Jesus- Martin luther king for the weak

Dr Lou Natic

Unnecessary Surgeon
Registered Senior Member
Jesus is to the weak and inferior as Martin Luther king is to black people.
When you look at his true message for humanity and his real impact on cultural evolution, thats precisely what he was.
Looking back now on the bible jesus's antics seem normal, not the magic tricks but the careing for the sick and weak and the condemming of rich people (saying they won't get into heaven etc).
This seems acceptable because we are a product of his influence. At the time this conflicted with common decency. There may have been societies but they followed the survival of the fittest mindset. The weak and diseased were thrown away to die out in the desert.

You have to understand that these people didn't consider themselves "evil", they rightfully felt they were correct. That was the favoured behaviour of homo-sapiens at that time(and all animals), which is why jesus was seen as a criminal.
Something the bible plays down on, and makes it seem like the romans needed to make stuff up about jesus in order to have him executed unfairly. Not at all, he was a criminal, and was executed justly in accordance with the law. There was nothing unusual about his death.
The weak who had understandably worshipped him for being their spokesmen and making them feel like they weren't worthless were obviously upset, but everyone else was satisfied justice had been done.
Only when the weak and powerless inferior people began outnumbering the strong capable competent human beings did jesus' teachings take hold of humanity. And in a bizarre twist of events the weak, inspired by jesus, have joined forces to overpower the powerful and corrupt the world with their cancerous weakness.
We live in a world under seige by the weak man. For billions of years the universe naturally favoured the strong, and just 2000 years ago one weak jew couldn't accept his place in this majestic puzzle.
He was rightfully taken out by the strong, strung up and eviscerated before bearing offspring, yet his weak words were recorded and lived on to inspire future generations of weaklings to befriend one another, forming weak coalitions. Useing quantity over quality as their motto they marched forward, descending upon the powerful like squishable but overwhelming locusts.

Today this favoured weakness is apparent everywhere. For one day forget your weak little jesus-inspired ideals about human rights and fairness, and look out upon humanity knowing the natural order of things, see that difference. See what we have become. It's actually quite pleasant at first glance, which is the only kind of glance most of us are prepared to take, but look a little deeper. Our discernable feature as a species, what sets us apart from everything else in the known universe, is the way we have embraced weakness and made it our trademark.
Is that really something to be proud of? Is that not something that demands derision and correction for the sake of our dignity?
Would it take contact with extra terrestrials for us to feel the need to acknowledge this shame?
I'm shocked! How could you say Martin Luther King is weak? Come on Doc, think about it. This was a man who stood up to the establishment to fight for the rights of people who had no rights, be they black or white. And you call him weak?
Dr Lou Natic

You have the mind of a nazi. people like you served hitler well in his death camps. Hey what happened to those tough superior hard men???? LOL All your supposed strength will not save you from death.

All praise the Ancient of Days
I remember Jesus saying it was hard for the rich man to enter the Kingdom of Heaven but not 'impossible'.
Lets not exclude anyone please!
As for Jesus is weak. I completely agree - but it is His weakness that I identify with, it is His strength that blows my mind and I find almost impossible to identify with.

As for Martin Luther King - well he was a god fearing man so who am I to judge him?


What the :confused:... this topic isn't even about martin luther king.
I was merely saying jesus is to the weak as martin luther king is to the blacks.

You have the mind of a nazi.
I share my sensibilities with the multi billion year old universe, you have the mind of a jewish carpenter from 2000 years ago who didn't like the way the universe operated.
I should be the one "lol"ing.

As for Jesus is weak. I completely agree - but it is His weakness that I identify with
Exactly my point, you and billions of other weaklings.
Your "agreeing" or "identifying" is insignificant, you shouldn't exist.
Dr Lou Natic said:
What the :confused:... this topic isn't even about martin luther king.
I was merely saying jesus is to the weak as martin luther king is to the blacks.


I share my sensibilities with the multi billion year old universe, you have the mind of a jewish carpenter from 2000 years ago who didn't like the way the universe operated.
I should be the one "lol"ing.


Exactly my point, you and billions of other weaklings.
Your "agreeing" or "identifying" is insignificant, you shouldn't exist.

But identifying is an intrinsic part of love. How can we love eachother unless we know what makes eachother tick? In your view Dr Lou Natic, only one man would be left standing and that man would be the strongest. How miserable it would be for him all alone by himself. It is not good for man to be alone. But you know this.
In your view Dr Lou Natic, only one man would be left standing and that man would be the strongest.
That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard.
I would never deny that humans are social animals. I certainly would never suggest that one man, or even 1 social unit could travel around the world wiping out all of humanity.
All I'm suggesting is man is supposed to be like every single other animal that has ever existed. There's more than 1 of each animal right?
There's nothing outlandish about my ideas, they just outlandishly conflict with jesus' ideas, and his ideas outlandishly conflicted with the natural order of the universe.
I'm identifying and condemming the mutation of this order that was jesus' influence.
Weak & strong are relative terms, not absolutes.

There were weak monkeys, no spokes-monkey for them;

There were weak apes, no spokes-ape for them;

There were weak humans, as you say jesus was their spokes man;

Whether there is any spokes-x is there or not for the weak, there would always be weaks & strongs. You kill all the weak humans in concentration camps. The remaining last 2 strong men will find one of them weak. There is no escape from 'weaks'. Deal with it. You are not absolutely strong either, someone will find you to be weak.
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Dr Lou Natic said:
I'm identifying and condemming the mutation of this order that was jesus' influence.

As much as I love your shoes, I really wouldnt want to be 'in' your shoes!
You are saying that you come to undo the work of Jesus Christ! Who sent you? On whose authority do you do this? You are deeply deeply deceived Dr Lou Natic. If you advocate death you shall reap it!
As for the rest of us, we shall eat from the tree of eternal life.
You might turn around though. Where there is life there is hope. Look at St Paul! He liked to kill Christians too once upon a time.
There is Jesus' way Dr Lou Natic and there is your way. Your's is the false light that we were warned of.


The problem with your logic is that the weak and powerless aren't that way because they are inferior, but due to the greed of those in power who seek to keep the power to themselves. The real situation is that society is only as strong as it's weakest link. When power and wealth (which is closely related) is concentrated in the hands of a few, that creates an unstable situation. Eventually, the poor rise up to conquer the rich with the strength of numbers, and down the line, the greedy few take over again. Jesus recognized that humans are in fact of one body, and the seeds of discontent start at the lowest levels of society. Diseases don't disappear because we reject the diseased, they disappear when we concentrate the total power of society on the problem. Everything starts small, like the mustard seed, like the universe itself, like the embryo, the atom and the quark. Don't you know the most successful creature in the history of the planet is the bacterium? Followed closely by the beetle.
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I'm still incredibly irritated, and no I won't be dignifying any of you with a direct response.

There's only one aspect of my post which is debateable, and that is whether jesus saving the weak from the eternal age old cycle of being downtrodden and disposed of was a good or bad thing. I say bad thing, if you're a weakling and you enjoy the opportunities jesus has given you to enjoy the luxuries previously only afforded to the strong and deserving then perhaps you will say it was a good thing, whatever thats ok.

What isn't ok is acting like my "ideas" are in some way inaccurate or I'm using faulty reasoning or that I'm saying outrageous things.
You will need to convince me that monkeys, apes, beetles and bacterium have developed (or are attempting to develop) systems which allow all individuals regardless of their traits to be successfull. I've never heard of IVF for incompetent inadequate monkeys, I've never seen beetles build ramps up to food sources for the beetles with broken wings, etc.

All species do and always have lived competitively by survival of the fittest, with individuals earning their right to breed against harsh competition and the relentless testing of mother nature.

With humans there has been a recent revolution, don't act like what I'm saying is a strange new concept, jesus had the strange new concepts, which have been adopted by humans at large. You have been raised in a time which makes you see them as normal, you haven't been properly exposed to the real world but rather only exposed to the human sanctuary built in the middle of it which was inspired by jesus' ideals and does not abide by the laws of nature.

You only see natural order as wrong because jesus was the antithesis of natural order and you have been brainwashed(yeah I said it) into seeing him as "right".
You don't have to be a card carrying christian to be brainwashed by jesus, you all are. I don't think I've come accross anyone at sciforums, or anywhere else, who isn't. I am, I used to not realise it which is when I was like you, now I can identify and acknowledge how and in what ways I am.
Jesus was the saviour for the weak, perhaps thats easier to understand than martin luther king for the weak.

Jesus successfully managed to disrupt the natural order of things, ofcourse he couldn't have realised the detrimental effects of what he was saying and doing. He just envisioned a world of happy people living in peace and harmony- which of course would appeal to the weak who knew they couldn't compete in the world how it was.
But the world and its ecosystems rely on inner-specific competition from all of the species. The consequences of our disobediance are far reaching, and in the end jesus' alleged righteous selfless antics lead to the most selfish venture a species could embark on.

All forms of deformed useless would-be reject humans, kept alive and reproduced due to a cooperative effort from the strong (who ironically had the responsibility to dispose of them), now run around the world like its their personal candy store, the species is a mutant force now competing with the planet itself.
It was never meant to be that way, clans of humans were supposed to compete with eachother for territories which could sustain them, naturally working in harmony with the planet.
But the outcompeted were given hope and inspiration by the dispicable baby jesus, who I would go back and smother with the nearest lamb if I had a time machine.
Dr Lou Natic said:
But the outcompeted were given hope and inspiration by the dispicable baby jesus, who I would go back and smother with the nearest lamb if I had a time machine.

God bless the little lamb :cool:
Dr Lou Natic said:
What isn't ok is acting like my "ideas" are in some way inaccurate or I'm using faulty reasoning or that I'm saying outrageous things.

Welcome to the world of the Christian :D

Give up your life Dr Lou Natic! In this way you will save it ;)
c20H25N3o said:
I remember Jesus saying it was hard for the rich man to enter the Kingdom of Heaven but not 'impossible'.
I absolutely love your opening line.
It's nice to know that theres someone still around, after all these years.
what puzzles me is why is'nt, there a book in the bible called, c20H25N3o.
you must have some stories to tell us about, the christ, what size shoes did he wear, did he always have a beard, was he really thin or did he put any weight on during his lifetime, what color were his eyes, was he dark haired or blonde, I hope he was'nt blonde, cause you know what the say about blondes.
please enlighten us with your stories.
Dr I 'm not going to condemn you for your opinion, that you right,
there seem to be a complete misunderstanding of you point, so you could say you used a bad comparison.
it might be a good idea to start the thread over.( from here)
pavlosmarcos said:
I absolutely love your opening line.
It's nice to know that theres someone still around, after all these years.
what puzzles me is why is'nt, there a book in the bible called, c20H25N3o.
you must have some stories to tell us about, the christ, what size shoes did he wear, did he always have a beard, was he really thin or did he put any weight on during his lifetime, what color were his eyes, was he dark haired or blonde, I hope he was'nt blonde, cause you know what the say about blondes.
please enlighten us with your stories.

Ill tell you a story :)

One day there was a boy whose mummy was bad. She hated all the things she now had to do because she had a son. She cursed the day he was born.
The boy's father had run away and left them both to fend for themselves.
The boy hated his daddy for running away and loved his mummy despite the fact that she was always so miserable to him. He didnt blame her. He blamed his father. It was a shame for that little boy wasn't it?


c20 :cool:
been there done that and brought the T shirt, but I did'nt blame either of my parents.
they felt, I would think, that they were doing the right thing. I dont know what I would have done given the same circumstances.
I absolutely adored my childhood, it could have been a lot worse, with a single parent, especially as my mum, and I loved her too, was a drunk.
so I cant say it was a shame for that little boy, I can only go by my own circumstances and I enjoy life, you only get one chance, so you make it the best.

good luck( it was only a little fun, I sorry if it upset you, dont take things to seriously.)
Dr. Lou

I understand your logic and have a tendancy to agree with the meat & potatoes of it. One thing to examine a little more closely is the man's ability to evolve spiritually. If you give any creedance to spiritual evolution it throws your whole arguement out the window.

Another thing that changes perspective is your own personal offspring. While I have no children myself - I really couldn't imagine the prospect of leaving them behind because they were weak. Especially recognizing that strength comes from more areas than just the ability to perform physically. The stage of evolution we have reached is very much so dependant on technology and overall ingenuity. How many great minds would be left behind? How many great technologies never discovered? Would you throw your own deformed baby away knowing that the potential to achieve greatness a la Stephen Hawking existed?
whether jesus saving the weak from the eternal age old cycle of being downtrodden and disposed of was a good or bad thing.
He did nothing of the sort, the downtrodden are still downtrodden, the weak are still abused by the strong, the golden age he envisioned is not yet here, otherwise, we would be living in Eden, and the lion would lie down with the lamb.

All species do and always have lived competitively by survival of the fittest, with individuals earning their right to breed against harsh competition and the relentless testing of mother nature.
No, this is not true, many species exist as much by cooperation as competition. The trait of strongness is not always favored by mother nature. Sometimes it is just a difference, a mutation, what might be an inadequacy in some circumstances, could be an advantage in others. The trait of color in birds is sometimes valued more than strength. Social creatures like humans place the fitness of the group above that of the individual. This is why mammals spend so much time carefully raising their young, who by definition are weak. Old people, seemingly weak, possess knowledge that greatly increases the possibility of success and survival in those around them. Inadequacy and weakness are not easily defined, but depend on the environment.

With humans there has been a recent revolution, don't act like what I'm saying is a strange new concept, jesus had the strange new concepts, which have been adopted by humans at large.
I don't think what Jesus was saying was strange, compassion is a value among many religions. It might have developed around the same time that agriculture superceded the need of strong individuals to hunt for meat. Even a stupid cripple can fling stones at birds so they don't eat the crops.

All forms of deformed useless would-be reject humans, kept alive and reproduced due to a cooperative effort from the strong (who ironically had the responsibility to dispose of them), now run around the world like its their personal candy store, the species is a mutant force now competing with the planet itself.
Whose to say if your survival of the fittest ideals would be any more sustainable than what we have now? They would rape the world of meat, and not know how to survive when it was all gone. Many scientific breakthroughs are found by solitary and unorthodox individuals with developmental disorders like autism that would have kept them from excelling in your World Wrestling Federation society.