it's time for some tests, please particepate

I couldn't answer some of the questions on spiritual type - as tiassa and tyler indicate, some options were just not present. And the regular test also has some ambiguous questions that I find inapropriate, so I've skipped that this time as well.

I have no spiritual leanings.

I'm a transhumanist.

I couldn't find very good answers for most of those questions, and I didn't want to say anything that I didn't think. Eventually it became tiresome to fill out the tests because I wasn't all that interested in the religions it was geared for.. Sorry!

But I think that in itself says something.... Atheist!

For example, in the second test it seemed to confuse atheist and agnostic a LOT (every question) for one of those answers. And there is a BIG difference!
Q15. Regarding science and religion, I think:
1. Science eventually will disprove religion
2. We should be suspicious of scientists, since most of them are atheists
3. Scientific findings trouble me at times but do not reduce my faith, because science helps me understand God’s creation
4. Science and faith seem to me two aspects of the same search for ultimate truth

Interesting, they say that most of the scientists are atheists, lets take my logical reasoning skills here :)

most scientists are atheists
all scientists are smart
scientists are humans
smart humans are atheists

or something like that
I scored a 48:

Active Spiritual Seeker – Spiritual but turned off by organized religion

Yes, definately turned off by organized religion!!!!
I scored 32 this time, but forgot what it was :(
it was one step higher than "hardcore skeptic"
PLEASE, do not post here your BELIEF-O-MATIC results - this is the old Matic thread we did in summer

do it HERE
That is our current Matic thread