Jesus really is my homeboy.

Medicine Woman said:
After having researched the historic Jesus for many years, I finally came to the conclusion that there is no proof of his existence. The more I studied, the more truth I found in his non-existence. (I used to be a devout Christian).
And I was simply asking what proof that is... Whether or not you were a christian is irrelevant to the information about His existence, it is only relevant to your hostility towards the dogma. Do you feel conned by christianity or something?
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: After having researched the historic Jesus for many years, I finally came to the conclusion that there is no proof of his existence.
The gospels, of course, don't count. They were written by the CIA as part of a major conspiracy, right?
The more I studied, the more truth I found in his non-existence.
In other words, the more you assumed your conspiracy theory was true, the more evidence you found that it was right. Just like people who believe in fake moon landings and holocaust denial.
I am eager to discard anything that is a lie. Jesus' existence is the biggest lie of all.
And you, of course, are not lying about the fact that you cannot know what really happened.

Why not assume your inability to know what really happened and forget about it? Where does this childish obsession with unknowable things come from? Never mind. You already answered:
(I used to be a devout Christian).
illuminatingtherapy said:
Medicine Woman said:
After having researched the historic Jesus for many years, I finally came to the conclusion that there is no proof of his existence. The more I studied, the more truth I found in his non-existence. (I used to be a devout Christian).
And I was simply asking what proof that is... Whether or not you were a christian is irrelevant to the information about His existence, it is only relevant to your hostility towards the dogma. Do you feel conned by christianity or something?

M*W: The fact that I used to be a Christian meant that at one time I believe he existed. There is no proof that Jesus existed, but I had to come to my own conclusion about that. I am hostile toward anything that is a lie. I feel the entire population of christians has been conned, it's just that I am no longer one of the conned.

It would be easier for me just to keep quiet and keep my opinions to myself, but that wouldn't be doing anything to reject the lies publically, would it? My objective is that the truth prevail. For the truth to prevail, the lies must be exposed.
Confutatis said:
The gospels, of course, don't count. They were written by the CIA as part of a major conspiracy, right?

In other words, the more you assumed your conspiracy theory was true, the more evidence you found that it was right. Just like people who believe in fake moon landings and holocaust denial.

And you, of course, are not lying about the fact that you cannot know what really happened.

Why not assume your inability to know what really happened and forget about it? Where does this childish obsession with unknowable things come from? Never mind. You already answered:

M*W: Why must people always assume I have found some kind of conspiracy theory? If I had found it, I would have written a book about it and become rich. It's no conspiracy theory. I, for one, believe the holocaust did, in fact, happen as did the moon landing. I've seen the results of the holocaust, but I could not truthfully say if we truly landed on the moon. I think we did, though.

Of course I don't know what really happened in Jesus' day, but I'd rather be on the side of logic and reason than fairy tales.

I can't just let it go as some "theory," because there are some 2 billion people on Earth who need to know the truth about what they believe, and I won't keep quiet.
But how can you claim to be spreading "Truth"? It's just as bad as spreading christian propaganda. Can't you just leave everyones faith alone? Converting people in here is rarely a successfull attempt, either it be to christianity, atheism or islam. And still you haven't presented any piece of information that states that Christ did not exist. Please do before attempting to claim what you're claiming further.
illuminatingtherapy said:
But how can you claim to be spreading "Truth"? It's just as bad as spreading christian propaganda. Can't you just leave everyones faith alone? Converting people in here is rarely a successfull attempt, either it be to christianity, atheism or islam. And still you haven't presented any piece of information that states that Christ did not exist. Please do before attempting to claim what you're claiming further.
Thank you!
Medicine Woman said:
Why must people always assume I have found some kind of conspiracy theory?

If claiming that billions of people have been fooled for 2,000 years is not a conspiracy theory, then I don't know what a conspiracy theory is.

Does it ever cross your mind that not all Christians take the bible literally?

Of course I don't know what really happened in Jesus' day, but I'd rather be on the side of logic and reason than fairy tales.

If you were on the side of logic and reason, why did you waste "many years" researching the subject? Even if you found there really was a man called Jesus, who preached a new creed and died on the cross, what would that prove? Using reason and logic, at best you could conclude Jesus was a madman who claimed to be God.

This is ridiculous. You think you need academic research to convince someone that what they have accepted on faith lacks academic certainty?

I can't just let it go as some "theory," because there are some 2 billion people on Earth who need to know the truth about what they believe, and I won't keep quiet.

Sorry but that line sounds like paranoia. Maybe that is what really is.
Confutatis said:
Does it ever cross your mind that not all Christians take the bible literally?

Can they then call themselves Christians?

Using reason and logic, at best you could conclude Jesus was a madman who claimed to be God.

Isn't that similar to those who stand on street corners proclaiming the same? What's the difference?

This is ridiculous. You think you need academic research to convince someone that what they have accepted on faith lacks academic certainty?

Yet, they'll accept some things on faith and not others on acedemic certainty? Why?
(Q) said:
Can they then call themselves Christians?

I'm surprised to see you arguing on the fundamentalist side.

Isn't that similar to those who stand on street corners proclaiming the same? What's the difference?

What's similar to what? I know that you can't read, but apparently you can't write either.

Yet, they'll accept some things on faith and not others on academic certainty? Why?

Maybe they don't have faith in academics. Maybe they are stupid. Maybe they talk a lot but don't really mean what they say. I have yet to see a fundamentalist deny the law of gravity.