Jesus' Lost Years

>>>The Bible supports itself.

LOL you could also say that for any crackpot conspiracy :D

Having read buddhist and christian scriptures Im impressed with the way the sayings of jesus echo buddhist ideas. Jesus wouldnt have had to travel very far to get exposure to eastern thought either, the romans were great importers of religions and rome built good roads. So whether or not he actually traveled to the east or not he probably had exposure to eastern spiritual ideas.
Of course you could also make the theosophist arguement that the Ultimate Reality is accessable from any starting point and terminates in the same endpoint no matter where you start.
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Truth is not relative to the observer, is gravity relative to the observer? Is the Earth being round realitive to the observer?
Somebody might be able to convince themselves that the Earth is flat, but that doesn't make it truth, it just means they have deluded themselves,

Jan Ardena, where did that come from?
Very Eastern, I doubt that it is though for obvious reasons, Gnostic Christian?
I didn't mean to imply that Jesus didn't teach others, I was saying did he have some sort of Guru that helped him, other than John, did he get to his perfect state by himself, with in his own life, or was he born in full knowledge, a lot of people like to think the last, but I'm not sure, at this stage I would have to go for either of the first two
If you are in the middl of a black hole then it is.
it is relative to your location.
Earth is flat in 2 dimensional scale. it depends of the observer as I told.
Originally posted by evolove
Do mean no evidence out side of the things she sites, or none at all? There are supposed to be monastic records that, like a guest book, show that an Issa stayed their, in this erea at that time,
Find "Issa" in Arabic, then look for it in Aramaic or Hebrew. What you should find is that "Issa" is Arabic for Jesus. If He was really traveling the silk & spice trails of old, why didn't He just use the lingua franca of His Time & Homeland (Aramaic), as would be the custom of most travelers? And at that time (4BC to 30AD), Arabic had not been dispersed in that direction yet. Rome had a Caesar named Phillip of Arabic descent later, Philip the Arab (244-249 A.D.). By the way, if Jesus is God, then He probably spoke Arabic as fluently as He would English today, but why would He??? Just like, why would He need to go to India for knowledge?

which she doesn't mention, but if Elizibeth Claire Prophet is a False Porphet could somebody tell me, please!
False!!!???!!!The nerve of that woman!!!, I don't know where she got that name, it must of been in California, where you can change it to anything not fraudulent, which reminds me, you can stop calling me, "George W. Bush" now and start with "Wolfgang A. Mozart", 'WAM' for short.
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Thanks for stating an obvious piont, I always fuckin miss them, damn it, but just to be sure, I think that Arabic would have been infulenced by Aramaic, if not a direct desendent, Could Issa have come from that? It is the common language that was spoken at that time, so would fit the criteria that you previously set out, Issa is also the native word for Christian in India, which fits in with their Saint Issa, i know you statement throughs doubt over the whole thing, but I want to get right to the bottom of this,
Aramaic & Mar Thoma

Found a few sites that you can look up for the Mar Thoma Church in India & the Aramaic language that was spoken in Palestine during Jesus's time.

from the above site, the following was found for "issa" , under the Lexical Concordance button:

Aramaic Lexicon and Concordance

Enter Search:

English Search Field » English word (default) Word Number
Aramaic Search Field* » Aramaic word Lexeme Root

* Keystrokes of the Estrangelo Font character set. Keyboard Map

Search Results
The word was
not found in the lexicon, please try again using another variation of the word.

For "jesus" , the following:

Aramaic Lexicon and Concordance

Enter Search:

English Search Field » English word (default) Word Number
Aramaic Search Field* » Aramaic word Lexeme Root

* Keystrokes of the Estrangelo Font character set. Keyboard Map

Word: (w4yb
Lexeme: (w4y
Root: (w4y
Word Number: 9566
Meaning: Jesus
Pronunciation: (Eastern) B'YeSHuOE
(Western) B'YeSHuOE
Part of Speech: Proper Noun

Suffix Gender:
Suffix Person:
Suffix Number: Singular
Lexeme Form:
Randolfo, ever greatful, I'd have got around to it eventualy, but thanks for sharing, and for the links
late reply

No problem, sorry for the late reply, just moved & comp not wired yet, so at the public library today to get emails & chat.