Jesus is the ONLY WAY!

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Cris: Umm people - this thread is from 3 years ago. Looney left us quite some time ago - one of the craziest fanatics we've ever had.
M*W: Cris, do you mean there is still hope for the Religion forum? I'm curious who opened Sir.Loone back up?
Apeitheo: Sorry :eek:
M*W: You are forgiven, my child. Go in peace to love and serve Medicine*Woman... and, hey, by the way, welcome to sciforums!!!
Sir. Loone said:

I am glad you believe that now go out and convince your fellow christians to stop killing in Jesus name...I am seriously...the dude was such a pacifist!!
"This I speak of is not of drugs and alcohol, or man made solutions, those will not do anything but destroy your life. "
Wrong, drugs ARE the answer, but it depends which one.
Sir. Loone says, "Jesus is Lord! --- Jesus IS our ONLY HOPE FOR PEACE!!"

Jesus has shown mankind the way to have PEACE in his testimony of love, but Saul/St.Paul testimony was and is the way to confussion and division. Saul/St.Paul's Mystical Jesus is the Beast, the great deceiver.

Yes, 'Our LORD' is JESUS the Alpha and Omega, the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY, HIM that sitteth upon the throne, and 'His Christ' is the Lamb that came and took the book out of the right hand of HIM that sat upon the throne.

YET TO BE ---> "The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of 'Our LORD', and 'His Christ'; and he shall reign for ever and ever." - (Rev. 11:15)

Peace be with you, Paul

Your baseless rambling assertions are beginiing to look a lot like the nutty ramblings of Sir Loone. I guess you couldn't resist the urge to preach either.
battig, I posted this on a thread started by me.
so my apologys to James R, for spaming.
but it contradicts, your all loving jesus belief.

Jesus says that most people will go to hell. matt 7:13-14

Cities that neither "receive" the disciples nor "hear" their words will be destroyed by God. It will be worse for them than for Sodom and Gomorrah. And you know what God supposedly did to those poor folks (see Gen.19:24). matt 10:14-15

"Whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven." matt 10:33

Jesus condemns entire cities to dreadful deaths and to the eternal torment of hell because they didn't care for his preaching. matt 11:20-24

Jesus becomes angry at those who said that he had "an unclean spirit," so he announces the unforgivable sin: "blasphemy against the Holy Ghost." mark 3:29

Any city that doesn't "receive" the followers of Jesus will be destroyed in a manner even more savage than that of Sodom and Gomorrah. mark 6:11

Jesus initially refuses to cast out a devil from a Syrophoenician woman's daughter, calling the woman a "dog". After much pleading, he finally agrees to cast out the devil. mark 7:25-29

"The wrath of God" is on all unbelievers.romans 1:18

With his usual intolerance, Paul condemns homosexuals (including lesbians). This is the only clear reference to lesbians in the Bible. roman 1:26-28

so who's all love then, not jesus.

you need to read your bible and not just excerpts
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