Jesus forgiving sin is unjust to Victim.

apparently you missed my point entirely..

you said to give you examples in the post that i gave you examples, then you proceeded to argue against the ten commandments instead of the points i made utilizing the ten commandments as examples..(and you even argued against the ones that i didn't spell out..)

and it is bad form to make a point in the OP about jesus then argue against someone else using "Assumption is not fact. Even the assumption that Jesus was real has yet to be proven. " was you intention to start sh*t or did you have a point to make in your OP? if so read my post again, cept this time understand what i am saying..

my point was that Sin does not need a victim..(using the term as another person)

you can sin and the only 'victim' as you put it is yourself..

give me a list of sins..and i will argue how the 'victim' as you put it, is yourself.

Honesty requires that you read my posts as intended,not as you want it to read..

I await you showing how someone can sin against themselves.

I await you showing how someone can sin against themselves.


again you do not know how to read..
i asked you to give me a list of sins and i would argue this..

where are you coming from DL??
you posit a question then when someone corrects/disagrees with you you don't argue their points but begin to slam their examples(which is why i asked you to come up with a list of sins), you have consistently missed my points, which makes me wonder what your motives are in regard to this thread..are you seriously seeking knowledge/ or are you just looking to troll your anti-religious opinions?

I do have in mind another list of sins(seven deadly sins),but knowing how you have argued with me in this thread you won't listen to my reasoning, you would argue that the list is not sins..

So,give me a list of what you think of as sins and i will argue how they are sins against yourself..
Cold blooded murder with a conscious mind fixated that what you are doing is okay.
Cold blooded murder with a conscious mind fixated that what you are doing is okay.

Murder is an easy one to argue..(i have in my first post here..)

Not saying murder does not have another person as victim.
but what does that do to a person who commits the murder?

If you have never murdered, what would that do to you once you have committed your first murder?

I think there have been studies on this, i do not know where to look for these studies, but i would think that the effect on ones own person would be very significant, i would think it would immediately cause one to devalue anothers life, thereby creating problems for any relationship one would get involved in (same argument applies to adultery) i would think that the person who committed murder would never have a quality social life,

this also does not address the losses involved with prison..(loss of rights,freedoms,socialization, fear of rape..)

the victim in this case only loses his life,the murderer loses much more..
again you do not know how to read..
i asked you to give me a list of sins and i would argue this..

where are you coming from DL??
you posit a question then when someone corrects/disagrees with you you don't argue their points but begin to slam their examples(which is why i asked you to come up with a list of sins), you have consistently missed my points, which makes me wonder what your motives are in regard to this thread..are you seriously seeking knowledge/ or are you just looking to troll your anti-religious opinions?

I do have in mind another list of sins(seven deadly sins),but knowing how you have argued with me in this thread you won't listen to my reasoning, you would argue that the list is not sins..

So,give me a list of what you think of as sins and i will argue how they are sins against yourself..

You said "you can sin and the only 'victim' as you put it is yourself.."

I ask for one example while you want to talk of other sins.

Fill my request for one example or recant.

Option three is go away if you do not want to discuss what you said.

The O P is on forgiveness. Not a discussion of all the sins we can name.

You said "you can sin and the only 'victim' as you put it is yourself.."
quote me where i said 'ONLY'
I said you do not need another person to sin..
you said:
Sin, by it’s very nature must have a victim. Without a victim, there is no sin.

I ask for one example while you want to talk of other sins.
you are the one who started with the sins..apparently you have no clue as to what a sin is..otherwise you would not have to resort to doubletalk and backpedaling to argue with me..

Fill my request for one example or recant.
i have gave you several have yet to argue with my points.

Option three is go away if you do not want to discuss what you said.
same to you bub if you do not want to discuss what YOU said..

The O P is on forgiveness. Not a discussion of all the sins we can name.
you gonna make me quote you again??
the OP is about forgiveness of can't even stay on track with your own argument..

i think Neverfly sums up what you are doing quit nice in a post to another user..(see here)

but of course i don't expect you to go read are more than happy to maintain your own ignorance..