Jesus was a Palestinian martyr

The Books of Atthew, Mark, Luke and John describing the crucifixion are enlightening. Pilate didn't get to be where he was in the Rioman hierarchy by being a wimp. In all four books, Pilate denys Jesus is guilty of anything then abruptly he changes his mind and sauys "OK ,whack him" Three books have the women, mother etc. "looking on from afar". Th event wasn't public. Joseph of Aramatheus gets Pilate to give up the body to him for burial, though this was an act that was just not done. The Roman crucified people so the multitude could see what was instore for the enemies of Rome. The average hanging time was two or three days for a healthy male, yet Jesus succumbed in approximately 9 hours. Jesus takes some substance just before "dying". Simon carried the cross to the spot where th ceremony was held. Pilate had the inscrioption "King of the Jews" placed on the cross while those calling for his death wanted something that said Jesus only claimed to be the King. Pilate didn't budge.

I take it you do not believe in the account of the Messiahs execution?

Pilates actions are not illogical, they where politically smart as a governor of a rebellious province of the Roman empire. I will explain if you care you want an explanation?

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Adstar said:
I take it you do not believe in the account of the Messiahs execution?

Pilates actions are not illogical, they where politically smart as a governor of a rebellious province of the Roman empire. I will explain if you care you want an explanation?

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

Adstar, you can try, but I've been there. You expressed the prevailing view, but then the repeated denial that Jesus had committed any offense, much less one requiring the ultimate sacrifice, says a lot to overcome"; Pilate's refusal to edit the "King of the Jews" placed on the cross. Why go to Pilate in the first place? If the passover was inappropriate for conducting executions, wait a couple of days and stone him. Simon and the sponge seemed very convenient, as did the assistance in carrying the heavy load to, what some speculate was Joseph of Aramtheus' Garden.

Thanks for the invitation, but I would probably just argue one, ot both of us of us ragged. I suspect we have both been there.

I am not a scholalry student of biblical history, but I do read, analyze, asume the truth of the matter as stated, unless obviously edited. Like, Genesis, "Let us make man in our image" seems like one entity talking to a host of entities, equals actually, which would put an "alien" twist on the processes and circumstances of modern human beginnings. Evolution is scientifically useless, but the "Christian" version is equally unacceptable.
But what the heck Adstar, this is just my opinion. and I am quite comfortable in my beliefs, opinions . . . , well, you know the drill.

Adstar said:
Because of fear.

For many muslims modernism is westernism and westernism is immoral decadence. So they fear that is some way adopting modern technology or systems of government or organization will cause them to become as immoral and decadent as the western world. In their religion they need to adhere to moral laws and anything that temps them into immorality must be avoided even if it causes them worldly troubles or disadvantage.

bullshit! Islam encourages technology and for hundreds of years the islamic empire was dominant in eveything including science. at the time that the Ottomon empire was flourishing the west was backward and living in the "dark ages" as they are known.

Arab countires are at a bad state now beacause of poor leadership and general stuipidness by Arab leaders, the lack of spending in science and their poor state and welath. also remeber that power shifts, you'll see in a few decades, America isn't a superpower anymore and it maight even end up poor and fucked up like Russia did after it fell from the super power status.

in the same way that russia suddenly lost its superiorty and advancement, so did the Muslim empire. the Arab countires are now developing and one say they will once again regain their status.
Adstar, you can try, but I've been there. You expressed the prevailing view, but then the repeated denial that Jesus had committed any offense, much less one requiring the ultimate sacrifice, says a lot to overcome"; Pilate's refusal to edit the "King of the Jews" placed on the cross. Why go to Pilate in the first place? If the passover was inappropriate for conducting executions, wait a couple of days and stone him. Simon and the sponge seemed very convenient, as did the assistance in carrying the heavy load to, what some speculate was Joseph of Aramtheus' Garden.

Thanks for the invitation, but I would probably just argue one, ot both of us of us ragged. I suspect we have both been there.

Oh we don't have to argue :) I just though you would be interested in hearing another view.

All Praise the Ancient Of Days