'Jesus is Lord'


Registered Senior Member
'Jesus is Lord'

Christians that say 'Jesus is Lord' are saying that Jesus is their 'commander-in-chief', the Lord of Lords and the King of Kings.

Jesus said, "You shall love the lord your God with all your heart, and all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself ---". > Matt.:22:37-40. "You have heard that it was said, 'You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.' But I say unto you, "Love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you." > Matt. 5:43-44, "and do good, and lend, hoping for nothing in return, and your reward will be great, and you will be sons of the Most High. For He is kind to the unthankful and to the evil." > Luke 6:35. --- "If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word; --- " > John 14:21-23. "Blessed are those who do His commandments"

Pres. GW Bush also says that 'Jesus is Lord', his 'commander-in-chief'.

According to what is written 'my postion' is that Jesus is not Pres. GW Bush's 'commander in chief'?

Let us have a debate for, or, against 'my postion'.

I am totally baffled when people [christians] believe GWB, when he says that Jesus is his Lord, his 'commander in chief'.

What happens to a General in the US Army when he does not follow the commands of his 'commander in chief'?
Just out of curiosity can anyone here provide a quote where George Bush actually said "Jesus is Lord" or "Jesus is my Lord" ?

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Chapter 19 : (verses 20-24) (20) The young man saith unto him, all these things I have kept from my youth up: what lack I yet? (21) Jesus said unto him, If thou wilt be perfect, go and sell that thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come and follow me. (22) But when the young man heard that saying, he went away sorrowful: for he had great possessions. (23) Then Jesus said unto his disciples, verily I say unto you, that a rich man shall hardly enter into the kingdom of heaven. (24) And again I say unto you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.

AND THE PREACHERS especially ignore it...

... (24) And again I say unto you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.

No offense towards anyone intended, but should not the above quote be refering to "a gammel through the eye of a needle". A gammel being a thick rope. I heard somewhere, ages ago that this particular saying had been misquoted for so long that most give up on correcting the error and go with the flow.
Battig, long time no see!

Jesus as C-in-C. Ah, a subject very close to my heart, and one I've tried to advance as a talking point for Evangelical Christians a number of times. Incidentally, my argument does rely on George W. Bush being taken at his own estimation as a Christian, so lets leave it at that.

The fastest growing form of Christianity in the world is Evangelical Christianity (EC), a Protestant presbyterian sect which really dates back only as far as the 19th Century. And the largest growth area for Evangelical Christianity is, of course, the United States. Their principle tenet of belief is total belief in the Bible as the Word of God and thus infallible. I should estimate that 90% of Christians on this forum who proselytise their faith in between promoting either Biblical Creationism or even just Intelligent Design, are Evangelicals.

Even more important to the ECs than Genesis, however, is the promise of Jesus's return as described in Revelation. Their steadfast belief in the Second Coming in literal terms is why they are extremely pro-Israel and zionistic. They don't believe in any quarter given to the Palestinians, and in fact would be happiest if the State of Israel was the full extent of the old Davidic empire (c 1000-900 BCE), because they firmly believe that only then will Jesus return in glory. First item of business is to battle with the Antichrist (variously identified with Osama Bin Laden, George W. Bush - yeah, even amongst his own people - and of course, the Pope; but of course, nobody actually knows) on the plains of Megiddo, north of Jerusalem. This is the origin of the term Armageddon, of course.

After defeating the Antichrist (there's never any doubt about this outcome, by the way), Jesus becomes King of the World and reigns in peace for one thousand years. After which comes Judgement Day, when every soul that has ever existed is resurrected (in their original body) and judged according to one sole criterion - whether they have accepted Jesus into their heart as the Son of God and their Saviour. Unless they're Catholics, of course!

The thing is, I've never remotely understood how it is that Americans can so readily junk their all-conquering belief in a democratic Republic and become subject to a King, when refusing to be subject to a King is the reason there are any Americans in the first place!

George W. Bush is an Evangelical Christian who has specified Jesus Christ as his Lord and Commander In Chief. However, when Jesus comes to judge both the quick and the dead, he is going to find himself somewhat constrained as to the handing over of the reigns of power to the authority he regards as being Ultimate, given that it's more or less against the Constitution of the United States.

I did have an argument with an EC on a theological forum, and he simply could not understand what I was talking about when I said that when Judgement Day came he'd be sacrificing all his democratic rights and seeing close personal friends condemned without appeal (or any of the normal instruments of Justice) to eternity in Hell. He was like, "When Jesus comes, I'm genuinely going to be happy to close the door against anybody is against Jesus, even if they are close personal friends of mine. My heart would be stone." and stuff like that.
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Adstar said:
Just out of curiosity can anyone here provide a quote where George Bush actually said "Jesus is Lord" or "Jesus is my Lord" ?

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Not online, but I did read a reference to something of that nature in Barbara Victor's The Last Crusade: Religion and the Politics of Misdirection. When he asked a question about his beliefs by an EC delegation, he gave the standard EC answer about having accepted Jesus as his Lord and Saviour. In the book this answer is contrasted greatly with the answer his Dad gave to more or less the same question, in which Bush Sr. gave the usual politician's Christian platitudes, but didn't say the magic words expected by Evangelicals. This was highlighted as a reason that George H. W. did not get the expected Christian Right support in the 1992 election, thus letting Clinton in. Ronald Reagan was well advised on the right things to say, even though he was never an Evangelical. But Dubya is definitely an Evangelical Christian that not only says the "right" things but means them too, or at least he did until the last year or two. What's GWB doing wrong now, according to ECs? Well, he's promoting the Road Map to peace in the Middle East, and the creation of the Palestinian state. I personally have no doubt that Bush personally feels quite strongly that Israel must dominate, but as a politician he has to work in the world of realpolitik, and for the moment the neocon agenda figures more strongly than the Religious Right's.
dcmorse said:
No offense towards anyone intended, but should not the above quote be refering to "a gammel through the eye of a needle". A gammel being a thick rope. I heard somewhere, ages ago that this particular saying had been misquoted for so long that most give up on correcting the error and go with the flow.

M*W: Welcome to sciforums and thanks for the linguistic info! Language evolves, and there's no stopping it. When I was a kid, the phrase, "It takes two to tango," has evolved. Now kids say, "It takes two to tangle!" I corrected one of them who explained that is how they learned to say it. Oh, well, I guess my age is showing and that I'm now speaking olde English!
I thought it was a camel, since the quote derives from a low gate around a certian judean city through which it was impossible for invaders to ride swiftly into the city. The gate was referred to as "the needle".
Silas said:
Not online, but I did read a reference to something of that nature in Barbara Victor's The Last Crusade: Religion and the Politics of Misdirection. When he asked a question about his beliefs by an EC delegation, he gave the standard EC answer about having accepted Jesus as his Lord and Saviour. In the book this answer is contrasted greatly with the answer his Dad gave to more or less the same question, in which Bush Sr. gave the usual politician's Christian platitudes, but didn't say the magic words expected by Evangelicals. This was highlighted as a reason that George H. W. did not get the expected Christian Right support in the 1992 election, thus letting Clinton in. Ronald Reagan was well advised on the right things to say, even though he was never an Evangelical. But Dubya is definitely an Evangelical Christian that not only says the "right" things but means them too, or at least he did until the last year or two. What's GWB doing wrong now, according to ECs? Well, he's promoting the Road Map to peace in the Middle East, and the creation of the Palestinian state. I personally have no doubt that Bush personally feels quite strongly that Israel must dominate, but as a politician he has to work in the world of realpolitik, and for the moment the neocon agenda figures more strongly than the Religious Right's.

The strange thing is i have never heard him say in all His public addresses that he accepts Jesus as His Lord and Saviour. Oh i have heard him mention God often but Jesus very rarely and never as Lord and Saviour. You would think there would be many Audio recordings of him proclaiming Jesus as the Messiah.

George bush is a skulls and bones man a member of the masonic lodge, as have been most of the US presidents. i believe he has deceived the EC's

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
George W. Bush is an Evangelical Christian who has specified Jesus Christ as his Lord and Commander In Chief. However, when Jesus comes to judge both the quick and the dead, he is going to find himself somewhat constrained as to the handing over of the reigns of power to the authority he regards as being Ultimate, given that it's more or less against the Constitution of the United States.

Well i have never heard GWB proclaim Jesus as His Lord and Saviour, But anyway who said the USA will still exist to be handed over to the Messiah Jesus upon His return. Many Christians (me included) believe that the USA will be vaporised before the return of the Messiah Jesus.

I did have an argument with an EC on a theological forum, and he simply could not understand what I was talking about when I said that when Judgement Day came he'd be sacrificing all his democratic rights and seeing close personal friends condemned without appeal (or any of the normal instruments of Justice) to eternity in Hell. He was like, "When Jesus comes, I'm genuinely going to be happy to close the door against anybody is against Jesus, even if they are close personal friends of mine. My heart would be stone." and stuff like that.

As i said before being ruled by a perfect King is far better than being under a democracy. And He is right when He said no one is more important than Jesus. His personal friends have the right to accept or reject Jesus and from that decision they will be Justified or Condemned.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
dcmorse said:
No offense towards anyone intended, but should not the above quote be refering to "a gammel through the eye of a needle". A gammel being a thick rope. I heard somewhere, ages ago that this particular saying had been misquoted for so long that most give up on correcting the error and go with the flow.

even if this is true... it cannot fit threw the needle...

Adstar said:
The strange thing is i have never heard him say in all His public addresses that he accepts Jesus as His Lord and Saviour. Oh i have heard him mention God often but Jesus very rarely and never as Lord and Saviour. You would think there would be many Audio recordings of him proclaiming Jesus as the Messiah.

George bush is a skulls and bones man a member of the masonic lodge, as have been most of the US presidents. i believe he has deceived the EC's
*Sigh* I'm not of the right wing persuasion, but I do get very tired of this constant bashing of Bush personally, on matters unrelated to his Administration of the country and the world. Yes, Adstar, he was a member of Skull and Bones. He was an alcoholic then, too, and later a considerable hellraiser. He doesn't drink any more, and as part of that process, he found God and became an Evangelical. He's deceiving the ECs a considerable amount less than Ronald Reagan did! Quite apart from anything else, it is Bush's incumbency in the White House which is giving Evangelical Christianity a much greater hold over policy as a whole. I believe this is the first Administration for a century to have held prayer meetings in the White House itself.
Adstar said:
You would think there would be many Audio recordings of him proclaiming Jesus as the Messiah.
Political suicide, even in a country as strongly Christian as the US. I was about to say that nobody can afford to alienate the Jewish lobby, when I remembered that I think Bush has actually made a statement to the effect that Jews who continued to reject Jesus as their Messiah were going to Hell! These beliefs derive from Evangelical dogma.

*whisper* Adstar - don't post for a second! Look! You're on exactly 900 posts, and I'm on exactly 950!

dcmorse said:
No offense towards anyone intended, but should not the above quote be refering to "a gammel through the eye of a needle". A gammel being a thick rope. I heard somewhere, ages ago that this particular saying had been misquoted for so long that most give up on correcting the error and go with the flow.
spidergoat said:
I thought it was a camel, since the quote derives from a low gate around a certian judean city through which it was impossible for invaders to ride swiftly into the city. The gate was referred to as "the needle".
Can those of us on the non-religious side of the debate not keep quoting all the various apologetics invented by Christian priests of various demoninations to justify not having to give away all ones possessions? I checked all three of the Greek NT texts available on unbound.biola.edu and the word is definitely "kamelou" with a kappa, not a gamma. Neither is there any evidence that there was a gate called "the eye of the needle" or that Jesus was referring to this (though to be sure I don't know enough Greek to tell if you could interpret what is written as "The eye of a needle", which would be just the eye of a needle, or "The Eye of The Needle", which would clearly indicate a place). But the EoaN being a gate was giving the rich the excuse that they only had to drop some possessions in order to get their camels to squeeze through, and undoubtedly is an idea no earlier than the latter half of the Second Millennium.
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dcmorse said:
No offense towards anyone intended, but should not the above quote be refering to "a gammel through the eye of a needle". A gammel being a thick rope. I heard somewhere, ages ago that this particular saying had been misquoted for so long that most give up on correcting the error and go with the flow.
hence why all religion is really just chinese whispers.
battig1370 said:
'Jesus is Lord'

Christians that say 'Jesus is Lord' are saying that Jesus is their 'commander-in-chief', the Lord of Lords and the King of Kings.

Jesus said, "You shall love the lord your God with all your heart, and all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself ---". > Matt.:22:37-40. "You have heard that it was said, 'You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.' But I say unto you, "Love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you." > Matt. 5:43-44, "and do good, and lend, hoping for nothing in return, and your reward will be great, and you will be sons of the Most High. For He is kind to the unthankful and to the evil." > Luke 6:35. --- "If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word; --- " > John 14:21-23. "Blessed are those who do His commandments"

Pres. GW Bush also says that 'Jesus is Lord', his 'commander-in-chief'.

According to what is written 'my postion' is that Jesus is not Pres. GW Bush's 'commander in chief'?

Let us have a debate for, or, against 'my postion'.

Catholic spies, that pretend to be protestant, have the Jesuit general as their commander-n-chief. So it is with catholic spy presidents and catholic spy supreme court appointees, and catholic spy congressman.
Is the vatican trying to take over the world for the pope? Rome had been trying to take over the world since Julius Caesar.
Read chapter 11, blueprint for a catholic america, in online book at that website.

Most powerful man in the world -- the jesuit general
http://www.fourwinds10.com/corner/black-pope.htm Read about the Vatican power structure.

read about jesuits infiltrating the intelligence agencies.
Hey, Ghost, you're back! And bashing Catholics!! My mother and sister will be displeased that you've uncovered their plan for global domination, I must say.

Good idea quoting Jack Chick there, because you know how much respect we all have for his views!
most christians ignore 'if your eye causes you to sin, pluck it out'

its all allegorical, of course. ;)