J.B Is Dead


April 6, 2006 -- The NYPD hate-crimes unit is probing a report that a white NYU student killed by a car in Harlem was fleeing a gang of black teenagers screaming "Get whitey!" sources said yesterday.

Hehman, known as "J.B.," had been in a coma since he was struck.
He died of massive head trauma at Harlem Hospital.

The sources said Hehman might have been targeted as a soft mark for robbers after the teenage gang spotted the caring urban-studies major handing pocket change to a wheelchair- bound man near the corner of 125th Street and Park Avenue Saturday night.

The gang of youths, some of them as young as 11, had been smoking pot inside a nearby Popeye's fast-food eatery at 8:30 p.m. when they spotted Hehman walking by and then stopping to help the handicapped man.

An anonymous caller later tipped the CrimeStoppers hot line that a group of youths screamed, "Get Whitey!" and ran toward him.
No doubt in court it will be whitey the kitten they were trying to save from being runover.

Law doesn't cover racism against whites. The stats for white deaths at the hands of blacks is classified infomation because it's common and they know it would cause trouble to release it.


Here is some proof. However this was an asain gang who on the whole normally only kill their own family members.
alexb123 said:
The stats for white deaths at the hands of blacks is classified infomation because it's common and they know it would cause trouble to release it.
In the U.S. 86% of white murder victims are killed by white perpetrators. Since only 81% of the U.S. population is white, this means that white people kill other white people at a disproportionaly high rate. If black people murder white people more often than simple population demographics would suggest, it’s only by a few percent. Also, only 49% of murder victims in the U.S. were white, which means that white people are disproportionally less likely to be murderd.


It was the very first result of a google search for "murder race statistics". "Classified" indeed :rolleyes:
Nasor said:
In the U.S. 86% of white murder victims are killed by white perpetrators. Since only 81% of the U.S. population is white, this means that white people kill other white people at a disproportionaly high rate.
The US white population is 70%.

Here let a black man explain this to you:

In one recent year, the FBI recorded 1.7 million violent acts -- murder, manslaughter, rape, and aggravated assault -- of interracial crime. Of that figure, nearly 1.2 million involved black-white crime. Ninety percent of these cases involved a black perpetrator and a white victim. Thus, blacks, while comprising 12 percent of the population, committed over one million acts of violent crime against whites. On the other hand, whites, while comprising 70 percent of the population, committed about 100,000 acts of violent crime against blacks.

Look at hate crime. In 1995, the FBI recorded 7,947 incidents of hate crimes. But blacks, again while comprising 12 percent of the population, committed 27 percent of hate crimes. Whites, 70 percent of the population, committed 59 percent of hate crimes. And of the nearly one million black violent acts against whites, how many were driven by racial animus?

Please look at the Homicides by race of offender and victim.

'Stranger Murder' which is what this post is about, is much higher for black on white than white on black. And thats without taking into account the populations diff.

It would seem it is just the UK that does not publish the stats. Some one here informed me that it was the case that the stats were not released and I could never find them when I did look.
Oh, my God. J.B could not have written an article himself that better supported his views. I'm speechless.
If only JB really were dead. I think I'll get the KKK to kill him, after smearing him up in blacking. That would be ironic.
J.B said:
The US white population is 70%.
Woops, you’re right – thanks for the correction. However, it only makes the tendency of white people to be murdered by other white people even more disproportionate.

Here let a black man explain this to you:

In one recent year, the FBI recorded 1.7 million violent acts -- murder, manslaughter, rape, and aggravated assault -- of interracial crime. Of that figure, nearly 1.2 million involved black-white crime. Ninety percent of these cases involved a black perpetrator and a white victim.
Bullshit. The FBI only reported 1.3 total violent crimes in 2004. Even if every violent crime was an "interracial" crime, your numbers could not possibly be correct.

alexb123 said:
Please look at the Homicides by race of offender and victim.
Um..that's exactly what I posted about. 86% of white murder victims are killed by white people, while 94% of black murder victims are killed by other black people.
How much of this is drug-related violence? Poverty and lack of opportunity can lead to the quick riches of the drug trade, where violence is part of the business.
Nasor said:
Um..that's exactly what I posted about. 86% of white murder victims are killed by white people, while 94% of black murder victims are killed by other black people.

Ok this means that 14% of whites are killed by blacks
are opposed to 6% of whites killing blacks.

As you can see even from these stats many more blacks kill whites and thats before you even look at the percentage of population.

70% of the USA is white
13% of the USA is black
alexb123 said:
Ok this means that 14% of whites are killed by blacks
are opposed to 6% of whites killing blacks.

As you can see even from these stats many more blacks kill whites and thats before you even look at the percentage of population.

70% of the USA is white
13% of the USA is black
Ok, 13% of the population is black. If murderers simply selected their victims randomly, one would expect 13% of white murder victims to have been killed by black people. Your statistics indicate that black people have no particular bias toward killing white people.
Nasor said:
Ok, 13% of the population is black. If murderers simply selected their victims randomly, one would expect 13% of white murder victims to have been killed by black people. Your statistics indicate that black people have no particular bias toward killing white people.

Ok if we use you figs we have a 1% more than can be expected death rate, ok nothing major there.

But lets turn it around! If 70% of the USA are white then 70% of Black deaths should be by whites, but instead we have 6%. Now that is signifcant.
ohh yeah? well 49% of all people are of below-average intelligence!
Cato do you have a point to make about the topic or are you showing that you are in the 49%, by posting something that has nothing to do with the subject?
alexb123 said:
Ok if we use you figs we have a 1% more than can be expected death rate, ok nothing major there.

But lets turn it around! If 70% of the USA are white then 70% of Black deaths should be by whites, but instead we have 6%. Now that is signifcant.
Apparently white people have no interest in killing black people...I suspect that the vast majority of black murders are related to drugs and gangs.
Nasor said:
Apparently white people have no interest in killing black people...I suspect that the vast majority of black murders are related to drugs and gangs.

I agree that much of the killing is due to social conditions etc. But with whites being far greater victims of murder by blacks, a percentage of those deaths must be race related. In fact the stats show such a big diff that it could be the case that more whites are killed in racist attack than blacks. Yet we never hear of race motived killing of whites, why?
Even if black people killed white people more often than whites kill blacks, why would it matter? Race technically doesn't exist (not taxonomically, at least), so J.B's point is more or less moot.
It's people-on-people crime. Humans perpetrating crimes against other humans. That's what it boils down to, and that is the problem that needs to be mended. The only way to effectively stop human crime is to unite humanity into one earth unified government. J.B's racism is one of the main stumbling blocks towards the goal of a united and strong humanity.
Forget J.B. He has lost all sense of mental pliability has become a racist robot, seeing only black and white.

Anytime something's black and white, J.B. will spout it out as 'evidence' for racist separation.
alexb123 said:
Ok this means that 14% of whites are killed by blacks
are opposed to 6% of whites killing blacks.

As you can see even from these stats many more blacks kill whites and thats before you even look at the percentage of population.

70% of the USA is white
13% of the USA is black

Wait a minute, so are you saying the United States is comprised of only Blacks and Whites? There are no other ethnicities present in the United States, therefore the 14% of Whites who are killed by non-Whites are automatically charged to Blacks. Good stuff.... :bugeye:

The statistics simply show that each ethnicity is overwhelmingly killed by their own members, and that a small proportion are killed by others. That's it, you can't stretch the statistics any further because they don't support any other view. And to explain the 6% vs 14% figures, all you have to do is look at the total population figures. There are more Whites in this country, more Whites to be killed by non-Whites. Not to mention Blacks usually live in "Black communities", so the oppurtunity to be killed by non-Black persons is low.