It's mythstory instead of history.


Jesus: Mythstory--Not History!
Valued Senior Member
M*W: I got to thinking about the ancient humans who feared and awed the heavens and called it god. The Egyptians were ancient astrologers and, who knows, maybe some kind of ETs came down and built the pyramids. I don't know, but the pyramids were built with tunnels to view such heavenly bodies as the North Star or other stars. I believe all religious concepts came from the myths created by ancient humans based on their fear and awe of the heavens. With that said, Lucifer's rebellion probably was nothing more than a meteor shower and the myth began.

Now I fully understand why I am an atheist. The whole concept of a creator god is ridiculous. As if creating the idea of a god wasn't enough, mankind continued to perpetuate the solar myth and embellish it as humanity continued to evolve! Then comes the idea of the sun of god, the Morningstar. Some say it's the Planet Venus, but I see it as the Sun, a star that rises in the morning. I know the sun doesn't rise, but early humans did.

If we look at the zodiac, it clearly relates the mythstory of a creator god, the risen Christ, his 12 disciples, the 12 tribes of Israel, the myths of the patriarchs, and the list goes on forever. Old myths simply evolved into new myths for tens of thousands of generations, but modern man calls it history.
The whole concept of a creator god is ridiculous

I would not go so far as to say it is ridiculous. Just because the bible is ridiculous, does not mean the very idea of a creator is ridiculous. People seem to assume that ancient people were some how crippled intellectually due to a lack of technology. Hell, the ancient greeks had programmable computers. I could go on and on but I do not want to digress. Since nothing that we create would exist unless we created it it is natural to think that some people could be led to believe that the universe must have been created. And since we did not create it, something else must have. And since people can not create universes, something greater than oursevles must have. Ancient peoples were not stupid or pliant for having believed such things. Nor or modern people. Of course, it is not a likely explanation of the universe. But I am sure there were a fair share of ancients who did not believe in the sun god nor Isis. But since they did not happen to be pharohs who could profit from such beliefs, you won't here to much about them. Yes, the concept of a god creator is just that-a concept. But it is one that has made and does make a lot of sense to people struggling with the inability to imagine that a whole hell of a lot people could actually be wrong.
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machaon said:
I the ancient greeks had programmable computers.
I would very much like to see one of these, have you any thing I could look at ,thank you.
machaon said:
Yes, the concept of a god creator is just that-a concept. But it is one that has made and does make a lot of sense to people struggling with the inability to imagine that a whole hell of a lot people could actually be wrong.
and thay can and have been, religions have been around a lot longer then xianity, see here.
religious people are fickle, and as soon as one lose's it's flavour they will change.
if a thing is undoubtedly wrong and 6 billion people believe it's right, it's still wrong.
audible said:
religious people are fickle, and as soon as one lose's it's flavour they will change.

Of course, that's the point. Nothing lasts forever. Just like the great ancient Egyptian, Greek, Mayan and Aztec religions died out, so will Christianity, Hinduism and Islam die out. There's a limited life in them, religions are not 'God'. They're the clothes of God, the wisdom of God... but the religion is always suited for certain people, at certain times... When people advance, they need a new religion, and in the end, they need no religion, they will believe in themselves instead.

Yoga is not a religion. It doesn't die. It's a part of life.

if a thing is undoubtedly wrong and 6 billion people believe it's right, it's still wrong.

Correction: wrong for YOU.
myth maybe, but in those myths the secrets to our existence is concealed, not just the means of the true astrology but psychology, physics, chemistry, metaphysics, metapsychology, cosmology. it is in the hands of mankind as it has been for thousands of years and years to come. and so long as the religious movements do not become too corrupt those keys to our existence are there for any one who cares deeply enough to seek the truth.
so long as the religious movements do not become too corrupt

Religion IS the ultimate corruption. It's slavery of the human mind would never allow for mankind to completely embrace those sciences (pseudosciences not included) and find the answers to the universe.
enton said:
What will you call it, (her)story?
M*W: Your ignorance is showing, but what else is new? If you were knowledgeable in the history of the world, you would know how women were left completely out of our human evolution. Hence, the word "history." If the truth be known, how ancient women picked berries and plants and caught small animals to feed their children while the brave cavemen were out on big hunts and, for the most part, did not return. If it weren't for those ancient women, none of us would be here. Forget religion. Forget pseudo-christianity. That all came later, invented by cavemen who believed the sun to be god. Again, I will state that the story of Jesus is a "mythstory," and the history of the human race should be called "herstory," not "history." But, you're a male chauvinist pig of the Filipino kind, so I don't have too high of expectations for your intelligence.
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: But, you're a male chauvinist pig of the Filipino kind, so I don't have too high of expectations for your intelligence.
I don't care but the fact remains the same: you're a man with a womb (am I right?) Or shall I state it this way: you're a man to be wooed or woed?
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enton said:
I don't care but the fact remains the same: you're a man with a womb (am I right?) Or shall I state it this way: you're a man to be wooed or woed?
M*W: Wrong. I'm a woman in every sense of the word and desirable at that! Just because I don't agree with your religious beliefs, you think I'm manly! That's funny, but it still shows your ignorance! Most of all, it shows your homophobia. You're still a MCP... make that a FMCP. I'm sure you've heard what Howard Stern says about your kind. I agree. Come to think of it, you probably do like big ones up your ass. You know what they say about those Filipino house boys.
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: Wrong. I'm a woman in every sense of the word.
Ask etymologists if you are a woman in every sense of the word. You came from man. Your mother and your father decided and God granted them. Your mother bore you in her womb. You were born biologically. So, you shared a heredity from a man. Therefore, you're not a male specie but a fe-male specie (i.e., you are sharing the life of the male specie). Clear?
enton said:
Ask etymologists if you are a woman in every sense of the word. You came from man. Your mother and your father decided and God granted them. Your mother bore you in her womb. You were born biologically. So, you shared a heredity from a man. Therefore, you're not a male specie but a fe-male specie (i.e., you are sharing the life of the male specie). Clear?
M*W: I don't need to ask anyone what my gender is. I am familiar with genetics.
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: I don't need to ask anyone what my gender is. I am familiar with genetics.
I will ask you: Which comes first gender, genetics or genesis?

Ask etymologists if you are a woman in every sense of the word. You came from man. Your mother and your father decided and God granted them. Your mother bore you in her womb. You were born biologically. So, you shared a heredity from a man. Therefore, you're not a male specie but a fe-male specie (i.e., you are sharing the life of the male specie). Clear?

Please join us in the 21st century.

Embryos are gender non-specific in the womb. At the right times the balance of testosterone, estrogen, and other hormones determine whether (among many other things) the gender neutral gonads will become ovaries or testes. The idea that the male is somehow dominant in development is assinine. In fact, if testosterone is not present at the right point the embryo will become female by default. So, in a sense all embryos are female unless directed otherwise. We are second rate in the world of embryos my estrogen-challenged friend.
"tis funny that I should even bother to read another religion thread, But I do so because of my admiration and respect of Medicine woman the thread starter.
How has MW gained my respect?
Because I know she thinks about what she believes in. She applies critical thought to everything she believes in. Sure Like myself she is not infalable but at least she knows this where as others do not.

Just be aware Enton before you attack someone that you are attacking all her friends as well.

To treat women in the way you have implied is deserving of nothing else but utter contempt. To veil it in the disguise of Christianity is even more obscene to those Christians who whorship all of Gods creations and not just the Male.

MW has voiced an opinion, which I feel is deserving of being heard and considered.

Humanity has been and still is a very superstitious race, their fear fueling their belief systems. For some how ever it fuels their arogance and Chaulvinism. [ meaning: Excessive or prejudiced support or loyalty for ones cause or group or gender]
And of course the only reason for the extremes of chaulvinism is an inferiroity complex that shows just how insecure you are as a man and a philosopher, thinker.

BTW medicine woman I agree with you threads contention, but must also venture that this is all part of mans evolution towards conquering his paranoia with reason and knowledge. A necessary part of mans evolution to a better way of existing.
superluminal said:

Please join us in the 21st century.

Embryos are gender non-specific in the womb. At the right times the balance of testosterone, estrogen, and other hormones determine whether (among many other things) the gender neutral gonads will become ovaries or testes. The idea that the male is somehow dominant in development is assinine. In fact, if testosterone is not present at the right point the embryo will become female by default. So, in a sense all embryos are female unless directed otherwise. We are second rate in the world of embryos my estrogen-challenged friend.

Yes. I have been now in the 21st century of calendar makers. Did I ever mention that there is conflict between the creation of man in Genesis and science? I don't tolerate to biological knowledge anymore because I am finished in it and it's very fundamental to recall my biology class.

superluminal said:
We are second rate in the world of embryos my estrogen-challenged friend.
Did I ever say men are first rate in the world? In fact, I am talking religiously that men(any kind of humang being) of God are the first rate in this world. Question: Who sees these men of God as first rate in this world? Answer: Of course, who else, but God.
Medicine Woman said:

I figured this out years and years ago. What, did it take you this long to get it?
Religion is a tool by man to control the masses, and it uses fear, violence, myths, and legends to as its tools of coersion.
Hapsburg said:
I figured this out years and years ago. What, did it take you this long to get it?
Religion is a tool by man to control the masses, and it uses fear, violence, myths, and legends to as its tools of coersion.
To young to think! I advice you better ask your parent's advise before anyone here can influence your young mind. :)
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