Jesus Denies being God

actually it's "I AM"

Captial letters. It's a proper name.

"and they shall say to me, What is his name? what shall I say unto them?"

"And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you."

"Then said the Jews unto him, Thou art not yet fifty years old, and hast thou seen Abraham?"

"Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I AM."

"Then took they up stones to cast at him: but Jesus hid himself, and went out of the temple, going through the midst of them, and so passed by."

As per your list of verses let me explain to you what you did: you took X verses in which Jesus didn't explicity say he was God and then assumed no such verses existed. You did this because you failed to properly research the topic and hoped you'd fool somebody or something.

Well, you failed. That is what you did.

KalvinB said:
actually it's "I AM"

Captial letters. It's a proper name.

"and they shall say to me, What is his name? what shall I say unto them?"

"And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you."

"Then said the Jews unto him, Thou art not yet fifty years old, and hast thou seen Abraham?"

"Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I AM."

"Then took they up stones to cast at him: but Jesus hid himself, and went out of the temple, going through the midst of them, and so passed by."

As per your list of verses let me explain to you what you did: you took X verses in which Jesus didn't explicity say he was God and then assumed no such verses existed. You did this because you failed to properly research the topic and hoped you'd fool somebody or something.

Well, you failed. That is what you did.

Ben you gave the best answer to Flores question.I dident Fail to prove that he is God. The book of John Where i got thoese verses from DO prove he is God.I wasent trying to fool anyone.So get off your High hores not every thinks the same at 1 AM.
KalvinB said:
Well, you failed. That is what you did.


Aires, first he wasn't talking to you, he was talking to me...Second...You both failed. Both of you are hanging on to flimpsy straws and what may very well be a combination of translation error, interpretation problems as your PROOF.

But, let me yank you back to reality. Both of you are not proofing that Jesus is god. The only thing you are doing is disproving other sections of your bible. Meaning that you are pointing out to contradictions and inconsistencies of the bible.

I didn't fail...Afterall, I'm not the one that is putting all my eggs in the Jesus basket. On the hand, your POV is quite shaken and your eggs are ready to crash.
actually it's "I AM"
Captial letters. It's a proper name.
This is an argument based solely on the english translation, which does not give any clues on what the Greek says. I have heard, though, that there is a rabbinic text where the rabbi told his disciples to burn some Christian texts, perhaps a hebrew version of Matthew, but they were unable to since they had the written name for God on them. I it's clear from context that Jesus, indeed, said "I AM" meaning that he has always existed even before Abraham.
Philippians 2:3 Instead of being motivated by selfish ambition or vanity, each of you should, in humility, be moved to treat one another as more important than yourself. 2:4 Each of you should be concerned not only about your own interests, but about the interests of others as well. 2:5 You should have the same attitude toward one another that Christ Jesus had,

2:6 who though he existed in the form of God

did not regard equality with God

as something to be grasped,

2:7 but emptied himself

by taking on the form of a slave,

by looking like other men,

and by sharing in human nature.

2:8 He humbled himself,

by becoming obedient to the point of death

—even death on a cross!

2:9 As a result God exalted him

and gave him the name

that is above every name,

2:10 so that at the name of Jesus

every knee will bow

—in heaven and on earth and under the earth—

2:11 and every tongue confess

that Jesus Christ is Lord

to the glory of God the Father.
okinrus said:
This is an argument based solely on the english translation, which does not give any clues on what the Greek says. I have heard, though, that there is a rabbinic text where the rabbi told his disciples to burn some Christian texts, perhaps a hebrew version of Matthew, but they were unable to since they had the written name for God on them. I it's clear from context that Jesus, indeed, said "I AM" meaning that he has always existed even before Abraham.

Excuse me. "I AM" too. Does that make me a god?. Are you guys by any means related to Clinton...defining to us what is is?

And if I AM is god, then who is Eli, who is god, who is Jehova, who is Allah, who is elohim...? Why don't you just say that god is one with many names because his one name is spoken in many languages.
1Dude said:
2:11 and every tongue confess

that Jesus Christ is Lord

to the glory of God the Father.

On the day of judgement all tongues that will speak of any other lords or gods beside the exalted one will be severed and confused in speech.. All tongues including Jesus's will confess that GOD is one above all.

And by the way, who wrote Philippians?....It's not Jesus, Jesus didn't even write one letter of the bible....Not one.

Bring on one verse out of Jesus mouth that clearly says. I Jesus am your god and savior. You have nothing...only rationalizations.
Excuse me. "I AM" too. Does that make me a god?. Are you guys by any means related to Clinton...defining to us what is is?
No, I would say that you are "Be" in being a creature and not representative of the alpha at the beginning.

And if I AM is god, then who is Eli, who is god, who is Jehova, who is Allah, who is elohim...? Why don't you just say that god is one with many names because his one name is spoken in many languages.
Yahweh is the name of God, not the title persay. In Jewish theology the name of a person was full representation of that person. So to say that God is "I am who I am" means that God defines himself and was never created. But at that level of detail of separation and title it depends on the individual. As a Christian, I would not treat Allah any different than the English word for God, but it has no attached meaning beyond the individual. I would even go to say that terrorists may pretend to worship "Allah," but their hearts are far away from God. In this respect, the name Allah does not refer to God. A similar case could be made for Yahweh.
okinrus said:
No, I would say that you are "Be" in being a creature and not representative of the alpha at the beginning.

The word Allah on it's own, for Ta allah, means exalted above all, implying the alpha omega.

When I refer to myself, I'm not "BE". I'm I. from god's prespective I'm a "BE", but from my prespective, I'm I. Same for jesus, when he talks of himself, I expect him to say "I Am". When god talks to Jesus, it's a different story, God wouldn't call Jesus, hey I AM, how you've been I AM. Do you get it? because this discussion is way too obvious and boring.

Also, christians call themselves such "followers of Christ", why don't them call themselves "BES" as symbol of being created and follower to "I AM".

okinrus said:
Yahweh is the name of God, not the title persay. In Jewish theology the name of a person was full representation of that person. So to say that God is "I am who I am" means that God defines himself and was never created.

Now that's different. "I am who I am" is different than "I am period". Jesus never said "I am who I am", and thus that's settle this silly discussion.

okinrus said:
But at that level of detail of separation and title it depends on the individual. As a Christian, I would not treat Allah any different than the English word for God, but it has no attached meaning beyond the individual.

Yes it does. Allah has a deep religios meaning. This is because it stems from the Arabic verb ta'allaha (or alaha), which means " exalted above all". Thus in Arabic, the word "Allah" means "The One above all who deserves all worship". This, in a nutshell, is the Pure Monotheistic message of Islam.
Flores said:
Then I replied "This Building is NOT MY OWN, but it belongs to The ONE WHO EMPLOYEES ME"
I agree. It does seem like that doesn’t it? I don't think there was a Jesus, much less a god-man, but I think that if we took a look into the Mystery Religions of the time then maybe these sorts of statements can be resolved as part of a long lost allegory that made some religous sense at the time.
Hi Flores,

Why did the Jewish leaders of the time react to Jesus the way they did? They demanded His death. What was His crime that He deserved punishment by death?
Flores said:
Yes it does. Allah has a deep religios meaning. This is because it stems from the Arabic verb ta'allaha (or alaha), which means " exalted above all". Thus in Arabic, the word "Allah" means "The One above all who deserves all worship". This, in a nutshell, is the Pure Monotheistic message of Islam.
This sounds a little like there are other gods and Allah is the top. Kind of like there are many gods but only worship this one?
Jenyar ... Yes, yes, yes...

But where, oh where, does Jesus say - " I am God" - Period.

Look at it differently.

For example:

"I and the Father are one."
try -
"I and the Universe are one."
"Do you not believe that I am in the Father, and the Father in me? The words that I say to you I do not speak on my own authority; but the Father who dwells in me does his works."
try –
"Do you not believe that I am in the Cosmos, and the Cosmos in me? The words that I say to you I do not speak on my own authority; but the Cosmos who dwells in me does its works."
Jesus said to her, "I am the resurrection and the life; he who believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live, and whoever lives and believes in me shall never die. Do you believe this?"
For “I” think “Universe”
"You are from below, I am from above; you are of this world, I am not of this world."
Jesus said to them, "If God were your Father, you would love Me, for I proceeded and came forth from God; I came not of my own accord, but he sent me."
try –
"You are from the world, I am from the universe; you are of this world, I am not of this world."
Jesus said to them, "If the Universe were your Father, you would love Me, for I proceeded and came forth from the Universe; I came not of my own accord, but he sent me”

Just as an example. This insertion can be applied to all your references.

These statements carry an uncanny similarity to Buddhist and Taoist philosophy. Hmmm... and to Gnostic Christian beliefs. All of which arguably predate Christianity.

So where does Jesus say – “Look dudes, I am God!”

It doesn't. Jesus was the Son and not the Father - He wasn't the God that the Jews knew, but neither was He the messiah they were expecting. He had to redefine their view of God before they could accept Him. That required teaching them to call God "Father", it required proving to them He was the messiah, and it required God himself to show with what authority Jesus came to do these things.

Jesus work did not require people to stop worshipping YHWH and start worshipping Him - on the contrary, it required Him becoming even less than a common man:

Matthew 20:28
...the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many."

Your interpolation of "Universe" for "Father" is unsubstantiated heresy. Jesus left no doubt to whom his Father was:

Matthew 11:27
"All things have been committed to me by my Father. No one knows the Son except the Father, and no one knows the Father except the Son and those to whom the Son chooses to reveal him.

Try your "universe" trick on this one:

Luke 10:21
At that time Jesus, full of joy through the Holy Spirit, said, "I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth..."
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1Dude said:
Hi Flores,

Why did the Jewish leaders of the time react to Jesus the way they did? They demanded His death. What was His crime that He deserved punishment by death?

Hi 1Dude,

Only god knows the secret of the hearts, but if I'm to speculate, I would say that the Jews never really believed the way god intended for them to do. This is apparant by their cow worship behavior right after god has shown them the biggest miracle ever of splitting the sea and saving them from pharoah. The jews were always selfish and wanted what is good for them. They agreed to become jews not out of faith in god, but out of selfish need to congregate by themselves and place themselves in a different group than the rest of the people. The word Jewish means guided...It's a selfish exclusive word that implies that it's member are more illuminated and guided than others...they thought that they were chosen and the whole world is their irrelevant slave. If you're not jew, then you're ignorant, you're worth than an animal, that's how their view was established. The miracles of Moses which should have the effect of strengthening their belief have backfired. The jews all of a sudden thought that god is saving them for a reason, that they must be special, chosen, selected. They misunderstood their prophet and they misunderstood the miracles. Christianity and Islam are different animals, they have an open door to god where the strong weak achieved down, ect....may all be invited to the gate of god. You don't have to be a super duper illuminated guided person to know and accept god, all you have to be is sincere.

Jesus came to deliver Israel and the whole world from such paganistic selfish ideas. He tried to teach them that the way to god is not through club membership and rituals, that the way to god is through faith and submittion. He was strengthened with the holy spirit and he performed miracles, but the Jews had hearts that are more cruel than the rocks, for at least the rocks split and water may flow and seep through them. The jews saw Jesus as a THREAT, a person who is inviting the whole world to the religion of god. They wanted their own prophet to confirm to them that they are the chosen one, but Jesus told them that only those that have faith in god will be chosen, and that didn't make them too happy.
Michael said:
This sounds a little like there are other gods and Allah is the top. Kind of like there are many gods but only worship this one?

Not really, exalted above all, should not imply many gods with god being on top. It only implies that god is above all, yet ALL are not at the same level, still everyone from biggest to smallest have a direct relationship with the most exalted one.
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Flores said:
Not really, exalted above all, should not imply many gods with god being on top. It only implies that god is above all, yet ALL are not at the same level, still everyone from biggest to smallest have a direct relationship with the most exalted one.
I guess I was thinking – God, being a God, would of course be above mere creations (aka us). There is no need to inform us that God is the top. We at least know that much. However, if there were other Gods (in the minds of people or otherwise), well then - now there may be a need for clarification – because being mortal leaves us humans in the dark regarding godhood and hence the “above all” is nessary for "our" clarification. In other words “above all” is inherent if there are no other Supreme Beings, but if there are other Supreme Beings (real or imagined) then there is the need for this added clarification.

At the very least we can agree that many superstitious humans converting to Islam may have believed there were other Gods (like the ones they worshipped prior to conversion - you know ancient Africans, Spanish, etcetera) and hence the need to tell them – no matter what you think, this God is the top of the top! Kind of a side peek into the human psyche. Does that make sense?