
You know, this is annoying:

Even if you only see a few of them
it can get seriously annoying
don´t you think?
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Dreamy; now please remove that before a mod comes charging in here and deletes those post for you out of bandwith abuse.
Congratulations to Logically Unsound: you have now exceeded Jadedflower's "posts per day" figure!

Since her prodidgous posting was the original topic of this thread, perhaps the thread should now be renamed..? ;)
Mhh, but Unsound is still a long way from Jaded´s original post per day count at the time this thread was started. What was the highest? I think 58 posts per day or even something over 60? Don´t know exactly :rolleyes:
"holy shit" said logically unsound. i really cant be arsed to beat that. if i ever did it would have been on my first day.
Yeah, I know it is somewhat impossible to accomplish that at this point.
But it was the reason why Jaded got so much attention.
Well, she overtook me in about a day and a half, considering that I was around for a month, I was surprised by her. And she also overtook some members who were around even longer.

I suppsoe one should try to get known through the quality of his posts, not because of their quantity. :D
thats true.

as a complete contradiction to that statement :)D) i now have 1315 posts!. woohoo. hopefully soon ill have passed you as well.
(thats including cesspool, since i feel like it)
The first day I posted about 60 times in a bunch of interesting threads... then I began to lose interest and my post count went down. Now I'm not too bothered. I was meant to leave right after Easter but 2 users appeared that made me post more. The first was Cool Skill, who picked a fight with me in every Thiest/Atheist thread, and the other was just some wacko called Levitivus who started up a big wave and then suddenly got banned before the day was over because Porfiry didn't like him much... It sucks when you 'live' under a dictatorship:p
ooo well the first day post count shouldnt... count cause thats just first day ness and theres no scope. of course, im only saying this cause then i can beat you.

there is 'open government'. i never realized i had my very own thread: 'ban logically unsound'. yay me.
It was on my 4th day (i just read over it...) and haha... how sweet; I had 3 PMs then. *sigh* To be young and... [insert adjective]
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