Jesus Camp closes! :)


Its understandable why you detest theists who use logic and existing bodies of knowledge to support their ideas - they are more difficult to defeat in debate
LOL Dream on kiddo - avoiding answering any questions is not winning.

Yet he has never attempted to honestly answer any of my key questions. They are either answered with a question, or are criticisms of science, or are religious gibberish-speak, or repeats of previously refuted arguments, or any number of other tactics of misdirection and avoidance.

so your criticisms of religion, scientific gibberish and staunchly sticking to illogical premises is somehow superior?

so your criticisms of religion, scientific gibberish and staunchly sticking to illogical premises is somehow superior?
Most certainly because you are unable to prove the claims of religions in any way, we can see you have no understandning of science, and I have never said anything illogical.;)

I am still trying to get a straight reply from you about the mind
Why what was the question? Don't think you ever asked a question. All you did was assert that reductionism cannot show that the mind exists.

Most certainly because you are unable to prove the claims of religions in any way,
In the same way that there is a lack of avenues available to explain about an electron to a high school drop out adverse to science

Why what was the question? Don't think you ever asked a question. All you did was assert that reductionism cannot show that the mind exists.

Its the test to your ability to acknowledge articles that exist outside of reductionism - if you cannot provide a paradigm acceptable to your self that determines the reality of the mind, there is not much scope for introducing articles more subtle than the mind
So you mean that when you reduce the parts down to it's building blocks it no longer exists? Like when you zoom down to a hydrogen atom, the Sun no longer exists?
I'm at work now, so I'll read that later tonight.

But if 'the mind' is not fundamentally made of matter, then what other brain activities are? Is ANY brain activity made of matter? From what I vaguely know, neurologists can already trace concious activities to the brain such as thought, emotion, memory, etc.