Jesus' DNA

Originally posted by Microzoft
“Even if…”, is a big, big word!
The important fact seams to be WE DO NOT.

I thought it was more important to point out that even if DNA existed, it couldn't be related to anyone and is useless, so the topic being discussed is in vain.....If we exhumed Abraham lincoln, and performed DNA testing on him, we would also get nothing, and we'll base finding on the fact that people have historically accepted that this spot is his burial spot. Just trying to redirect the bloodsheds to more relevant threads.
Originally posted by heflores
I thought it was more important to point out that even if DNA existed, it couldn't be related to anyone and is useless, so the topic being discussed is in vain.....If we exhumed Abraham lincoln, and performed DNA testing on him, we would also get nothing, and we'll base finding on the fact that people have historically accepted that this spot is his burial spot. Just trying to redirect the bloodsheds to more relevant threads.

we could check if jesus had a special genome
Originally posted by spuriousmonkey
we could check if jesus had a special genome

First you have to agree that the body is that of Jesus?
Now, I believe in the existance of Jesus, yet, if they tell me tomorrow in the news that they found the body of Jesus, You won't see me rejoicing, actually, I'll doubt the whole thing. You see somethings are best not found.
Originally posted by heflores
First you have to agree that the body is that of Jesus?
Now, I believe in the existance of Jesus, yet, if they tell me tomorrow in the news that they found the body of Jesus, You won't see me rejoicing, actually, I'll doubt the whole thing. You see somethings are best not found.

because we might discover that he is actually the devil?
Originally posted by spuriousmonkey
because we might discover that he is actually the devil?
come on monkey, he's not the devil. He was such a beautifull peacefull prophet. During his life, he emphatically told people that he is a man who worshipped one god and no more and they tortured him and tried to kill him, and after he died, everyone started saying that he is god or son of god. Poor guy, noone got his point in his life or after his death.

In any case, proofing his existance or the existance of any other prophet should be of no importance to a theist or an atheist. A theist should be worhipping the creator only and not placing any importance on the messangers. A theist should not be thinking that if they pray to Jesus, that Jesus might ask for a special favor from god for them. Theists pray straight to god without intercession. An Atheist does not really care about god, so why should they care about the messanger.
What's the Point?

Interesting topic. Jesus was fully human... so He certainly had DNA - He was like us in every way - except He was also fully God. God is a spiritual being. I doubt we'd find 'traces' of Him in human DNA. It is impossible to recover Jesus' body as it went up with Him when he was hidden from view by the clouds. We won't ever be finding Jesus' body. I liken Jesus' body changing into something like a quark soup or something similar and being transferred to another dimension. One possible cerebral excersize. Jesus' DNA would look no different from ours, in my opinion. Mary's DNA would be more interesting to study.
this thread hurt my head. maybe i shouldn't wander into the religion forum.

reminder: in the time period the gospels were written, "virgin" was synonymous with maiden meaning *unmarried* woman. assuming DNA from Jesus could be obtained and isolated, would it not be found that it is half from the line of David as that was the prophesy?
Re: What's the Point?

Originally posted by MarcAC He certainly had DNA - He was like us in every way - except He was also fully God.

What is this maddness. He is fully human and fully god, so who the hell was Jesus crying and praying to if Jesus was god???

Matt.27[46] And about the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying, Eli, Elohim, lama sabachthani? that is to say, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?

Oh my god, Jesus cried and prayed to Allahom (Elohim). Jesus is a submitted to Allah, I pronouce him a muslim.
Re: Re: What's the Point?

Originally posted by heflores
... He is fully human and fully god, so who the hell was Jesus crying and praying to if Jesus was god???

Matt.27[46] And about the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying, Eli, Elohim, lama sabachthani? that is to say, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?...
Well God is Three in one... you know the rest... stop playing dimwit.
I'd rather be a dimwit than a believer in more than one god

Originally posted by MarcAC
Well God is Three in one... you know the rest... stop playing dimwit.

God is three....Are you sure? Not four, or five? Seems like all christians--all billions of them - are sons and daughters of god just like Jesus, so what differentiate them from Jesus the son of god? Oh, he's the first born.....Is god a billion then? Sorry for being a dimwit, but I'm anal about my faith, you see, it's such a serious matter and I don't like to mix up other beings to share my devotion to the ONE god.
sure God has DNA. perfect DNA.

this seems like such a silly question. if you believe that Jesus is the son of an all powerful God who is capable of doing anything with in his holly imagination, jesus very well may have not had DNA. God isn't going to be constricted by anything, God can do whatever the hell he wants. if God wants a virgin to start poping out babies then it will happen. it was a miracle right? no sense trying to figure out a biological explanation. like the resurrection, walking on water, turing water to wine. if you beleive Jesus is the son of God then why look for scientific explanations?

You sound like you were actually there! Let us all remember nobody has any proof to any of this except a novel written by person or persons unknown. You can, in fact, we all can summise to who they were or might have been but there is absolutely no, (thats zero, diddly-squat, bugger all), proof to make any valid claims. We can all spend an eternity with guesswork but we'll never actually know any facts on the matter. For all you know the bible could have been written by a bunch of melanin overdosed shepherds.

Ancient Sumerian literature has been found which is proven to be the original bible. The bible we all know now is but a mere rip-off of that original work. While we still could not prove what has been said, we can accurately dismiss it as being written by those you would probably suggest.

Finally I'd like to make comment on your final sentence. You know how much I despise people who are certain the world is flat just because someone else says so. The overwhelming majority of people nowadays have what I call: 'Mummy faith'. They believe this, that and the other simply because their parents told them to and taught them that belief. Surely there comes a time in life where you need to ask questions and find your own true answers based upon evidence, based upon facts. Religion is often classed as being a 'faith' purely because it is just that. If we look at your final sentence we can see you don't give a damn about truth or searching for truth. Why bother? This is my 'faith', and that's good enough for me... It is, as the expression goes, blind leading the blind.

I understand, really i do.. people feel so fragile, the very knowledge that every day might very well be our last is a huge burden to carry. Defences grow weak until eventually you just accept anything anyone tells you. I say **** that. I will remain strong and true to myself. I will not hide behind something without questioning its authenticity. Your parents say:"son, you are a christian, you will believe this.." and that becomes your eternal answer. I'm sorry but: "if you beleive Jesus is the son of God then why look for scientific explanations?", is not good enough for me.

There are answers, there are questions.. It takes a brave man to ask them and a lucky man to find them
For more information on the DNA of Jesus, please see the website of Rennes-le-Chateau in France. It's a great forum website like this one. They talk about all the descendants of Jesus and Mary Magdalene.
There was a miracle where the host turned into human blood. From what I heard, scientists did tests on one of the more recent ones and found it to be the blood from a human heart. I don't seee any reason why Jesus would not have DNA. He was formed in Mary's womb just like a normal human.
Originally posted by MacZ
Thanks Bridge.

That's what interests me - reconciling a virgin birth with the reality of a human being.

Cloning is possible and it's the equivalent of virgin birth. Female cloning is much simpler than Male cloning.

This phenomena of virgin birth should not be discounted on the basis that it's not possible, because the first man Adam needed neither a mom or a dad to concieve, and noone is questioning our origin the way we criticise the virgin birth.

Plus really, it's not a miracle, if one really would like to study a miracle, then find Adam's DNA, for he had no mother and no father and we didn't go attributing a god father and mother to him.
SnakeLord i agree

I couldn't agree with snakelord more. The bible you now read has been deliberatly mis-interpreted, wrongly translated, to enslave you mentally. And to answer this question for all......Jesus wasn't fully human. He was Half human, half Annunaki of Enki.....who is the son of Anu, the most high God. Annunaki god.
Hey we have a Nuwaubu :D

You follow the teachings of that dude ?.....forgot his name

Tell us all about it :p

How exactly was Jesus semi-human ? How did that go ?
would it not be found that it is half from the line of David as that was the prophesy?

Well the line of david was on jesus fathers side so it wouldnt be found in the dna if mary actually had been a 'real' virgin. It also causes problems with the prophecy of the messiah being from the lineage of david.... If mary was a virgin- jesus would have no david lineage in him. (the one response i got was that god accepted david as one of his sons or some shit, and thus they are linked in that respect.... a weakass argument if ever ive heard one- but that's how these 'people' operate).