Jesus (Questions)

To be honest Tiassa, if Jesus said that he was God then I would not believe in him. If Jesus came to reveal the Father he does not do so with such dull words. He has to be tacitful, correct? While Jesus says "no one is good but God" he also said, when one in the crowded exclaimed something like "blessed is the mother who gave birth to you", that only those who follow the word of God are blessed. Are we supposed to assume now that Mary is not blessed? Furthermore, Jesus often speaks of himself in the third person using the term Son of Man.
Why should I challenge it? It a merely a list of someone elses opinions and thoughts. It does not affect my beliefs at all.
They are quotations from the Bible. That "someone else" you are talking about is God, supposedly. So how can it not affect your beliefs at all? Oh wait, you're not Christian right?

How did he do that when it is known that he was illiterate
That is one of the miracles of the Qu'ran. It proves that Muhammad (peace be upon him), himself did not write it. This is not possible if he were illiterate. The verses were revealed to him through revelation & he had his scribes/friends write down the words & memorize them. He, himself, had it memorized of course.

How do you tell the difference between the true hadiths and the false ones, is it you just stick to the ones that suit your taste?
There is a clear line between the authentic hadith & the fake ones.
There is a whole science/study dedicated to ensuring that the hadiths we accept today, are the exact same words as the teachings of the Prophet. Of course, this is difficult so there are levels of authenticity which go with every hadith:

It is supposed to be every Muslim's duty to make sure the hadith they narrate to others, is valid. Generally, hadith's compiled by Sahih Bukhari and Muslim are widely accepted as being authentic.
Here's a link to translations of hadiths compiled by Sahih Bukhari, if anyones interested.
And why would I not be a Christian. "Oh wait" she says in attempt to be sarcastic.
:D no no, i really did think you weren't Christian. I think I read it in some other post, I'll find it.

yet you are trying to mock the Bible

I never mocked the Bible!

And I really wish I was educated enough to debate the attacks you just made on the Qu'ran. I will try my best & get back to you.
Behind this "I'm a little peaceful muslim girl" is an anti-Christian trying to break out
:D My best friends are Christian. But it is true, I love to argue/debate w/ them over religion. All in the name of friendship.

Religions were designed to explain and give hope when answers were not easy to obtain. Most of our time life is fine and people around us do not die constantly. It is easy to praise a god for keeping us healthy since most of the time that is normality. But what happens when we become ill or when close family members have cancer or other terrible diseases and we have to watch them suffer and die. I speak from direct experience.

This all seems very unjust and it is difficult to believe that this is all that life can offer, and that is where religion steps in and offers us the ultimate hope – don’t worry about death – if you lead a good life then you will discover paradise waiting for you when you die. Very attractive isn’t it especially when we know that death comes to all of us.

But can there be any truth to this hope or is it just a ruse to encourage people to support ancient and primitive ideas? Does each of us have an invisible and immaterial soul that can survive death or are we simply the result of our brain physiology, a common idea that many scientists maintain?

What does religion offer if it cannot show that there is a real paradise after death? And if it can’t help us avoid suffering, pain and death in this life then what is its value? It feels like those infamous politicians who promise everything when campaigning and all too frequently never deliver.

What is there in this life that shows that religion or a God can actually deliver anything? I have been seeking for most of my long life and have yet to see anything. Can you see anything that warrants a belief in any god or religion?

the reason christians don't believe in muhammad is probably the same reasons jews don't believe in christ. you're smart, go figure it out yourself, i'm too lazy to think and type in my thoughts on a keyboard.
Originally posted by Vienna
Fair enough, but the general move from muslims on these boards is to go for the jugular of Christianity, and to be quite honest I'm pretty sick of all this (my god/faith/etc is better than yours) rubbish.

Now there's a change from the old Vienna I've been warring with in the past on this very issue:p. No religion is better than another. All people believe in something or other. For some it is God/Allah and other deities, for others it's in themselves or science. Doesn't make anyone any less human for whatever they do or do not believe in.

Originally posted by Vienna
Hi Bells :)

I give up defending Christianity, I think it has already hit the self destruct button. It has in the UK anyway.
M*W: This is what I've been saying all along, Vienna sausage, but you kept on arguing the point. Christianity IS self-destructing all over the world. What did you expect? Peace, now, Peace!
and I began to hate him when my mother died a horrible death on Christmas Day - boy did I hate him! He took away someone so precious to me on such a sacred day it was unbelievable.

:( I'm so sorry to hear that.

and to be quite honest I'm pretty sick of all this (my god/faith/etc is better than yours) rubbish.

Ok fine, lets end it. Set a precedent for the rest of the board.
*shake hands?*

Besides, there's no fun in arguing w/ myself ;)