Jesus or Buddha?

Light Travelling said:
This is impossible;

If buddha taught not to believe in something and a buddist believes what he says he straight away believes in something.

Believing in the teachings of Buddha is in itself a belief.

Light Travelling said:
This is impossible;

If buddha taught not to believe in something and a buddist believes what he says he straight away believes in something.

Believing in the teachings of Buddha is in itself a belief.
Asked my religious teacher this question, and there response was it's not really a belief, but a way of living your life. Tehy don't "Believe" anything, but rather follow a path that someone said worked.
Of course, it depends on which religion is real. If one God exists and one God doesn't exists then why worship the God who doesn't exist when there is a true God who exists. So my advice is to pick the religion which makes more sense to you, nobody can decide your religion except for you;)
Then, we just choose the religion or philosophy that suits our lifestyles. If there was no God then I would choose Buddhism or Taoism because the teachings in those two religions suit me the most.
Religion is opium for the masses.
Buddhism is a philosophy, so I suggest you go with Buddha.
The masses seem to do quite well on opium by its own these days without need for religion.
WMA said:
Asked my religious teacher this question, and there response was it's not really a belief, but a way of living your life. Tehy don't "Believe" anything, but rather follow a path that someone said worked.

Your religious teachcer is wrong and this is why;

We all have to have a belief system. even if ut is only concerned with the tangible and factual. We all choose a way of life and a philosphy on life out of many possible choices, because we BELIEVE it will be most benificial for us or we BELIEVE it will work better than another choice. This then becomes our belief system. Buddhism may or may not be a religion but it is certainly a belief system.
You don't have to believe in Buddhism for it to work, in fact it works better when you have strong doubts. Belief can be either a tentative notion, an experimental assumption, or as we are talking about in relation to religion, a firmly held and unshakable idea.
Light Travelling. Close.
But one is based on a faith, and the other is based on testable hypothesis. I BELIEVE that being able to test a theory, and learn fromt he results will better me more than having faith in an afterlife because I do not "have" an afterlife.

It may or may not exist, and I may have faith in an afterlife, but I cannot HAVE an afterlife until after this life. What is the value/risk of working towards an afterlife? I DO HAVE this life now, what are the value/rewards of ignoring a possible afterlife for a certain current life?

And then there is the nice fact that the daily methods for living between Jesus's hippy teachings and Buddha's hippy teachings are pretty similar. If you are Christian who follows the idea that faith alone is not enough, but that actions are required for entrance into heaven, then your daily life as a Christian is identical to your daily life as a Buddhist.
"That which you do unto the lowest of my brothers, you do unto me."
"Right Thought, Right Intent, Right Action, Right Effort, Right Mindfulness, Right Concentration brings about the Development of Wisdom. With Wisdom comes Compassion."

"If you meet Buddha on the road, kill him"
WMA said:
Buddhist believe one should not have beliefs, as beliefs are a dangerous thing because they are thinking without learning, or something.
Buddhism does not state that one should not have beliefs. Here's a quick synopsis of Buddhist belief and practice:

The Four Noble Truths
1. Life is suffering;
2. Suffering is due to attachment;
3. Attachment can be overcome;
4. There is a path for accomplishing this.

The Eightfold Path
1. Right Understanding (of the Four Noble Truths).
2. Right Desire (to free oneself of attachment, ignorance, and hatefulness).
3. Right Speech (clear, truthful, no lying, gossip, or harmful speech).
4. Right Action (no killing, stealing, or exploitation of others).
5. Right Livelihood (making living in harmony with Right Action).
6. Right Effort (Conscious diligence to the Eightfold path, non struggle).
7. Right Mindfulness (focusing attention to overcome desire, hatred, and ignorance... being aware of yourself, your thoughts and emotions and those of others).
8. Right Concentration (meditating to understand imperfection, impermanence, and unity... proper focus of mind).

Saint said:
sure? why he never came back, he said he will come back SOON!
he broke his promise.

Jesus has only been home for 2 days and you want him back already? For God (Jesus) one day is like a thousand years. I doubt you have even waited 50 years, and yet you are impatient? How long did it take between Moses and Jesus? Was it about 2160 years? If Moses and Jesus are the same, maybe it will take about 2160 years again.

You know, Jesus wanted to leave us alone so that we could become self dependant. He said: "unless i go, the holy spirit will not come". Look around you, do you see the people? Most of them are busy. Dead people are rising from their graves. There's no need for Jesus to come now.

Natural laws says when Jesus comes. God's messengers have to come because long ago they promised they would help us. They (the great human race who lived on Earth long ago) had children with ordinary humans, that's why some people are born with special gifts and are so much ahead of their time (hermes, michelangelo, newton, nostradamus, socrates, tesla...)

Maybe Jesus will not return physically, maybe he will instead appear in our mind (awakening) This is also a possibility.
Yorda said:
Jesus has only been home for 2 days and you want him back already? For God (Jesus) one day is like a thousand years.
Damn Einstein and his stupid Theory of Relativity.


Saint said:
Sometimes I think i need a religion, but i don't know whether to choose Jesus or Buddha!
Can u advise me?
Jesus or Buddha is more probably the truest one?
Well if you feel that you need to worship one, then I guess Jesus, because Buddhists do not pray or worship deities or gods.Although some disagree with me. It's not like you look to Buddha for enlightenment, you look to yourself.
TheAcridApe said:
It's not like you look to Buddha for enlightenment, you look to yourself.

Which is exactly what buddha did. And exactly what Jesyus taught.
The kingdom of heaven is inside you = Look for enlightenment inside you

Remember Jesus was not a christian and Buddha was not a buddhist. One a Jew the other a Hindu.
Buddha left Hinduism behind actually.
For the first part of his life, he was born a rich prince, and studied the Veda's and it was believed he would become a great political or spiritual leader. He instead chose to leave Hinduism and go on the path to find the true religion.