I've Found God

Platipus announces:

People need to learn respect. It is severely lacking around here.

That could very well be true however, if one waddles (pun) into a thread charged with a blanket statement of imputation, one should expect the contrary to what one implores.

On that note, I wish not to bring chaos or disunity to the forum

It might be a little late for that. ;)
That could very well be true however, if one waddles (pun) into a thread charged with a blanket statement of imputation, one should expect the contrary to what one implores.

A 'counterproductive statement' which enabled me to further expose the fallaciousness of the poster. I apologize for its irrational generalization, and wish no feelings to be hurt. ;)
Um, yes Platipus, that about sums it up. It's not a serious comment. I honestly do not believe that the penguin of goodness induced by an extract of the most potent hallucinogen naturally found on earth is the real god.

Like I said - it was just an amazing experience that I wanted to share with folks and Xev encouraged me to post.

As for the self-abuse thing...

Drugs are different to everyone. To some people it's a matter of abusing. To some it's a matter of opening their mind. To some it's a matter of fitting in. To me, drugs are done because I thuroughly enjoy seeing a totally different view of the world. Hallucinating is the most wild thing I have ever done.
Actually, that's exactly what I am. I'm just able to take pleasure in subjective experiences. Now I'm curious why you would say that though.
Defending the penguin. In case many of you are not familiar with this, spirits can take on benevolent forms, often animals, to help people in their spiritual and personal quests, like guides. It doesn't matter if the experience was caused by drugs or not, the effect of it is still the same, it has the same impact on the individual. Tyler may very well have met "God" , why shouldn't he? It just appeared to him in a shape he could comprehend and not fear, in this case a penguin.

You are an objectivist, ey. I, as a realist, believe in an objective reality also. Tell me, what is your theory on the supernatural realm? Does it exist dependently on the objective? Independently? Does man possess a soul?


"Tell me, what is your theory on the supernatural realm?"

The supernatural realm in what sense? I'd have to say I'm less sure of that than ever. I don't believe in the supernatural because never once has concrete evidence been shown to support it. And I have a strong position of not believing something (such as: there are ghosts, god exists or even that the moon orbits around earth) until it is strongly proven. However, realizing fully that the salvia was controlling me I can tell you that not only was I hallucinating I was in a totally different reality. What my body was doing in this plane of existence (and I use that term oh so loosely as I realize, I state again, that I was hallucinating on drugs) had no relation to what it was doing in the plane of existence I was perceiving.

"Does man possess a soul?"

Why add 'soul' to the equation when it cannot be shown to be true and is unnecessary to reality?

The biggest aspect of my hallucination was the penguin of goodness. This penguin, to me at the time, was god. He looked at me, waddled a little closer, looked at me and as I reached out to touch him he just made everything in the world alright. And this was no small task because I was freaking out from the giant baby and Jeff leaving me alone as I fell to my death. But you know why, in retrospect, he made me feel so good? It's because he wanted to. Perhaps what I'm missing in my life is a stable figure who wants just to help me. So many people around me want me to be their strong point, want me to be the one who consoles them and ensures them everything will be cool. But this penguin of goodness did not want this from me. My relationship with the penguin was to be one of him just always being an aid. He just wanted to make sure I was cool with everything, he never wanted to have me have to deal with his problems.

And that to me was a very religious experience at the time. See, God is always telling people in modern religions that they should do this, do every task in a certain way, follow every rule. And if you don't, he'll abandon you. He created you and if you don't do everything he wants you to he'll just as soon leave you to suffer. I've always seen the Judeo-Christian god as the anti-good. But the penguin of goodness didn't care. The penguin thought I was a pretty good guy all-in-all and realizing that morals and opinions are subjective and that my attitude was mine and mine alone he felt I deserved just as much help as anyone else. So there he was, just making sure I was nice and chilled. The penguin, perhaps, is just my desire to have someone who doesn't expect so much of me. And maybe unconsciously this is my view of a good human being.
...here is proof for you, Tyler, that Linux is the one supreme ruler of the universe who wishes only to aid you and make sure you feel OK. :cool:
Originally posted by Platipus
People need to learn respect. It is severely lacking around here.

I fail to see the relevancy of the comment. You imply, by posting this comment, that somehow one of the earlier posts was somehow disrespectful yet I can find no statement prior to your post that was intended to be disrespectful. Unless, of course, you're simply so intolerant that any conception of God that does not adhere to your own definition is considered somehow as insult or slander. In which case I suggest you find a site that meets your standards of "respect" because you will surely find little here.

Originally posted by Ekimklaw
Are a lot of atheists also self-abusers? In other words -- Alcoholics, pot-heads, sex-addicts, and drug users? I think I see a trend developing here... hmmm...

Must be that whole "no moral authority" thing...

Must be. Because we all certainly know that no Christian ever drinks, smokes pot, has inappropriate sexual urges, or uses drugs. :bugeye: :rolleyes:

Must be. Because we all certainly know that no Christian ever drinks, smokes pot, has inappropriate sexual urges, or uses drugs

Yeah they do that before they become christians!:D Just kidding. Really is smoking going to send me to hell? I dont remember reading in the bible that smoking is wrong. Now the sexual urges, its what you do with them. Drugs in the bible? I dont remember them saying in the bible that drugs were bad either! Someone please try to provide the passage that says drugs are a bad thing!

Im not a Jesus Freak Im just simply defending the christians who smoke/drink/do drugs.
One day a man was wondering in the desert, he came upon a mushroom growing by an oasis in a pile of camel shit. Washing the mushroom, the man ate it, for though he knew some mushrooms are poisonious the man was famished and had not eaten in days, having been seperated from his caravan two days earlier. He drank deeply of the water, filled up his waterskin, then began to eat the mushroom as he set out due east, figuring if he didn't find his caravan he could turn around and go back directly west to return to the oasis. After a few hours, the mushroom being consumed long before, the man saw a stairway leading up into heaven, and a voice spoke to him, and the man knew he had found the one true god. The experience overwhelmed him and he passed out. When he awoke he found himself in a tent, his caravan had crossed his trail and followed it to where they found him lying by a rock, he told of his tale, some thought he had merely caught the desert madness, where men who have been in the desert long periods without water begin to see things others cannot, but hearing he had indeed been to the oasis they themselves had passed still others believed him and forsake worship of their many gods in favor of these new Almighty God, and so Monotheism was born.

Stay tuned for the true story of Jesus and the wine. Learn why he really preached to the people.(loud drunk)
Salvia has an interesting history.

The Maztec Indians in Mexico used certain varieties of shrooms as their way to reach god. When anthropologists and other researchers first went they were allowed by the natives to take back and research the mushrooms. However, it took a good number of trips before they ever encountered salvia devinorum. And even then, I believe, it was an accident that they stumbled upon. In the 1950's British and American researchers were exposed to a Maztec doctor giving a man this plant. It seems that when a doctor could not identify the problem the patient was suffering from they would take him out to an empty field in the middle of the night and give him salvia leaves to chew and hold under his toungue. About half an hour later the man would begin to spasm or twitch or move in an odd manner and the doctor would ask god to tell him what the health problem was with the patient. At which point, the man's reaction was suppose to represent god's answer.

Salvia was only ever used at two times: when mushrooms ran out and the religious needed another way to have a journey and when the doctor wished to speak to god. It is known as the Shepardess Plant.