

matrix sciences,imagery.
Registered Senior Member
i saw jesus,i saw the lord always before me.
because he is at my right hand, i will not be shaken therefor my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices;my8 body also will live in hop,because you will not abanden me to the grave,nor will you let your holy one see have made know to me the paths of life;you will fill me with joy in your presence.

"the lord said to myu lord:"sit at my right hand untile i make your enemies a footstool fore your feet".

jerusalem !

"no eye has seen,no ear has heard,no mind has conceived what god has prepared for those who love him"but god has revealed it to us by his spirit the spirit searches all things,even the deep things of "god".

nations will be restore back to the natural roots.who has believed our message and to whom has the arm of the lord been revealed?he grew up before hime like tender shoot,and like a root out of the dry ground.


will be travling to your land.our mision and exploration are more diligent,then ever,operationable god head.

see, my servant will act wisely;he will be raised and lifted up and highly exalted.just as there appalled at him,his appearncaes was so disfigured beyond that of man and his form marred beyond human likeness-so will he sprinkle many nations,and kings will shut there mouths because of him.for what they were not told,they will see,and what they have not heard,they will understand.
Markquis, here's a helpful little hint: Before posting on these forums do the following:

1: Learn English, it really helps, when trying to reach an audience who primarily speaks that language.

2: Have some message in mind.

Granted, some people on these boards get by pretty well with completely ridiculous, vague, and nonsensical posts, but at least some sort of message can be discerned from these posts, yours however don't really seem to be trying to get any message or point across, and sound a lot like drug fueled ranting, whereby you spew out words at random and then post them.

I realize that you may have ingested a lot of paint chips (or "wall candy" as I'm sure you call them) as a child, and this may impair your cognizant ability just a bit, but it's certainly no excuse for the posts you're making.

If you can not complete these simple tasks, I suggest you take your own life, it would be the honorable thing to do. I suggest you, take off that grunting monkey head, and come join the rest of humanity. In your current state, you only bring shame to yourself, your family, and indeed the whole of the human race.

Thank you.

"the lord said to myu lord:"sit at my right hand
untile i make your enemies a footstool fore your
That's Psalm 110:1 isn't it?

"no eye has seen,no ear has heard,no mind has
conceived what god has prepared for those who love him"
but god has revealed it to us by his spirit the spirit searches
all things,even the deep things of "god".
That's 1 Corinthians 2:9-11 isn't it?

Jesus blood? Bible quotes? God head? God mission? I think
this thread belongs in religion not ethics, morality, & justice.
I also think you are full of something other than the "spirit
of god" - if you catch my drift.
It also starts with an 'S' and ends with a 'T' though, so you can't really blame him for getting confused *snicker*
Some people read bible, stroke themselves, and take LSD all at the same time.

This is what usually happens.
Harsh, but a deserving punishment for one who whiffs off bulshit in the WRONG fucking place...

There is no god, afterlife or divine love. There is only Entropy, the mother from which we were all born. She tugs our souls with the beautiful, maternal love of chaos. Why do you keep Her waiting?
Doggone you Asguard, why're you dumping a crack addict on THIS innocent board!?

There is no god, afterlife or divine love. There is only Entropy, the mother from which we were all born. She tugs our souls with the beautiful, maternal love of chaos. Why do you keep Her waiting?

it is very man,no human.nor being can gain knowleg,wisdon and undestanding of god work.without not knowing {jesus}

so....move aside,i am the generation to show his wonders?
extermly diligent.

i have seening jesus far to many time not to the powers.of god.

there is a god.maybe he was not reveal to your generation,as my generation there is.
Perhaps if you laid off the opium and crack, sir, we might be able to read your posts.

Ugh, horrible grammar AND spelling AND no punctuation AND vaguely idealistic/useless sermon? Too much for me.

There is no god, afterlife or divine love. There is only Entropy, the mother from which we were all born. She tugs our souls with the beautiful, maternal love of chaos. Why do you keep Her waiting?
good work

to my class mate,

my mision and quest was set from day one.head down facing the matrix womb.
good help

zero,your words of kindnes.

young man,don't let me have to call your she can wash your mouth out

there is a god
How do you know?

maybe he was not reveal to your generation
Can you please clarify what you mean by "your generation"?

as my generation there is
Can you please clarify what you mean by "my generation"?

extermly diligent.
This is true, you are diligent. As to what your intentions are
-well- in my opinion that is a different story. As I said before,
I think you are full of more than just the "spirit of god".

i have seening jesus far to many time
Do you see Jesus a lot? If so, can you please explain?

my mision and quest was set from day one.
Are you into video games?
head down facing the matrix womb.
What is the matrix womb and why do you have to face
it with your head down?

good day comrades,
please play a classical solection for me.
play me one of the greatest classical work from two newly released retrospetives-mozart;musical masterpieces and tobakovsky;poatry and passion.

adam,be a comrade and press play;thank you.

now,frist let me clear up some miserors.any one organizing with satan army-will be distroyed or,may i say.your immediate execution will be proformed by me in person,face to face.
martix womb..?
the lord said to moses,"consecrate to me every fristborn male.the frist offspring of every womb among the israelites belong to me whether man or animal".

head down and facing the vaginal opening. wrinkled and often still cover with vernix-the waxy substance which has protected the fetus,during these nin underwater mounts of living.the matrix has descended from the mother womb.

the crown of the matrix head,can be seen at the pelvicfloor
video games?
"splinter cells" militant minded
my disciple open your eyes?
optic visual was shown.
3 demensional array.

physiological diplopia
caused by an object, a closer to the observer than the fixation point,f the image of a fall on disparate or noncorresponding points on the two retinas,and these are projected to different point a
now,frist let me clear up some miserors.any one organizing with satan army-will be distroyed or,may i say.your immediate execution will be proformed by me in person,face to face.

WTF is a miserors? lol.

now,frist let me clear up some miserors.any one organizing with markquis crazy-will be distroyed or,may i say.your immediate execution will be proformed by me in person,face to face.

markquis insanity..?
the markquis said to scifarms,"now,frist let me clear up some miserors.any one organizing with markquis crazy-will be distroyed or,may i say."

head down and up the anal opening. wrinkled and often still cover with insanity-the waxy substance which has protected the scifarms from insanity person,during these nin underwater mounts of living.the matrix has descended from the insanity person portection .

the crown of the insanity person protectin,can be seen at the scifarms premarkquis .

insanity person?
my insanity open your eyes?
optic visual was shown.
3 demensional array.

insanity person accident cause buy slut and retart.