i've got a bone to pick with gender

Hmmmm….I agree with you Swedish. I’ve spend the past year digging into the science into intersex conditions and biological sex. And its ether based in evolutionary biology (which I know people like here but tends to be circular logic) or on genetic sampling of 10 intersex individuals.

Social scientists proved that people (even the researchers) treat boy babies differently from girl babies (they talk more to the girls, and so the girls learn to talk faster, they are more likely to think that a girl is crying because of fright and a boy from anger)

One of the strongest arguments against there being an biological sex aside from the physical body, is that many of the intersex conditions do not come to light until the child develops a hernia or menstruation fails to happen or they seek fertility treatment. If there was some innate sex that was fighting to get out then you would have expected questions to have been asked before.

In many cases intersex people wish to reassign the sex and this can be for many reasons silent wish to spite the doctors, wanting to create a new life for themselves, or a genuine feeling of being the other.). I can only imagine how I would feel if my parents told me I’d been castrated as a child and forced to take hormones for the rest of my life. There is quite a lot of evidence that their treatment has desensitised them to their body –'a walking head' as one intersex said, and they tend to have a poor relationship with sexuality.

As I understand it the main argument for a ‘brain sex’ is the effect of androgens on the foetal brain. But as lenny moss pointed out to our centre, the brain of a newly born child is still developing, and it seems stupid to not expect the experiences it has in its first year to affect how its develops (biochemically and psychotically) This may line of inquiry may show what causes man and women to have different brains. (The brain of a newborn human has a large number of superfluous synaptic connections. The cortical neurons are wired together in elaborate networks mainly without a pre-set pattern. In the first few years of life, the period that psychoanalysts call the ‘the crucial years’, neurons that are activated at the same time, strengthen their interconnections. In this way, impressions and experiences shape the brain. Conversely, connections between neurons that are not co-activated wither away. This process is called ‘synaptic pruning’. ) http://www.neuroreview.com/article2.htm
Just to prove that intersex conditions are assigned sex with little heed to chromosomes, or endocrinology ‘Patients with mixed gonadal dysgenesis are best assigned as females, not only because of short stature but also because their gonads tend to develop tumours…Those assigned as females, other than those with adrenal virilism, should have resection of an enlarged clitoris as early as possible to facilitate acceptance by their families as females…’
merck manual

my advice would be to take pride in being able to change a light bulb and darn socks…