you can dream up. He was SUPPOSED to die people!, God's saddistic mind planned this.

Am I the only person who got that out of the bible? If Jesus dying on the cross was the salvation of the world's 'sins', then every Christian should thank the Jews and Romans and the Rich. I'm being sarcastic but Jesus' death was a good thing. So if the Jews had said, "Ah, just leave him alone" and let Jesus go, would that have made Christians happy?, Of course not.

So christians, thank the jews, the Romans and the rich.
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