Jesus Christ = Julius Cesar ?


Valued Senior Member
I have heard about the possibility that Julius Caesar was in fact Jesus Christ.
And that a lot of things described in the bible can be contributed to Julius Caesar, even some exact wordings..

Does anybody know more about this ? I think it's quite interesting, although it's probably not true..
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Jesus = Saviour, Christ = Messiah. The name was a title. There was no evidence that Jesus Christ existed.

I think had he been Julius Caesar then Rome would have adopted his religion then rather than 3 centuries later.
I'm not saying it is so, I just want to learn some facts about the similarities.
Julius was worshipped as a God and people went to his tome and prayed.

Jesus is such a blend of so many ideas I wouldn't be surprised if a little Caesar was sprinkled in there.
Julius was worshipped as a God and people went to his tome and prayed.

Jesus is such a blend of so many ideas I wouldn't be surprised if a little Caesar was sprinkled in there.

Exactly what I think happened. Maybe more than a little though..
You mean more than a little Caesar? Yeah I agree there some in there but how much and when? If the very early Xians were semi-Jews being Hellenized when and how did Caesar get incorporated in Xianity? It seems it would have happened later. Then there's the problem with Gnosistic Xians vs Catholic Xians. Not to mention all the other Eastern mystery religions that blended in and also all the Pagan religions that blended in.

I'm sure there is some Caesar in there but when and how much?
You mean more than a little Caesar? Yeah I agree there some in there but how much and when? If the very early Xians were semi-Jews being Hellenized when and how did Caesar get incorporated in Xianity? It seems it would have happened later. Then there's the problem with Gnosistic Xians vs Catholic Xians. Not to mention all the other Eastern mystery religions that blended in and also all the Pagan religions that blended in.

I'm sure there is some Caesar in there but when and how much?

I.. don't know.. ;)
I just suspect that if stuff from Caesar is incorporated in the bible it will be more than a little bit.
I'd guess all temples to Caesar were converted to Xian Churches.
Also Caesar was the Pontifex Maximu which is basically the Pope so there is a connection. A lot of the Roman State religion was incorporated into Catholicism.

As for Caesar himself being the template for Jesus I'm not so sure. Probably the Pope is more like Caesar than the mythical Jesus.

Jesus is simply a Jewish version of a Gnostic character that Gnostic mystics had copied and refined in their mystery religions for 1000s of years. Gnostic mystics whom were privy to the inner mystery would have learned that "Jesus" they had thought was a man-God was in reality an allegory. Those that didn't reach this inner mystery would have continued to see "Jesus" as a real person.

Catholics would not have been keen on Gnosis Xianity because that was based in Alexandria and that was heritical (they did know of it and they did try to kill any they found - same with Byzantine, they tried to kill them all too) The Empire being split into two had an effect as well.

So, modern day Xians being a historical extention of the outer mystery still view Jesus as a real person. Because the Catholics power seat was in Roma then they probably blended a bit of Roman Paganism (which would have included Caesar) into their version of Catholic Xianity.

Isis is probably more of a template than Caesar - in my mind.
There was an interesting short series on the History Channel called Barbarians. Vandals, Goths, Saxon, Franks, etc... and it's not so much a Religious theme but it does cover the period when Xiandom was spreading and so it makes some references to it. It's interesting to think that the once great Roman people had fallen so low that even the Colosseum was just an overgrown pile of nothing used as a dumping ground and wild animals made their homes in its broken peaces. Basically the people looked around and knew there was once this great civilization but had no idea where it had gone. Many people thought that the ancients were giants because only giants could have build such things. While great leaders like Charlemagne may have united Europe (or at least a chunk of it) they also were tyrannical in their pursuit to convert all Pagans into Xians. It was an dark time in European history. Who knows what the common Roman worshipped in those times....
Jesus Christ = Julius Cesar

No, Julius Caesar = Julius Caesar.

The goal any civilization should be to devise one smarter than the last.

Unless the goal is towards children book mentality it is a big mistake to assume earlier people did not see their leaders as just that. We can make good movies now with fantastic plot lines but in the viewer needs to be able to understand fact from fantasy.

Julius Caesar was viewed as a man, a politician and a leader of the Roman Empire. We can romanticize people all we want but i think if these ancient people knew they would be laughing.

As far as gnostic mystics, why dont you name one.
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Wrong Caesar.

It was Titus Caesar that encircled and seiged Jerusalem, not Julius. The Temple was destroyed so that no stone lay upon another. Titus did that, not Julius. All as "Jesus" "prophesied". All on behalf of his father, Vespasian, who was deified by the Roman senate. So his father was "God". Titus had a brother, too, Domitian, aka, "The Holy Ghost".

Look up "Caesar's Messiah" on amazon.
Dave Lush,

Its called expansion.

During the last century of the Republic, Roman generals won victories in northern Africa and in southern France, where upon a Roman colony was settled in Narbonne and a road built to link Italy with Spain. By 80 B.C.E., Syria was conquered and the province of Asia was established. After 66 B.C.E., additional territory was conquered further east where new provinces were founded and Jerusalem was conquered.

If people want to attach a mystical story to it they should identify it as such.

Military glory was highly prized in Rome.
I have heard about the possibility that Julius Cesar was in fact Jesus Christ. And that a lot of things described in the bible can be contributed to Julius Cesar, even some exact wordings..

Does anybody know more about this? I think it's quite interesting, although it's probably not true..
M*W: Yes, dear, I have studied this theory in length. There is a lot of information on Jesus:Julius Caesar. I can recommend you to two sources:

Caesar's Messiah: THe Roman Conspiracy to Invent Jesus, by Joseph Atwill and,

Jesus Was Caesar: On the Julian Origin of Christianity, by Francesco Carotta.

and by Josephus, himself:

Josephus: The complete works, translated by William Whiston, A.M.

I appreciate your inquiry about this, and I hope to help you answer your questions in this regard.
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