jesus christ is god

Cheers to that red devil. "seek and ye shall find," Certainly, i have sought objective historical evidence for the validity of the bible, and surprisingly i have found that none exists. And no one considers "faith" accurate enough to determine validity.
free cycle


....thru faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of god, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear...hebrews 11:3

...what has the world to offer but the big guess?????

...god is spirit...john 4:24 then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed?and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard?... romans 10:14

...i have already posted this in the "allah thread" but i will introduce this here:

...for it is written, i will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and will bring to nothing the understanding of the prudent...where is the wise? where is the scribe? where is the disputer of this world? hath not god made foolish the wisdom of this world?...for after that in the wisdom of god the world by wisdom knew not god, it pleased god by the foolishness of preaching to save them that believe...for the jews require a sign, and the greeks seek after wisdom: but we preach christ crucified, unto the jews a stumbling block, and unto the greeks foolishness...but unto them which are called, both jews and greeks, christ the power of god, and the wisdom of god...because the foolishness of god is wiser than men; and the weakness of god is stronger than man...1 corinthians 1:19-25

isaiah...light for the gentiles...u see no great light in the world? have a good look at western culture and development. we havn't really travelled that far from the time the romans educated the brits, ( roman water ducts still flow beneath rome: our laws are based on roman law: the romans introduced britain to real estate development and soforth... ).

this was in written form before the time of jesus - which he read: ( or words similiar )...for unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called wonderful, councellor, the mighty god, the everlasting father, the prince of peace...isaiah 9:6

...and this...therefore the lord himself shall give u a sign; behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name immanuel (meaning god be with us ) isaiah 7: 14

...what stupid gang of humans could have brought this great light into the 21th century

...for for piece of bread man will sin...proverbs

...last is he that sitteth upon the circle of the earth...isaiah

...i don't usually follow this line but as for me these things are quite obvious.

...u have seen how emotionally weak and unstable people can be...and to depend or rely too much on theories and facts from that area is my way of explaining what i have already quoted.

hope this helps ;)
ohh took me 22 years to say i had a/the true god in my life...20-odd years to say jesus is gods son...and another 7 years to say jesus is god...whats the hurry?

...ooh yeah...gods timing is perfect! :D
So god makes the wisdom of the earth foolish and impotent? What of the medical advances that humans (maybe even atheists!) have created to prolong and save many cases of human life? We have learned to do many things that god has never done, we can exist without his idea.
When you give a passage that "predicts" that jesus will come, how do you know that was written before his arrival and not altered or fabricated afterwards? Wasn't most of the bible written down a generation after Jesus? You have given no valid historical proof of the bible, other thatn it is true becasue it says it is true. I believe that is some sort of tautology, and for anyone outside of faith it holds little ground.
It is not like both Christians and non-believers both stand in awe before an omnipotent diety and redognize its brilliance. It seems that many times theists do not see that to a non believer, God is not so constantly apparent.
free cycle

yes, i know exactly where ya comin from...i've been there, remember? before the gospel of christ was taught the gentiles were pagans...its becoz' of the gospel these good things exist; hospitals, schools, caring societies, etc.. becoz we are liberal we don't say "we are all christians", we say, we live in christian countries...i'm sure u can see where i'm leading with this without me explaining the whole premise. most of the world today has christ to thank for the peace, structure and development of the nations, christ being like the framework of modern culture/society. but most people are quite blind to this fact, simply coz' they don't know jesus. ( the man preaching on the pulpit ain't jesus! and some of them are poor imitations ). we partake in this society of liberalism - in this gift - in this evolving creation - but cannot attribute this at all to god. the jews treated god the exact same way...take, and no thanks.
...we are thru the dark ages - without god, thats where the world would return - but theres still a long way to go!
there is a purpose to gods plan of redemption. for one: u cannot live forever in sin - the sting of sin being death. but in christ who took on the atonement of salvation, there can be, and there is, life everlasting.
...human advancement is also part of gods plan of redemption. each and everyone of us share a part of god. many christians preach 'love the sinner, hate the sin".

...jesus isn't returning again to deal with sin; but to take his rightful kingship; which is solely his alone.
...god would like salvation for every human being but there is a dark side to all this... this is not a war of the flesh, but a spiritual war - one of darkness, ignorance and destruction; and one of love, knowledge and peace.

sorry about the long-windedness; but these bible writers are jest too good.

i'll explain another time about proof of gods existance.

yeah...and thanks about the happy birthday...nice one...:D
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I heard the Messiah was coming, its supposed to happen soon.
I wonder will it be at one o'clock, two o'clock, or noon?
Guess it doesn't matter cause I am going to Hell anyway.
At least that is what they tell me, that is what they say.
I am an abomination, not worth breathing the air I breathe.
Unless of course I repent and believe what they believe.
I heard the Messiah was coming, its supposed to happen soon.
I wonder will it be at one o'clock, two o'clock, or noon?


poet...try to look on the bright side, eh?

...some smilies to share the day:D :D :D

that silly old monk
grinning and toothless bald fool
...clapping with one hand!
- haka by firingseeds

I think I've finally figured it out. Like Estragon
and Vladimir - you guys are waiting for Godot.
Edgar or Firingseeds, Or anyone who recognizes Jesus as God,

Do you think of Jesus as a separate being from god? For example, when he was on earth, was God up in heaven just hanging out watching it all, or was jesus an extension of god, like a leg touching the earth from the clouds?
Do you take Aesop's fables as literal truth as well?

Oh wait.
I guess that would be pretty silly, huh?:rolleyes:
one raven

I can argue the case of God, quite easily, as u are aware.
I could easily argue the case of Buddha just as e-ffec-tive-ly.
but its only the case for Jesus, which stands above all heads,
for its he who God raised up to be,
and just to be his crown.
Question ...

"Who in their right mind would ever think that St. Paul, Apostle to
the Gentiles, writer of Epistles used by Christians to condemn gay
people for centuries, might himself be gay?"

Answer: John Shelby Spong