Jesus vs the Jews: Day of Rapture

I stopped praying to Jesus when I realized Jesus was praying to God. Why the middleman?
Careful about your tongue-in-cheek comments about these Christians, SAM. Remember, you're a Muslim. There are plenty of your thobed and hijabbed brethren who believe in some pretty weird shit too.


Sure. Does this mean AlienAbduction&GenocidebyJesus [AAGJ] is no longer a laughing matter?

The funny thing is - this stuff makes Scientologists look superior
No Christ will not be killing believers. That will be done by the anti-christ and his followers. The main way they shall kill us is by beheading.

Beheading is nice, compared to other ways of getting killed, such as being stoned to death.
You really think that the anti-christ and his followers are interested in you getting killed in a nice way?
Well its serendipity. I recently came across a real life instance of one of those who are waiting for this occasion. It was pretty scary :p
Now you know how a lot of atheists feel :p

So basically, Christ comes to earth and kills the believers so they go to heaven then kills the disbelievers so they go to hell. So who does he rule for a thousand years? The agnostics?
I thought only the believers wowill be killed, in order to get them to heaven and out of the anti-Christs hands. Then a 1000 years of reign by the anti-Christ will follow.
This is from memory so it may be utterly flawed..
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