Jesus' chromosomes


Jesus: Mythstory--Not History!
Valued Senior Member
M*W: The amateur archeologist, Ron Wyatt, before his death, claimed to have located the true site of Jesus' crucifixion and recovered some dried blood. He sent this blood to a lab that determined Jesus had no father. Wyatt said the cells contained only 24 chromosomes (22 autosomal, 1 X and 1 Y chromosome) rather than the normal 46 chromosomes.

This would be a biologic impossibility. Having only half of the normal 46 chromosomes, the body would be horrendously deformed beyond recognition.

All the more reason that Jesus didn't walk the Earth.

To learn about the awe-inspiring archeological feats of Ron Wyatt, you can read all about it at this amazing Christian website:
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That really takes the biscuit!

It just shows you how selective the Christian mind is when it comes to science. They deny all of science until someone skews the definition of science to find not only the site of a fictional characters excecution, but finds that characters dried blood, and can conclude from it that he had no father...
KennyJC said:
That really takes the biscuit!

It just shows you how selective the Christian mind is when it comes to science. They deny all of science until someone skews the definition of science to find not only the site of a fictional characters excecution, but finds that characters dried blood, and can conclude from it that he had no father...

Excuse me, but since when does the Christian mind deny science?? When have ALL Christians denied science? What you say is bs, and im tired of hearing it over and over: "Christians deny science" "all Christians are creationists" "You're a Christian?? You deny evolution??" etc etc!! Tell me... have you researched all sects (and trust me, there are so many i doubt u can possibly research them all) of Christianity? Hell, just research the main ones... some deny science... some dont... so dont just go and group everyone into one big group that does one thing and doesnt do the other when they are COMPLETELY different... Got it?

Im a Christian, and I deny creationism, I am a Christian, and I believe every single strand, part, theory, law, and proven fact of science. I believe EVERYTHING science says... but wait! Im a Christian! IMPOSSIBLE! Well obviously it is possible so stop generalizing people... sure, there are some Christians who deny science, like Jehovah Witnesses and fundamentalists... but i am not one of these and neither are all Christians... so please... STOP GENERALIZING... now on the other hand, if you do find proof that all Christians are called to deny science... I will step down from this argument... but you will find no such proof... ever... unless forged ofcoarse
30 years MW, and you still haven't convinced yourself, there is no Jesus? I must say in reading your post it really sound like your are trying to convince your self of your thesis that Jesus didn't exist, If I didn't believe in something it wouldn't take me 30 years to convince my self.
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Not me, you can take science and cram it down my throat, it's not hard for me to swallow. I used to love taking science and slamming it at the faces of xtians and laugh at their ignorance. Now I just believe some people are satisfied just knowing a little science and some like me want to know every tidbit that can explain why we are here and the purpose of life. I believe every bit of what tested science discovers. Who can deny what we see, hear, smell, feel, sense, etc. It is ignorant not to. Science is THE truth, and so is the word of God THE truth, or the best way to treat yourself and our fellow humans for the good of all.

But on topic, MW, yes, I myself am skeptical of this guy also. A lot of people try to use God to decieve or enfame themselves and don't think of the negative consequences it can bring. One man cries wolf all the time when it turns out his claim is false, no one's going to believe there is a wolf.
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I thought the idea that Jesus was a virgin birth stemmed from a mistranslation, as well as the wish that he fufilled OT prophecies.
Buffalo Roam said:
30 years MW, and you still haven't convinced yourself, there is no Jesus? I must say in reading your post it really sound like your are trying to convince your self of your thesis that Jesus didn't exist, If I didn't beleave in something it wouldn't take me 30 years to convince my self.

M*W: I've been convinced that Jesus didn't exist, and it didn't take me 30 years!

I gave the guy more than a fair chance. I read about him, I believed in him, I taught many, many others about him, I visited just about all the shrines in Europe, including The Vatican, and I had no doubt that Jesus was the savior, and that he had died for me. I listened to experts in the field, I studied Christianity in college (Baptist University), I wrote articles for a Christian newsletter, I converted to Catholicism and raised my children as Christians.

But the story just never added up. There was confusion over Jesus' conception and the facts surrounding his birth. There were time differences concerning the Magi's visit. Then there was this whole scam about Paul being an apostle, someone who had never even met Jesus! Yet, Paul wrote down words that were supposed to have been quoted by Jesus! That just didn't make any sense.

Then, I became aware of Jesus' Egyptian connection. Was he really there from the time he was 12 to 30 years old? Was he really a Rabbi? Rabbi's are required to be a married men! How could this be? Something's not right with this picture.

Then I learned of the monotheism connection with Jesus. The first monotheistic god was the sun, or at least that's what the ancients believed. The sun had the power to create life as well as destroy it. The sun ruled the day, and it was good. The moon ruled the night, and it was evil (or so the ancients thought).

The resurrection was the hardest to comprehend. How could a man die and be dead for three days and then come alive again? Maybe it was that he didn't die in the first place, maybe he was just unconscious, or maybe it was just the retelling of the ancient myths of Osiris, Mithras, and Zeus, and 22 other dying demigod saviors of myth. If Jesus wasn't the only savior, which I had been taught to believe, then he was no more a savior than Buddha or Krishna or the Sun.

As I stated before, the more I read, the more I became convinced that Jesus couldn't possibly have existed. He was just as historical as all the previous dying demigod saviors of myth.

I also couldn't imagine a creator God that would make things confusing for us. If there was a God, then we should all know it without a doubt. But this "all-knowing," "all-powerful," "ever-present" God had to sacrifice his "only" son for our sake. It just didn't make sense.

And then there was the issue of heaven and hell. Nobody ever came back from one of those places and confirmed them for us. Therefore, they don't exist.

Churches everywhere wanted to save your soul, but more than that, they wanted your money.

So, no, it didn't take me 30 years to convince myself that Jesus might still exist. There's no way, and his whole "existence" I learned is based on astro-theology, the first religion of mankind. All other religion developed out of astrology, not that I claim it to be a "true" religion, but it's really not. It's just the first religion, it's the only religion!

In summary, atheism is not acquired overnight. It is a process that can sometimes take years to realize. It comes from educating oneself, not the lack of knowledge. When knowledge is gained, fear is released. I have no fear of any repercussions from a God that you believe is real. To me that God is an impossibility.

Once an atheist has gained this knowledge, there is no turning back. It's called 'enlightenment.' Strangely, that's also a reference to the power of the 'sun,' the first, and only, God.
Thank God, believe in him or not, or lets just say Thank you so much, that Medicine Woman atleast has GOOD REASONS in being an athiest... sure i disagree, but i cant debate... cant fight them... they are merely perception... and these perceptions are done by in-depth research... thank you MW!! Thank you!! You show me that some people still believe in (or dont believe in) things for REASONS... and not just to do so (and this goes for theists, agnostics, and atheists)
Provita said:
Thank God, believe in him or not, or lets just say Thank you so much, that Medicine Woman atleast has GOOD REASONS in being an athiest... sure i disagree, but i cant debate... cant fight them... they are merely perception... and these perceptions are done by in-depth research... thank you MW!! Thank you!! You show me that some people still believe in (or dont believe in) things for REASONS... and not just to do so (and this goes for theists, agnostics, and atheists)

M*W: Thank you for realizing that I came to this conclusion from research -- and NOT anger as BuffaloSpringfield would assume.
And every week new records are discovered from the past that opens up new information, just resently, the Gospel of Judas, who knows when a clay jar will be found that does have a record of his name(Jesus) or a Roman Scroll, there is still a lot of records to be found, conserved, and translated, and the way you have to justify yourself and try to pound your non-belief down others throats, still tells me that you do this from anger, not logic.
Provita said:
Im a Christian, and I deny creationism, I am a Christian, and I believe every single strand, part, theory, law, and proven fact of science. I believe EVERYTHING science says... but wait! Im a Christian! IMPOSSIBLE! Well obviously it is possible so stop generalizing people... sure, there are some Christians who deny science, like Jehovah Witnesses and fundamentalists... but i am not one of these and neither are all Christians... so please... STOP GENERALIZING... now on the other hand, if you do find proof that all Christians are called to deny science... I will step down from this argument... but you will find no such proof... ever... unless forged ofcoarse

I say that makes you intellectually dishonest. The Judeo-Christian doctrine makes it very clear what you should and should not believe. If your neighbor refuses to adhere to the sabbath, he should be put to death (Exodus 35:2). It makes it very clear that you can own slaves as long as they are obtained from a neighboring nation (Leviticus 25:44). It makes it very clear that all life on earth was destroyed by flood and re-booted by Noah and his merry little boat of animals. It makes it very clear that the Earth's rotation was suddenly stopped for a 24 hour period only to be started again. And so on....

If you don't accept these as truth -literal truth- then you are cherry-picking what you want to believe in the very doctrine that you say provides you with faith. What the hell is anyone expected to believe in that case? Why should anyone believe the shit that so-called moderates of Christianity claim to be true over the fundamentalists that say its all true? Did God fuck Mary and give the world his "only begotten son," or not? Did this alleged "son" come back to life as a zombie? Do those that drink wine and bread really experience transubstantiation? If not, why the hell do it? If so... they are cannibals. If they believe it, they are engaging in cannibalism and vampirism. Is this "son" "God-incarnate" or not? If not, why do people say he was "God on Earth?" If he was, why does this "doctrine" say the alleged "God" gave his "only begotten son?"

So-called moderates of religion are cherry-pickers that lack intellectual honesty. They're far less dangerous than fundamentalists, since they don't fly planes into buildings, murder abortion doctors, blow up federal buildings, drag African-Americans behind their pick-up trucks, or beat homosexuals to death with ax-handles. But they're infected with the mind-virus all the same.

And Wyatt was a complete fraud. The title of "archaeologist" isn't fitting to be associated with him, even with the "amateur" qualifier. His work was simply fraudulent.
SkinWalker said:
I say that makes you intellectually dishonest. The Judeo-Christian doctrine makes it very clear what you should and should not believe. If your neighbor refuses to adhere to the sabbath, he should be put to death (Exodus 35:2). It makes it very clear that you can own slaves as long as they are obtained from a neighboring nation (Leviticus 25:44). It makes it very clear that all life on earth was destroyed by flood and re-booted by Noah and his merry little boat of animals. It makes it very clear that the Earth's rotation was suddenly stopped for a 24 hour period only to be started again. And so on....

If you don't accept these as truth -literal truth- then you are cherry-picking what you want to believe in the very doctrine that you say provides you with faith. What the hell is anyone expected to believe in that case? Why should anyone believe the shit that so-called moderates of Christianity claim to be true over the fundamentalists that say its all true? Did God fuck Mary and give the world his "only begotten son," or not? Did this alleged "son" come back to life as a zombie? Do those that drink wine and bread really experience transubstantiation? If not, why the hell do it? If so... they are cannibals. If they believe it, they are engaging in cannibalism and vampirism. Is this "son" "God-incarnate" or not? If not, why do people say he was "God on Earth?" If he was, why does this "doctrine" say the alleged "God" gave his "only begotten son?"

So-called moderates of religion are cherry-pickers that lack intellectual honesty. They're far less dangerous than fundamentalists, since they don't fly planes into buildings, murder abortion doctors, blow up federal buildings, drag African-Americans behind their pick-up trucks, or beat homosexuals to death with ax-handles. But they're infected with the mind-virus all the same.

And Wyatt was a complete fraud. The title of "archaeologist" isn't fitting to be associated with him, even with the "amateur" qualifier. His work was simply fraudulent.

M*W: And I agree.
Medicine Woman may have reason for her belief, but what are her reasons for her crusade, the are many things that through reasearch change my perseption of the world or belief's, but I don't go on a jihad to pound it down every every one's throat that don't agree with me, and I am not the only one who has noticed that MW has a very angry tone to her post addressing those that don't agree with her. I do a lot of study about my beliefs, and I do agree with her about the Catholic Church, it has a lot to answer for for the change's they made in original Christianity, But when you distille the message of Salvation from all the BS of the orginized religions it is a simple message, Believe in Him, Acknowledge your sin, Repent, and be Baptised, a very simple theology, it ended the blood scrifice rite of the Torah, wich end the old testament laws. The new Testament gives a totally different way of life that is simple in message but difficult to live, because the emphasis is no longer on us but faith in the divine salvation and forgiveness. So don't confuse Old Testament Law with New Testament Salvation.
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: I've been convinced that Jesus didn't exist, and it didn't take me 30 years!

I gave the guy more than a fair chance. I read about him, I believed in him, I taught many, many others about him, I visited just about all the shrines in Europe, including The Vatican, and I had no doubt that Jesus was the savior, and that he had died for me. I listened to experts in the field, I studied Christianity in college (Baptist University), I wrote articles for a Christian newsletter, I converted to Catholicism and raised my children as Christians.

But the story just never added up. There was confusion over Jesus' conception and the facts surrounding his birth. There were time differences concerning the Magi's visit. Then there was this whole scam about Paul being an apostle, someone who had never even met Jesus! Yet, Paul wrote down words that were supposed to have been quoted by Jesus! That just didn't make any sense.


In buddhism a strong aversion is no better than a strong attachment. You probably devote more time and effort to Jesus than most christians!!

Are you any freer in your unbelief than you were as a devout christian?

Maybe you should just let it all go and move on ...
Buffalo Roam said:
Medicine Woman may have reason for her belief, but what are her reasons for her crusade, the are many things that through reasearch change my perseption of the world or belief's, but I don't go on a jihad to pound it down every every one's throat that don't agree with me, .

I am a vegetarian but I do not spend my spare time looking through the windows of butcher shops.

Why does someone living an enlightened life (supposedly) free of theism and christianity, spend what must be a considerable amount of their spare time reading, studying and posting about god and jesus.


Maybe having changed your mind you feel guilt for having been a christian and you are subconsciously trying to atone for what you feel are your past mistakes.

Or you feel a gap left by the absence of belief and you need to fill it with something, consequently you have found......un-belief.
Just because someone is an atheist doesn't mean someone doesn't care about religion. It still effects the lives of atheists, and being an atheist in a country like America wouldn't be easy.
The world was destroyed by flood and noah and his boatload of animals repopulated the earth. I believe it.
KennyJC said:
Just because someone is an atheist doesn't mean someone doesn't care about religion. It still effects the lives of atheists, and being an atheist in a country like America wouldn't be easy.

By all means care, have an opinion, cast a vote....get invloved, get political, make a change... I'm all for that. But why spend endless hours researching and posting on websites? Ecpecially as the vast majority of people on this website are non-christian anyway. (maybe she should try posting on a christian website instaed of preaching to the (un)converted here.)

I am sure medicant woman would say that being a christian is a waste of a life. Yet she devotes her life to christianity still (to disprove it).

Maybe this is the ultimate self sacrifice on her part? to sacrifice her life devoting it to disproving jesus - - to save other people from wasting their lives in believing in it.

wow. this is either extreme atruism or extreme hypocrisy.
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: The amateur archeologist, Ron Wyatt, before his death, claimed to have located the true site of Jesus' crucifixion and recovered some dried blood. He sent this blood to a lab that determined Jesus had no father. Wyatt said the cells contained only 24 chromosomes (22 autosomal, 1 X and 1 Y chromosome) rather than the normal 46 chromosomes.

This would be a biologic impossibility. Having only half of the normal 46 chromosomes, the body would be horrendously deformed beyond recognition.

All the more reason that Jesus didn't walk the Earth.

To learn about the awe-inspiring archeological feats of Ron Wyatt, you can read all about it at this amazing Christian website:

Well, it is all abouth faith and believe....
If anyone claims these things , then at least he should provide some kind of proof. Wyatt´s claims has NEVER been backed up by anything !!
I think he did it, to be able to sell his books - money allways come handy ...
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