Jesus Christ = Julius Cesar ?

To stay on-topic. I would also like to know the names of all past world leaders who become religious figures of iconic stature and\or had a religion developed around them.
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Titus' siege of Jerusalem occurred in the year 70 CE, 40 years after the ostensible crucifixion of Jesus, not during the time of the Julians. This was not Roman expansion but rather the crushing of the Jewish rebellion. It is undisputed history.

For those waiting for the Second Coming, it's already happened, long ago, exactly as written. That's because it was written after the fact by the same people who wrote the official history of the Jewish War.

It is not speculation but rather certainty that it was the Flavian imperials that wrote the New Testament. It is really really obvious once you see it. They wanted us to get the joke. Read Atwill.
Why dont you just tell us HOW this was accomplished. Go read him, go read her...???? and pointing out ancient battles is just a matter of what you want to believe.

Whatever you claim about the NT go right ahead. I never read any religious books so i dont comment on them.

Start with whichever Caesar you think is right and outline the whole thing.
Why dont you just tell us HOW this was accomplished. Go read him, go read her...???? and pointing out ancient battles is just a matter of what you want to believe.

This is not just some ancient battle we are talking about here. This is the particular battle that was prophesied exactly by Jesus. It's also not in dispute that the NT has an uncanny amount of parallelism to Josephus' account of that war.

I don't have time to explain in any detail, and anyhow it would only be redundant and second rate and people can read it from the expert himself.

There's plenty to read on the official website

or at amazon

It's worthwhile reading the customer reviews. The distribution is bimodal. Everybody either loves it or hates it. It not surprisng that Christians are not too happy with it but it seems that a lot of skeptics and atheists hate it almost as much. I chalk it mostly up to a lot of people having their own pet theories about NT origins. Other people don't respond well to the quantitative part of the argument, that the number and ordering of the parallels between the canonical gospels and Titus' Judean campaign is too great to have arisen by other than a deliberate act intended to reveal the true meaning of the NT and who the real authors were.
Dave Lush,

Pretty interesting. Have you read the books? How are gnositc ideas such as the 153 fish explained? I find it easy to imagine that a template NT was written but hard to imagine everything in the NT was written.

Michael, there is a gnostic guy who does an internet radio show. I forget the name of it. Something and cigarettes? Anyhow this guy interviewed Atwill on his show a few months ago and it was pretty good. I will try to find a link later. Rodeph Emmet who is a big Atwill fan had it on her web site I think. She is on Atwill's forum on his site a lot. The guy with the show will sell it to you for a couple of bucks or something, otherwise.

Also you can ask Atwill the question directly on his forum.

I did read the book once but it was over a year ago now and I can't remember if that's covered. I plan to read it again pretty soon. Anyhow Atwill knows a lot more than is in that book and is posting new bits and answering questions all the time on his forum.
Titus' siege of Jerusalem occurred in the year 70 CE, 40 years after the ostensible crucifixion of Jesus, not during the time of the Julians. This was not Roman expansion but rather the crushing of the Jewish rebellion. It is undisputed history.

For those waiting for the Second Coming, it's already happened, long ago, exactly as written. That's because it was written after the fact by the same people who wrote the official history of the Jewish War.

It is not speculation but rather certainty that it was the Flavian imperials that wrote the New Testament. It is really really obvious once you see it. They wanted us to get the joke. Read Atwill.
M*W: Dave, I've been saying this for some time now. I'm glad to hear someone else has the same opinion.

Have you read the Book Jesus was Caesar? Have you read Caesars Messiah? I think that Josephus in his complete Works has a lot to say about this. I would like to discuss this with you further.

Good point!
But, really, we don't know if Socrates exited? Was there really an Alexander? A Jesus? A Mohammad? Some probably did exist and some probably didn't.

Either way that not really the point, I don't even know if you exit :eek:

Pythagoreans existed and they had a spiritual leader and we'll just call him Pythagoras ;)
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Good point!
But, really, we don't know if Socrates exited? Was there really an Alexander? A Jesus? A Mohammad? Some probably did exist and some probably didn't.

Either way that not really the point, I don't even know if you exit :eek:

Pythagoreans existed because and they had a spiritual leader and we'll just call him Pythagoras.

Well i guess this dicussion is finished.

Lock the thread, i won.:)
Haaa! If you say so :)

I'll stand by Pythagoras as an example.

Anyway, what is your point? We agree that Mystery religions existed - right? We agree the Nag Hammadi was a Xian version of these ancient religions. We agree that people were in charge of these religions? What's the problem?