its nature get over it,

The weapons of today dictate we must have "peace" or be destroyed. It starts from the ground up. You can't allow(without moral disdain) a barfight and on the other hand expect peace among nations.

To be posted in Philosophy "soon", the "philosophy of the self+1" and the "path of now and forever". For you to poop on.

i agree with this, but i doubt humans can be 100% peacefull with each other all of the time.

when everyone is happy then peace could happen, but aslong as somebody is pissed at something then you will get war. and i dont think you can make everybody happy all of the time.

look at our media and what we advertise as "cool" blowing people us shooting people and martial arts fighting is our entertainment, grand theft auto is what the children play (and me :))we are doomed to be at war forever.


I have played all the GTAs and am probably the most "violent" person I know(admittedly I do not know what is going on in other people's heads...usually). Like you certainly know, studying martial arts is probably the perfect way to dissipate aggresive tendancies. I find busting someone skull open on the sidewalks of a pixilated San Andreas greatly relieves the need to do it at work when it's "ragweek" with the customer service ladies. To each his/her own.
yeah martial arts is a great way to vent negative emotions, without martial arts i would probably have killed many people years ago. :)

after playing san andreas though, when im walking down the street i do sometimes get the urge to car jack people sometimes.

i see what your saying though, but my point was more that our society promotes war and violents and glamorises it through movies and games.

EmptyForceofChi said:

explain how getting over it would mean that outcome?

Getting over it means accepting and moving on. This runs against the grain of our evolutionary patterns. We have, as a species, survived by refusing to get over it. We have survived by meeting challenges, by refusing to be bullied by man or nature. Doesn't mean nature won't get us sometimes, and it doesn't mean humankind isn't stupid from time to time, but we're still here, and we're not going anywhere until we chase ourselves out of existence or the comet comes. Or the sun explodes, or expands, or whatever. And, hey, if we get off this rock--e.g. if we don't simply "get over" the fact that we're stuck on this one planet in the Universe--we can even survive the loss of our beloved star.

Or so says me.
Getting over it means accepting and moving on. This runs against the grain of our evolutionary patterns. We have, as a species, survived by refusing to get over it. We have survived by meeting challenges, by refusing to be bullied by man or nature. Doesn't mean nature won't get us sometimes, and it doesn't mean humankind isn't stupid from time to time, but we're still here, and we're not going anywhere until we chase ourselves out of existence or the comet comes. Or the sun explodes, or expands, or whatever. And, hey, if we get off this rock--e.g. if we don't simply "get over" the fact that we're stuck on this one planet in the Universe--we can even survive the loss of our beloved star.

Or so says me.

yes get over it, accept that its nature to rape kill and fight, and that it will never stop fully ever, and get on with your lives,

accepting it and getting on with your lives doesent mean we should all support it, it just means we accept that its a part of our society and that it is a part of human nature and animal nature,

like you have to accept that mallards gang rape female ducks, its not nice but we have to accept it is there in nature, to say "its not a part of nature" is just sticking your head in the sand,

what should you do in a world like this? just stop living and be shocked by everything that goes on around you? or get on with your life as best you can under the given circumstances, a part of survival is to not be shocked and so sensative to everything. thats how you become a scared shut in,

live your life and accept bad things happen, you dont have to support them but you do have to accept bad things are a part of life.

Ever since creation, men have done horrible things to each other: war, genocide, rape, murder, torture, etc.. Based off of that observation, I agree that the violence and crap will probably never stop, but not because people are, by nature, violent. It is because we are selfish creatures. Every one of us is driven by a selfish cause: whether to procreate with as many of the opposite sex as possible, gain the world's riches, or whatever. But if we allow ourselves to becomes slaves to our desires, then we lose our humanity. We become animals (like those gang-raping ducks and the slave-owning ants). Actually, any act of relinquishing logic and reason in favor of a base instinct or of a popular opinion will cause a similar effect. But by trying to fight against such things, no matter how futile it may be, people can still hope that one day they will acheive a perfect balance. It keeps them from drowning in despair.

Oh, by the way, I'm new. So, hi there.
Despair is the only thing that keeps me going.
Hi LexicSky.
Ever since creation, men have done horrible things to each other: war, genocide, rape, murder, torture, etc.. Based off of that observation, I agree that the violence and crap will probably never stop, but not because people are, by nature, violent. It is because we are selfish creatures. Every one of us is driven by a selfish cause: whether to procreate with as many of the opposite sex as possible, gain the world's riches, or whatever. But if we allow ourselves to becomes slaves to our desires, then we lose our humanity. We become animals (like those gang-raping ducks and the slave-owning ants). Actually, any act of relinquishing logic and reason in favor of a base instinct or of a popular opinion will cause a similar effect. But by trying to fight against such things, no matter how futile it may be, people can still hope that one day they will acheive a perfect balance. It keeps them from drowning in despair.

Oh, by the way, I'm new. So, hi there.

welcome to the forum. forgive my grammer and that funky smell. what you said is kind of true.

Mallards? I mean, I think I see the point, but mallards? If nature hadn't intended us to look at it differently than the mallards do, we wouldn't.

It was raining last night. Perhaps we should have gotten over it. But as I think back to the first ancestors who sought shelter in caves or under trees, and recall the glorious tales of history and humanity, from Catal Huyuk and Chaco Canyon to tribal longhouses to Egyptian pyramids, on through gothc cathedrals and log cabins: what if our ancestors had decided to just get over it and deal with the rain?

What is the difference between sitting atop the large rock to get away from the large cat that wants to eat you, and sitting atop the large rock because you have a few minutes to watch the clouds or think about how to make a primitive dwelling even better? Ah, just get over it, bop the cat on the nose, and head back out across the plain in search of something to eat?

Imagine conservative radio at the rise of agrarian society: "These people are just lazy bums looking for an excuse to violate our rights in order to make life easier for themselves. Building houses and growing crops? Why don't we just give the mythology back to the women?"

Okay, that last part, about the women, is a bit of a punchline, but I think there's a reasonable point in there.

Perhaps we're defining the core concept differently ....
What I think Emptyforceofchi is actually trying to get across (correct me if I am wrong) is that it is in the very core of human nature to be the most aggressive and violent of the animals. Pound for pound were are the deadliest animals in existance. We evolved to survive while being hunted and hunter. We are the ultimate predator, nothing else even comes close. Yet people act surprised that in a civilized society, where the daily struggle to survive is taken away, we are still violent, hateful and destructive in nature.

I am not saying we have to act on these instincts, in fact most of us can repress them quite easily, or better yet rechannel them into 'useful' endeavors. However there are some people that can't repress their predator side, or perhaps in times of stress resort to what comes naturally. This is especially true is large groups.

What he is saying is we need to step back and look at it and go, well we certianly can't eliminate it completely, but we can try to minimize the effects. He wants us to keep up the efforts to bring as much peace as possible, punish rapists, punish mureders and try to find ways to prevent more. Stop acting as if it were somehow violence was a disease. It's a tool, nothing else, it has it's uses and as such can be misused.