Jesus Might Be Alive and Well in Houston

I like this:

“de Jesus says this happened when two angels came to him in a vision, and while he admits there’s no real way for him to prove that he’s Christ, he says his followers aren’t asking for proof.

So you tell the millions of followers I have that … this guy is a liar. You know what are they going to say? Is that I prefer his lies than what religion gave me. I prefer, see because when they believe in what I teach, they activate angels in their life.

His followers do seem happy.

it’s an upbeat, no-fault, sin-free message. This self-proclaimed Jesus does not believe in sin, hell, the devil or damnation of any kind.

The de Jesus ministry is growing, with big followings in Venezuela, Columbia, even Cuba, and the man who believes he is the Second Coming of Christ is now turning his attention to America."
Funny stuff let me tell you, Well when I heard about it on the computer I went outside looked for dark skies, dead people walking, and horses riding through the sky. Upon noticing none of this was happening I disregarded the raving of someone who just wants attention and went back to waiting for the real Jesus to come back. We arent all THAT gullible, what a crock.
I went outside looked for dark skies, dead people walking, and horses riding through the sky. Upon noticing none of this was happening I disregarded the raving of someone who just wants attention and went back to waiting for the real Jesus to come back. We arent all THAT gullible, what a crock.

Not "that" gullible? LOL...The real Jesus? LOL...yea you don't believe this guy is jesus cause you live today, with today's modern knowledge. But do you really know which jesus will you be waiting for? Are you sure?

Will the real Jesus please stand up! ;)
Funny stuff let me tell you, Well when I heard about it on the computer I went outside looked for dark skies, dead people walking, and horses riding through the sky. Upon noticing none of this was happening I disregarded the raving of someone who just wants attention and went back to waiting for the real Jesus to come back. We aren't all THAT gullible, what a crock.

Ha! Now that was funny! Who says the religious don't have senses of humor.
I know M*W, but considering that theres about 5million people living in Houston, I can relate why you never seen him, I was your neighbor once, and we never actually met! ;) either.
Not "that" gullible? LOL...The real Jesus? LOL...yea you don't believe this guy is jesus cause you live today, with today's modern knowledge. But do you really know which jesus will you be waiting for? Are you sure?

Will the real Jesus please stand up! ;)

I fear you have misunderstood me, I am not using modern knowledge to draw the conclusion he is not jesus. I am merely using the book of revelations which says that it's gonna be a lot more chaotic when jesus comes back than it is now. He also isn't going to hang around here for a bit before judgement.

In regards to your article, Lots of people were named Adolf. Did he exist? (if that is what your implying)
What! it hasn't been chaotic enough yet? In the 19th century alone; Two world wars, dozens of minor wars, children killing themselves over Michael Jordan sneakers, corrupt governments, on our way to perhaps another world war, begun in the middle east, Catholic preachers molesting children, our social security system is bankrupt, gas at nearly $3.40 a gallon, most people in this country can't afford health care, while Medicaid hardly supports senior citizens, children having sex in school with teachers, doctors pushing drugs, corrupt political leaders, corrupt clergies, corrupt governments, Damn boy I do think that dood in Houston is Jesus!! ;)
I know M*W, but considering that theres about 5million people living in Houston, I can relate why you never seen him, I was your neighbor once, and we never actually met! ;) either.

M*W: Yeah, Godless... those were the good old days!
So? It only shows that the guy in Houston is not the only psycho to believe themselves Jesus incarnate! If you would like to meet holy men, please visit an insane asylum! ;)
What! it hasn't been chaotic enough yet? In the 19th century alone; Two world wars, dozens of minor wars, children killing themselves over Michael Jordan sneakers, corrupt governments, on our way to perhaps another world war, begun in the middle east, Catholic preachers molesting children, our social security system is bankrupt, gas at nearly $3.40 a gallon, most people in this country can't afford health care, while Medicaid hardly supports senior citizens, children having sex in school with teachers, doctors pushing drugs, corrupt political leaders, corrupt clergies, corrupt governments, Damn boy I do think that dood in Houston is Jesus!! ;)

I see what you mean, but think of how many things are hangin on the trigger,
Global warming, Nuclear war, Epidemics etc. Basically widespread death chaos and pandemonium, and I mena WIDESPREAD. besides, folks in europe pay like 5 Euros to a gallon. Look at it this way, regardless of what you belive or don't, imagine that it is a fact that god will come back during massive death and destruction. Look at how bad it is. Think of how much worse it can get. Then it gets scary. Still though, I see your point
Positron my mom is 74 years old, she herd the end of the world, was when Hitler was in power from her ministers, then again when US went to Vietnam, and on and on, the fact is death and destruction has been happening, all this time, however now we get to see it 24/7 on CNN
Positron my mom is 74 years old, she herd the end of the world, was when Hitler was in power from her ministers, then again when US went to Vietnam, and on and on, the fact is death and destruction has been happening, all this time, however now we get to see it 24/7 on CNN

oh, absolutley I agree completly. using the past to predict the futrure only works ina few instances though. NO one could sue the past to predict vietnam, hitler, either world war, etc. So how could we use the past to predict whats happening or could happen now?
I didn't say anything about predicting the past to future, just explaining that people have been claiming the "end of the world" since the concept was first brought up! and the world is still here!

What is in store for the future of humanity is absolutely at the hands of our political leaders, if they be objective secular in running their government they should be able to solve political differences, if they be theological they will seek war, revenge, domination, etc...As shown by the past history of our humanity ever since a theocracy had political power, it brought stagnation, and conflict!
Religion is the problem, it delves into nosensical dribble and offers nothing but the promise of emptyness.