It's mythstory instead of history.

Quantum Quack said:
"tis funny that I should even bother to read another religion thread, But I do so because of my admiration and respect of Medicine woman the thread starter.
How has MW gained my respect?
Because I know she thinks about what she believes in. She applies critical thought to everything she believes in. Sure Like myself she is not infalable but at least she knows this where as others do not.

Just be aware Enton before you attack someone that you are attacking all her friends as well.

To treat women in the way you have implied is deserving of nothing else but utter contempt. To veil it in the disguise of Christianity is even more obscene to those Christians who whorship all of Gods creations and not just the Male.

MW has voiced an opinion, which I feel is deserving of being heard and considered.

Humanity has been and still is a very superstitious race, their fear fueling their belief systems. For some how ever it fuels their arogance and Chaulvinism. [ meaning: Excessive or prejudiced support or loyalty for ones cause or group or gender]
And of course the only reason for the extremes of chaulvinism is an inferiroity complex that shows just how insecure you are as a man and a philosopher, thinker.

BTW medicine woman I agree with you threads contention, but must also venture that this is all part of mans evolution towards conquering his paranoia with reason and knowledge. A necessary part of mans evolution to a better way of existing.
Concerning my supposed {"attacking"} misbehavior. I don't have any intention to hurt someone. I didn't raise a topic which hurts someone. It's your interpretation of the way I responded to your threads. I am not excessive or prejudiced. As part of my obligation to spread the truth regarding (our) humanities, it's sad there are people who object the Creator. They are even happy when someone thanked them (i.e., a doctor who happens to be the cause of the patient's immediate recovery). They forgot the medicine, the very medicine they thought. They forgot their thoughts too how in this entire existence did it happen that men learned to clothe by themselves and speak a language understandble by themselves. :rolleyes: Atheists, agnostics, pagans and many other anti-Bible grops are lucky enough that they are humans and not beasts or creeping things or fish or fowls.
Quantum Quack said:
"tis funny that I should even bother to read another religion thread, But I do so because of my admiration and respect of Medicine woman the thread starter.
How has MW gained my respect?
Because I know she thinks about what she believes in. She applies critical thought to everything she believes in. Sure Like myself she is not infalable but at least she knows this where as others do not.

Just be aware Enton before you attack someone that you are attacking all her friends as well.

To treat women in the way you have implied is deserving of nothing else but utter contempt. To veil it in the disguise of Christianity is even more obscene to those Christians who whorship all of Gods creations and not just the Male.

MW has voiced an opinion, which I feel is deserving of being heard and considered.

Humanity has been and still is a very superstitious race, their fear fueling their belief systems. For some how ever it fuels their arogance and Chaulvinism. [ meaning: Excessive or prejudiced support or loyalty for ones cause or group or gender]
And of course the only reason for the extremes of chaulvinism is an inferiroity complex that shows just how insecure you are as a man and a philosopher, thinker.

BTW medicine woman I agree with you threads contention, but must also venture that this is all part of mans evolution towards conquering his paranoia with reason and knowledge. A necessary part of mans evolution to a better way of existing.
Concerning my supposed {"attacking"} misbehavior. I don't have any intention to hurt someone. I didn't raise a topic which hurts someone. It's your interpretation of the way I responded to your threads. I am not excessive or prejudiced. As part of my obligation to spread the truth regarding (our) humanities, it's sad there are people who object the Creator. They are even happy when someone thanked them (i.e., a doctor who happens to be the cause of the patient's immediate recovery). They forgot the medicine, the very medicine they thought. They forgot their thoughts too how in this entire existence did it happen that men learned to clothe by themselves and speak a language understandble by themselves. :rolleyes: Atheists, agnostics, pagans and many other anti-Bible groups are lucky enough that they are humans and not beasts or creeping things or fish or fowls.
Ahh!! I see,

the problem is Enton that if you want to pursue your obligation to spread the "truth" regarding got to learn not to shoot your self in the foot when you do it......if you have no credibility no-one will listen.

my obligation to spread the truth regarding (our) humanities, it's sad there are people who object the Creator.

This is why all secularists want your kind to be given their own island so that your disease can be confined. We could give you Greenland. Satisfy your "obligation" by spreading your "truth" among the glaciers. It will have as much effect on them as it has on us.

I would suggest that you, enton, are an egocentric megalomaniac. To think that you have some connection and obligation to some creator of the universe to be it's agent of "truth" is fairly mind boggling egotism, don't you think? How dare you claim to have "THE truth" based on nothing more than an old, poorly written book and some tradition? You have constructed this castle of virtue and "truth" around yourself, but we see it for what it really is. A gossamer web of self delusion that is torn to tatters by the slightest wind of inquiry.

Poetic spasm over.
Medicine Woman:
I wanted to see if you agree with this notion:

"We would gain greater benefit from the Bible if we were to treat it in it's entirety as a work not to be taken in any aspects as literal. That it always be treated as a book of metaphor, irony, stories and poetry.

That the bible looses it's value as soon as it is seen in any part to be literal.
That the literal interpretations renders the bible as paradoxed and confusing. "

What I am thinking is that to me the bible is a wonderful vehicle for mythstery. It has stories of dramatic proportions and can teach us all many things about ourselves. However as soon as we attempt to interpret it in a literal or scientific manner it's message is lost to conjecture and arguement.

For example I find the story of the Christ, more beneficial if I drop the need for literal interpretation. A beautiful story of love, passion and devotion, not to mention bastadary, suffering, insanity and bigotry.

If people are allowed to keep the bible as a cryptic book of stories whose fact or fiction be left aside, there is value in the reading.

The book of Ecclesiastes, another example, has I find great value when dealing with issues of depresion and worth etc.....but because of all the arguement over scientific veracity the story is lost to most critical thinkers.

years ago I wrote this poem

A monolith of extraordinary proportions
A statement of histories plan
A showpiece of deluded distortion
The insignificance of man.

Any thoughts........any one?
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Quantum Quack said:
.That the bible looses it's value as soon as it is seen in any part to be literal.That the literal interpretations renders the bible as paradoxed and confusing. "[/I]?
Many people are confused in reading the Bible because of the influence of the advocates of confusion like the author of "Da Vinci Code", the author of "The Book of Barnabbas" and the authors of myths.

Quantum Quack said:
.What I am thinking is that to me the bible is a wonderful vehicle for mythstery. It has stories of dramatic proportions and can teach us all many things about ourselves. However as soon as we attempt to interpret it in a literal or scientific manner it's message is lost to conjecture and arguement.
.Good that you were able to perceive the "wonder" of the Bible. And due to the fact that people who do not come to know the fullness of the mystery of the words of God written in the Bible, they just simply and easily conclude that the Bible is a myth. (Actually those people who judged the Bible being a myth do not even know the reason why there are myths around.)
Quantum Quack said:
.For example I find the story of the Christ, more beneficial if I drop the need for literal interpretation. A beautiful story of love, passion and devotion, not to mention bastadary, suffering, insanity and bigotry.
.You are much more insane than the rehabilitated drug-addict if you take all the words in the Bible into their very simplistic literality.
Quantum Quack said:
.If people are allowed to keep the bible as a cryptic book of stories whose fact or fiction be left aside, there is value in the reading.
There is no value in reading the Bible if the outcome is dangerous to men (detrimental to society) like those who believed they would not die after drinking deadly poisons. What should be the result is that you pick the livable passages in the Bible. Learn from the biblical history. And compare too the recent events in our time like the Tsunami phenomena and/or the Katrina Hurricane.

Quantum Quack said:
.The book of Ecclesiastes, another example, has I find great value when dealing with issues of depresion and worth etc.....but because of all the arguement over scientific veracity the story is lost to most critical thinkers.
.I doubt if you agree with my perception. Most critical thinkers challenge the wisdom of Solomon being mentioned in the Bible as the wisest human king that ever lived in the world.

Quantum Quack said:
.years ago I wrote this poem

A monolith of extraordinary proportions
A statement of histories plan
A showpiece of deluded distortion
The significance of man.

Any thoughts........any one?
David too, the Prophet-King-Poet. I don't have any comment on your poem but mine are here . :D