Jesus: Hands or Wrists


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Registered Senior Member
It probably is not a significant deal, but do you think Jesus was nailed through his hands or wrists. Catholics follow that it was his hands, but I have heard that it was his wrists. Any thoughts?

If it was the hands, wouldn't the weight rip through his hands????
come to think of it i don't know. i have heard that there are different schools of thought on this but as far as i know it was the hands. the wrists were also tied so that they wouldn't slip off.
This bugged me when I saw previews for The Passion. I always understood that the depiction in Byzantine paintings and in the stigmata of palm wounds were erroneous. There is no way for a spike through the weak hand bones to hold up a 160+ lb man. The spikes would have to have been through the wrist, or even down further, between the radius and the ulna, to have enough bone mass to hold the weight.

That being said, from what I remember, they usually just tied people to the cross for a crucifiction. Perhaps, with Jesus, they tied him up as is SOP, but the nails in the hands were just to add even more injury to insult.
With the feet carrying some of the load, say 80 lbs, that leaves each hand with only about 40 lbs, then. If you can carry 40 lbs with one hand, they will surely support that weight with nails driven through them.
Right. Well, the point of the last part of my post was that mainly the ropes and other acoutrements did all the support. The spikes were likely more for spite than anything. I had always heard patr of the story was that Jesus got "special treatment" that way. Most other crucified folks were faceted there by ropes alone.

Maybe when that time machine that someone on another forum says we'll someday have gets built, we can go back and check it out.
chunkylover58 said:
Right. Well, the point of the last part of my post was that Maybe when that time machine that someone on another forum says we'll someday have gets built, we can go back and check it out.
M*W: Wouldn't that be an amazing journey! There might be a whole lot of stuff that paints for us a different picture!
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: Wouldn't that be an amazing journey! There might be a whole lot of stuff that paints for us a different picture!

Can you please be a little more cheerful? :rolleyes:

Oh... and thanks for always adding that M*W.
Otherwise, I might never realize it's you.
I think the wrists would be most likely. Nails through the hands would tend to tear and not support the weight.
it's not a flaw of the bible. the bible says he was crucified. roman history tells us that crucifixion involves nailing a criminal to a piece of wood with the wrists bound by rope. the ropes and the piece of wood placed under his feet support the weight. the hanging on a cross part is solely for the public display because crucifixion was reserved for political rebels. being nailed to the cross isn't what kills you. it's only so that the crowds can see you and know what happens to people who challenge authority. the severe beating beforehand is what opens wounds which causes you to die slowly from blood loss. it's mostly a public spectacle.
in the movie Stigmata. They were looking at a painting where the nails were through the hands, but they said that the picture was inacurate and that scientists had proved the hands couldnt support the weight. He may have been supported by ropes i guess.
Yah, it was wrists, and they didn't do it on crosses either it was a tree with a board nailed horizontal to it. Nature's crucifix! Except for the board I guess... and the seat... so the other nails were through the sides of the ankles on either side of the tree.
oh and yeah, with alain, he also doesn't look like a white-skinned brown-haired 1600's-style moustache... notice he came from the middle-east... hail the middle-easterner! (kidding, no offence to anyone).
in the movie Stigmata. They were looking at a painting where the nails were through the hands, but they said that the picture was inacurate and that scientists had proved the hands couldnt support the weight. He may have been supported by ropes i guess.
Yes, I do remember that. The movie Stigmata has many inaccuracies, though.
rainbow__princess_4 said:
oh and yeah, with alain, he also doesn't look like a white-skinned brown-haired 1600's-style moustache... notice he came from the middle-east... hail the middle-easterner! (kidding, no offence to anyone).

Yeah....Him having been a Palestinian, I'd say he had a better chance of looking like a young Casey Kasem or Jamie Farr than Willem Defoe or Christian Bale.