Jesus was a Normal Homosexual Man


Registered Senior Member
Jesus was a Normal Homosexual Man

it seems to me that all evidence points to Jesus being Homosexual.
He had no interest in women.
Did not get married

There is absolutely no evidence that i have come across that prove Jesus was not a homosexual.

Some claim him to be the son of god, however is not all men the son of god ?
thus calling himself "the son of god" by definition was a statement of saying he was normal like all other men.

have you any evidence that shows that Jesus was not a homosexual ?
and evidence that Jesus was Heterosexual ?
any evidence at all of him being one gender or the other ?

your thoughts... ?
How do you know he had no interest in women or did not get married?
How do you know he had no interest in women or did not get married?

how does a church minister know that god said homosexuality is a sin ?

sex SEX and more Sex ! the church is obsessed with homophobia and gender stereotyping.
occums razor !

at one point suggesting Jesus was ever married would get you the death penalty.

lots of homosexuals joined the church to become ministers and monks to hide their sexuality and we have documented the massive sexual predation of young boys by church ministers etc...

walks like a duck quacks like a duck ... must be a duck !
err dude, you really need to learn history. There is vertually NO evidence that jesus had anything to do with a church which arose more than 100 years after his death. From memory (mum would know but im not going to call her at 2AM) the gospal written closest to his life was still 300 years after he died and Constine didnt prevert the sect into his church until WELL after that
is it fair to assume androgynous love paths the way to androgynous sexuality ?
or ?
is there a completely different type of love that only exists between 2 people having sex ?
err dude, you really need to learn history. There is vertually NO evidence that jesus had anything to do with a church which arose more than 100 years after his death. From memory (mum would know but im not going to call her at 2AM) the gospal written closest to his life was still 300 years after he died and Constine didnt prevert the sect into his church until WELL after that

ahh so where does the religious concept of sexuality come from ?
umm on the second question

a) what difference does it make
b) you have to prove that he "loved" men more than women
c) you once again ignore Constine's designs on the church.

Constine WANTED a church which gave HIM all the power, the only way he could do that was through priests. Before that the ritual for a man wanting to communicate with "God" was THROUGH sex. The translation of "prostitue" was actually "Priestess". ie Men prayed by having sex with the temple priestesses. Women didnt need to do this because it was belived that they were closer to divine because of there "ability" to "create new life".

Hell even the former POPE was forced to say that mary was a "very special person". The line "you are the rock on which i will build my church" MORE than likly refered to MARY not Peter if he said it at all.
i agree sam, there is strong evidence that mary was his wife.

yeah, really strong evidence. like the kind that if you don't pick up on, you're an idiot.

i can't figure out why people are so hell bent on thinking that jesus didn't have sex. there's no indication of that anywhere. actually, quite the opposite. stands to reason that jesus was quite the ladies man. i know i swoon, and he's been dead for 2000 years!
is it fair to assume androgynous love paths the way to androgynous sexuality ?
or ?
is there a completely different type of love that only exists between 2 people having sex ?

imo, sex (marriage) is the closest thing to communion we can experience on this earth right now. the church is said to be the bride of christ, and the communion ceremony is symbolic of the union to come. when communion is restored (when sin is annihilated) we will all share ourselves completely with each other, regardless of gender, and it won't be dependent upon sex. imo...
does the bible define jesuss' sexual orientation ?
does the bible define sexuality at all ?

the bible talks about sex and sexual acts, but as far as i know doesn't refer to "sexuality and orientation" per se. probably because sexuality and sexual orientation are just romanticized bullshit. :shrug:
oh i just rembered the popes actual words (i think), he called her "the aposales, aposale". Ie she was the first and all the rest were followers. I belive they even found HER gospal in the dead sea scrolls but i could be wrong (its surposed to be one of the gnostic gospals).
Except for the prostitute he hung out with and clearly cared about.

a) officially the church doesnt recognise that she was a prostitute anymore and b) that word translates to "temple priestess" and c) she was more than likly his WIFE
I have said it before I will say it again

Jesus was a Time Travelling Mexican from the Year 6052 and now in retrospect it is a good posability that he was indeed Gay if you go by the writings in the Bible either Gay or a Gang member Possibly a member of MS13.
This thread better be locked down. If gay supporters dont allow gay bashing than so shouldnt straight bashing be allowed as well.
This thread better be locked down. If gay supporters dont allow gay bashing than so shouldnt straight bashing be allowed as well.

how is this straight bashing? plus, from what i've seen, you don't have to be gay bashing to have a thread locked down, just gay discussing...:rolleyes:
Notes Around

Asguard said:

From memory (mum would know but im not going to call her at 2AM) the gospal written closest to his life was still 300 years after he died and Constine didnt prevert the sect into his church until WELL after that

The first Gospel written, Mark, was circulating around 60 CE. In general the Gospels were relatively finalized and associated with their names by around 180 CE. There's the third-century mark you're probably thinking of. In the fourth century, 325 CE, the gospels were officially politicized and all but four held heretical.

• • •​

Lori 7 said:

i can't figure out why people are so hell bent on thinking that jesus didn't have sex.

Really? You can't figure it out?

I mean, that's not a joke. But this, obviously, is:

i know i swoon, and he's been dead for 2000 years!

We call that necrophilia, dear.

how is this straight bashing? plus, from what i've seen, you don't have to be gay bashing to have a thread locked down, just gay discussing...

Two brief points on this one:

(1) It's Draqon. Just nod and move on.

(2) It's not a matter of merely discussing homosexuals that is problematic; rather, like anything else, we expect members to have at least a shred of a scrap of a fraction of a speck of a clue regarding the subjects of their posts. With certain issues, of course, the dearth stands out a bit more severely than others. Like this amazing bit I saw last week; I wish you could have seen it. This member actually got all upset because gay men don't like pussy. It was fabulous. Okay, so get this: Apparently, it is sexual discrimination if a guy doesn't want to fuck women, but it's not sexual discrimination if a woman won't fuck women. Talk about clueless hypocrisy! Anyway, I digress; I guess you had to be there. But, yeah. Very little is forbidden compared to the idea that being completely clueless about a subject is, overwhelmingly more often, the core problem.​