I've Found God


Registered Senior Member
I found god tonight.

Really long story pretty short:
I did Salvia 10 times extract tonight. On my second trip I was having a horrible experience. After I finished the bowl on my second hit I (blank spot, I dont remember about 3 minutes) somehow ended up sitting down. Oh yeah, this is me and friend Jeff at an elementary school in a little sheltered area during rain and 70 kmph winds at 10:30-12 at night.

So all of a sudden Jeff is in the same little area as me and now we enter this fucked up block. You know those cubes babies have with letters on each side and coloured edges? We were in the one that had 'A' and yellow outline which I could see. Like I was sitting on the bottom corner of the side of the cube. Then Jeff did the worst thing any human being ever did. He left. He left me alone late at night ias it rained and I was truly tripping for my first time. All of a sudden I became supremely tiny and the block became bigger. then I became aware of the fact that my cube was one of many cubes in a string which was being played with by a HUGGGGGGGGGGGE baby who was in liek a class for parents/babies to have fun. Because he shaked the string I fell off the cube and started screaming (aparently) "JEFFFFFF.....FUCK I"M FALLING......JEFFFFFFFFFF"

He comes running back and starts trying to shake me into reality. At this point in time I become slightly aware of the fact that I'm sitting and not falling, though I think I'm standing. Then Jeff decides he should comfort me.

"Tyler, look in front of you. You are in a long and warm, cozy cave."
Holy shit, there I am. In a cave.
"And in front of you is the penguin of goodness. He will comfort you."
Fucking mothre of mary, there he is! The penguin of goodness! He waddles towards me from the cave and I reach out to touch him. At this point my hand become sthe penguin. Then Jeff fucks up thinking I'm still scared.
"See, right in front of me Tyler, it's the penguin of goodness."
Oh shit. There's now two penguins of goodness. And, of course, one is still my hand (which I dont realize). So the logical following in my brain is that the two penguin's of goodness must fight. So I start moing my hand toward jeff (so he says, and it makes sense) before I start to snap back into reality a teensy bit.

Anyway, the point is I found god. God is the penguin of goodness.

See, all these religions talk about a god who demands you worship him and obey his laws or he won't let you have a good afterlife. The penguin of goodness was nothing like that. I was scared for my life. Fuck, I was falling! And then the penguin of goodness waddled into my life. And he looked at me and somehow I knew that he didn't care about who I was or my moral character or if I did what he wanted....he just wanted to help me. That's all he wanted. He loved me and he wanted to make sure I would be alright. He just wanted to make sure that I would be cool and chill out. He just wanted to make sure I would be alright. He was the penguin of goodness.

He was the penguin of goodness.
Fantastic experience Tyler. And all this with salvia? Did you smoke it? In Fight Club there was also a penguin that stuck to my mind. " Slide...". Good for you that you had your friend with you, and good for him that you didn't hit him.

Yeah with salvia. This was done with the 10 times extract, though.

It's rather expensive compard to some other drugs, but I would say easily worth it.

You have to smoke it through a bong. What you do is fill the bowl and you must smoke the entire bowl in 2-3 hits max.
Haha, ohhhh the ego flourishes!

First of all, if I had seen the penguin of goodness while sober or just on pot or something and I seriously believed I'd met god - would you say I had no respect for god? Why? Because it's not your god?

Second, I was fucking hallucinating dumb-dumb! I saw penguins. I had an amazing experience and I thought I would share it. If you can't handle someone having a god-like experience when it's not your god then you should go with a couple of the other Christians that have been around here (though, far from all of them) and start a nice litle haven where only people who think one way can be.
Why have you resorted to attacking me? :confused: This display only strengthens my statement. ;)
Haha, if you think that was an attack you're definetly a rookie here.

And by the way, not responding to my post is a definite sign of weakness around here.

Haha, if you think that was an attack you're definetly a rookie here.

argumentum ad hominem

And by the way, not responding to my post is a definite sign of weakness around here.

argumentum ad baculum

...Are you familiar with these fallacies?
Oh you are a burst of comedy around here!

"People need to learn respect. It is severely lacking around here."
And of course this was a brilliant and helpful comment, hmmm?

Then I made a post with a few questions and you were unable to answer them.

As for trying to call those fallacies - that only holds if they're part of an arguement I was trying to make. Which they weren't. Just in case you can't read, what I was trying to do was get you to actually reply to the post that you said was an attack. Though I suppose this is too difficult for you, hmmmm?

(oh, and don't try pointing out the fallacies in this one dumb-dumb. Those terms refer to fallacies in a logical arguement. This, in case you can't tell, is not an arguement. It is simply trying to get you to actually reply to the questions)
You will not get me to respond using ad hominem. All I ask is that you respect people with popular religious views. I hope this is not too difficult, and is all that I ask. Even if they are hypocrites, degrading them in such a matter makes you no better.

Thanks in advance.

I will point out the distasteful comments in your text, as you are having difficulties accepting your errs:

Oh you are a burst of comedy around here!

Just in case you can't read, what I was trying to do

Though I suppose this is too difficult for you, hmmmm?

oh, and don't try pointing out the fallacies in this one dumb-dumb.

This, in case you can't tell, is not an arguement.


Examine the implications above and correct them as necessary. Thanks.

Haha, ohhhh the ego flourishes!

ad hominem

Why? Because it's not your god?

ad hominem

Second, I was fucking hallucinating dumb-dumb!

ad hominem

If you can't handle someone having a god-like experience when it's not your god then you should go with a couple of the other Christians that have been around here (though, far from all of them) and start a nice litle haven where only people who think one way can be.

ad hominem

I found god tonight.

Really long story pretty short:
I did Salvia 10 times extract tonight. On my second trip I was having a horrible experience.

You admit to doing Salvia? 10 times? This directly implies that deceiving halluncinations will follow, therefore defeating all validity of real experience.

After I finished the bowl on my second hit I (blank spot, I dont remember about 3 minutes) somehow ended up sitting down. Oh yeah, this is me and friend Jeff at an elementary school in a little sheltered area during rain and 70 kmph winds at 10:30-12 at night.

Drugs will do that to you!

So all of a sudden Jeff is in the same little area as me and now we enter this fucked up block. You know those cubes babies have with letters on each side and coloured edges? We were in the one that had 'A' and yellow outline which I could see. Like I was sitting on the bottom corner of the side of the cube. Then Jeff did the worst thing any human being ever did. He left. He left me alone late at night ias it rained and I was truly tripping for my first time.

You were tripping. All seriousness has been thrown out the window.

All of a sudden I became supremely tiny and the block became bigger. then I became aware of the fact that my cube was one of many cubes in a string which was being played with by a HUGGGGGGGGGGGE baby who was in liek a class for parents/babies to have fun. Because he shaked the string I fell off the cube and started screaming (aparently) "JEFFFFFF.....FUCK I"M FALLING......JEFFFFFFFFFF"

Unfortunately, this chemical experience is too relative to consider an actual experience. It was caused due to the nature of the drug, which was largely abused by the taker.

He comes running back and starts trying to shake me into reality. At this point in time I become slightly aware of the fact that I'm sitting and not falling, though I think I'm standing. Then Jeff decides he should comfort me.

"Tyler, look in front of you. You are in a long and warm, cozy cave."
Holy shit, there I am. In a cave.
"And in front of you is the penguin of goodness. He will comfort you."
Fucking mothre of mary, there he is! The penguin of goodness! He waddles towards me from the cave and I reach out to touch him. At this point my hand become sthe penguin. Then Jeff fucks up thinking I'm still scared.
"See, right in front of me Tyler, it's the penguin of goodness."
Oh shit. There's now two penguins of goodness. And, of course, one is still my hand (which I dont realize). So the logical following in my brain is that the two penguin's of goodness must fight. So I start moing my hand toward jeff (so he says, and it makes sense) before I start to snap back into reality a teensy bit.

Here you admit your experience was of a nature non-existent in reality. You have debunked your own argument. Not only that, you have mentioned the existence of two gods; therefore making the assumption that you saw more than one god... though you are implying a monotheistic existence. It is a contradiction.

Anyway, the point is I found god. God is the penguin of goodness.

Penguins are finite animals. They exist in material reality. The point is you were having a chemically induced experience completely void of actual reality. That is often the result when you abuse drugs.

Are a lot of atheists also self-abusers? In other words -- Alcoholics, pot-heads, sex-addicts, and drug users? I think I see a trend developing here... hmmm...

Must be that whole "no moral authority" thing...

Penguins are finite animals. They exist in material reality. The point is you were having a chemically induced experience completely void of actual reality. That is often the result when you abuse drugs.

Dude - LIGHTEN UP! It's a joke. I asked Tyler to post this after he told me about it.

Are a lot of atheists also self-abusers?

No, I prefer to have a partner for that.

You will not get me to respond using ad hominem. All I ask is that you respect people with popular religious views. I hope this is not too difficult, and is all that I ask. Even if they are hypocrites, degrading them in such a matter makes you no better.

You're boring, stupid, and I had sex with your mother. She wasn't that good. :p
Hey Xev...

Xev wrote:

Penguins are finite animals. They exist in material reality. The point is you were having a chemically induced experience completely void of actual reality. That is often the result when you abuse drugs.
Dude - LIGHTEN UP! It's a joke. I asked Tyler to post this after he told me about it.

Xev, baby, that's a quote from Platipus, not me. MY reply was much more pithy. ;)


You're boring, stupid, and I had sex with your mother. She wasn't that good. :p

I'll disregard the insults and propose a hand-shake of friendship. :) I believe it is the duty of every Christian to respect their brothers and sisters of this world, including the Atheists. On that note, I wish not to bring chaos or disunity to the forum, yet intelligent thought and debate. Who is with me?

So you've found 'God'. Okay, now tell 'im to count to one hundred as it's his turn to seek, and that will give us all a chance to run off and hide.