it's time we dropped the label - the problem with atheism


Atheism:is non-prophet making
Valued Senior Member
This is an edited transcript of a talk given by Sam Harris at the Atheist Alliance conference in Washington D.C. on September 28th, 2007:

Sam Harris wrote:
"In thinking about what I could say to you all tonight, it seemed to me that I have a choice between throwing red meat to the lions of atheism or moving the conversation into areas where we actually might not agree. I’ve decided, at some risk to your mood, to take the second approach and to say a few things that might prove controversial in this context."

having read this, it enlightened me as to how much we live under a banner, and how this banner is used in a negative way by opposing forces, lately atheism has been brought to the fore, by the likes of dawkins, Dennet, and his nibs above, however is this the correct thing to do.
I dont think so, is it time we dropped the label.

wise words, dont you think.
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Do we use any label( i'm remembering 'brights';)) ourselves as much as the theists do for us. It seems to me that I normally hear the words "godless" ,"heathen", and"damned" before the word atheist. But I am in the bible belt.:rolleyes:
An 'alliance' of people who don't believe in something.

That's just the fucking tops!

The current label is perfectly adequate unless you intend to make not believing in something your main preoccupation.
Well, I haven't read the link, but I don't think they want to drop it altogether Baron. I think they just want to replace it with something ludicrous.

Is this for political correctness? Or because someone's tender little feelings might be hurt? :D

Baron Max
So, let me make my somewhat seditious proposal explicit: We should not call ourselves “atheists.” We should not call ourselves “secularists.” We should not call ourselves “humanists,” or “secular humanists,” or “naturalists,” or “skeptics,” or “anti-theists,” or “rationalists,” or “freethinkers,” or “brights.” We should not call ourselves anything. We should go under the radar—for the rest of our lives. And while there, we should be decent, responsible people who destroy bad ideas wherever we find them.
They needed a conference to decide this? :confused:
This is an edited transcript of a talk given by Sam Harris at the Atheist Alliance conference in Washington D.C. on September 28th, 2007:

wise words, it is time to drop the label.

Great piece. He's taken the first steps toward God...i.e. by being honest with himself about 'life' as it is sans a connection with/to God...the angst he describes in the article is nothing more than the onset of labor associated with becoming born again. Let's pray it doesn't end in a miscarriage.

The fact that everyone can identify with this angst he describes--if they will but honestly look at theimselves and their so called 'life'-- shows just how pervasive the denial is on the part of humanity concerning their latent desire for God...and how they tend to to meet this desire unsuccessfully through use of physical means: food, sex, travel, etc.

Ironically, he's unwittingly laid out for his fellow atheists the Divine strategy for bringing the prodigal human race back to Himself...that is, intellectual honesty leading to the eventual recognition of an unmet 'itch' that cannot be scratched by any thing physical.

That 'itch' can only be scratched...that connection to God can only be made... through a combination of the physical and spiritual: The God-Man Jesus Christ.
Great piece. He's taken the first steps toward God...i.e. by being honest with himself about 'life' as it is sans a connection with/to God...the angst he describes in the article is nothing more than the onset of labor associated with becoming born again. Let's pray it doesn't end in a miscarriage.

What a strange idea. Honest thought towards life leads to irrational beliefs? :shrug:
Non-believers United in Truth Spreading (NUTS)

Nah. That sucks.

Atheists Pro Evolution (APE)


We Atheists Don't Buy It (WADBI)

That's it! I'm a WADBI.
I started the speech but gave up with disgust. Why such a long diatribe just to try to get us to change a name? What is important is what we do and say, not what we and they call us. What we say and do is what needs improvement. There is nothing intrinsicely wrong with the atheism label. I much prefer it to "Brights." To try to change is a subterfuge and a sign of weakness. It is like labeling a race of cripples as a "special olympic." I don't feel desperate myself, do you?

Non-believers United in Truth Spreading (NUTS)

Nah. That sucks.

Atheists Pro Evolution (APE)


We Atheists Don't Buy It (WADBI)

That's it! I'm a WADBI.
M*W: What about:

A Truthful Heretic Emerging In Science Today (ATHEIST)
I started the speech but gave up with disgust. Why such a long diatribe just to try to get us to change a name? What is important is what we do and say, not what we and they call us. What we say and do is what needs improvement. There is nothing intrinsicely wrong with the atheism label. I much prefer it to "Brights." To try to change is a subterfuge and a sign of weakness. It is like labeling a race of cripples as a "special olympic." I don't feel desperate myself, do you?

I pretty much agree with this.
Atheism doesn't deserve a label. It's just a word the theists use to refer to people that don't believe.