Jesus' DNA


Registered Senior Member
This just popped into my head and I was wondered if anyone had any thoughts?

If Jesus was a real life person, he'd have had to have DNA, wouldn't he? (or wouldn't he?) What would it tell us, what would be it's origins?
an excellent question that would tie into whole virgin birth question as well.

I think sometimes what is overlooked is that Jesus was fully human too and as such had DNA. What his DNA looks like or whether or not his DNA was different from ours is certainly an interesting area to dwelve into. The chromosome question would certainly be interesting-- if Jesus' blood could ever be tested, would it contain the normal number 46 or only 23? What about the white blood cells (the immune system)? I can only imagine there would be some surprises there!

When I meet Jesus I'm gonna stick him with a needle and find out for you! ;)
Thanks Bridge.

That's what interests me - reconciling a virgin birth with the reality of a human being.
half his mom, Mary and half his dad, God.
So God has DNA?

He couldn't be a clone of Mary somehow, because then he'd have had to have been a woman. So none of Mary's DNA. And if God doesn't have DNA, then what DNA would Jesus have had?
Originally posted by MacZ
So God has DNA?

He couldn't be a clone of Mary somehow, because then he'd have had to have been a woman. So none of Mary's DNA. And if God doesn't have DNA, then what DNA would Jesus have had?

there are men with double XX chromosomes
sure God has DNA. perfect DNA.

this seems like such a silly question. if you believe that Jesus is the son of an all powerful God who is capable of doing anything with in his holly imagination, jesus very well may have not had DNA. God isn't going to be constricted by anything, God can do whatever the hell he wants. if God wants a virgin to start poping out babies then it will happen. it was a miracle right? no sense trying to figure out a biological explanation. like the resurrection, walking on water, turing water to wine. if you beleive Jesus is the son of God then why look for scientific explanations?
NB the following should be read 'if virgin birth is true'.

I have thought about this before. I came to the conclusion that God could have constructed the DNA anyway he wanted. He could have done this by choosing 1/2 DNA to go into pseudo sperm cell and predicted the match with Mary's DNA, but more likely chose the exact DNA and put it into an egg so it could develop the natural way in Mary's womb.

How would this DNA have been put into an egg? Could it have been that the chemicals all aligned under a guiding force from God? Or did the DNA suddenly appear in the Earth?
Another thing that I can't help but thinking about Jesus' DNA is that if he's really the son of god, and we got ahold of his DNA we could clone him!
Think of the potential! With a Jesus clone in every household no one need fear injury anymore as they could be instantly healed. I'm sure there's hundreds of applications :)
Originally posted by MacZ
So God has DNA?

He couldn't be a clone of Mary somehow, because then he'd have had to have been a woman. So none of Mary's DNA. And if God doesn't have DNA, then what DNA would Jesus have had?
"So God has DNA?"

Could explain us.
This question shows clearly the absurdity of a god-man Jesus and it ties in with there being no contemporary evidence of him ever existing.
If Jesus had anything more or less than a regular human than all his acts or miracles would be void. wasn't his whole purpose to show the world he was like everyone else but still perfect in behavior?
Hm, or it could be super DNA that would flash holy lightning to kill any evil heretic who dares to study the DNA of holy holy holy Jesus.
Originally posted by James R
God could, of course, create any DNA he wanted.

it would be interesting to see what kind fo DNA god would have created for jesus. Just regular stuff, or some kind of 'perfect' DNA, perfect of course in the sense of the prototype, the average, of all other DNA.

If jesus his powers wer not material it wouldn't have mattered I guess. Then it would have been ok if the donkey had impregnated maria. God would just have guided the development of jesus...

jesus...religion is so weird. Why do you believe my dear people. I still can't see it after reading religiouspost after post. It's a big mystery to me.
Originally posted by jayterrier
The bible is clear on this subject. Jesus was born, coming from the lineage of Jesse, from the tribe of Judah.

does the bible also contain jesus his genome if it is so clear????

For DNA you need a mortal body, and if you all recall it, …there was no mortal body left behind. Call it convenience, or call it miracle, ....But I call it DNA-less!:rolleyes:
Re: DNA-less!

Originally posted by Microzoft
For DNA you need a mortal body, and if you all recall it, …there was no mortal body left behind. Call it convenience, or call it miracle, ....But I call it DNA-less!:rolleyes:

No No No

Even if we had remain of a body thought to be Jesus, and we performed DNA testing, we would still know nothing. What would we compare that DNA with to know that it is of Jesus. You need more than a body to do DNA identification on the person.

1- The mortal body and medical records to compare with.
2- The mortal body and a living close family member.

Anyways, we haven't found the corpses of Meriam, Zakaria, David, Solomn, Abrahama, Ismail, Isaac. Do you suggest that every single personality in the bible, Koran, and torah is fictional.