Teachers, yes. Gurus seem to have the added ability to give you a direct experience of another perspective.
But the best perspective would be your own, as it would become your experience, instead of just indirect information.
Well some Christians might say that not believing might be OK, but once you do not believe in Jesus, you have no defense against sin.
I can understand that, because it still allows the freedom of choice.
Unfortunately most Christians do not except karma or reincarnation as
an explanation for the destiny of the individual soul. And as such have no
choice but to believe in the extremes of heaven and hell.
You cannot do this on your own. Hence ---------------> hell.
In my analogy this type of thinking would create problems, as you can't send
someone to jail on the strength of not believing in a system of law (not in a civilised society anyways)
I think the same applies to the soul.
I also thought of the answer that it depends on what you do not believe in and how good you are at believing. If you have another belief strong enough, well, hell just can't latch on.
I don't think belief is an issue.
I think how we act represents our belief.
Saying you believe in God, doesn't mean you actually believe in God.
Which sounds more like a guru than the standard Christian version. Or a Boddhisatva.
But if you read the scripture, this is what it implies.
So questions remain. Who wants to change, and why?
An institute with branches in many minds.
That is a distinct characteristic.
And when you search for peoples with that characteristic, or nature, in or out of the religious arena, a picture forms.
I'm not talking about that kind of change.
And still, I see no evidence even after Jesus that the Jewish leaders had that Eastern feel.
You mean no famous ones.
That kind of life is not just about religion, it is about everything.
Even now, the diciples of gurus just don't sit around chanting and meditating.
They have to role up their sleeves and get stuck in, they have to learn the art of playing musical instruments, they have to prepare foodstuffs. They have to learn how to control their senses, including their tongues. They learn about math, science, philosophy.
Religion is only a part.
He made it quite clear he was not changing those laws. He formalized splitting life into two with his 'render' guideline. That has done a lot of damage. I would bet a decent amount of money you disagree. But that is another thread. If you want to take that issue up I'll respond to a new thread on it.
Alas, I cannot disagree because I'm not sure what his "render guideline is.
Well, times are a changing.
If the vedic prediction of kali yuga is correct (which i suspect it is), it may
become almost non-existent, as humans become more materialistic.
This is why I can't understand fundie atheists.
Can you imagine a world where materialism is absolutely dominant?
It will truly be survival of the fittest.
If you want to call two people in a garden a society. I think that is stretching the term beyond any useful function, however.
Come on!
You're not gonna tell me you believe these people are the original human ancestors of the entire human race are you?