It's Good To Be The Woman.

well, im not celebate.... lol... (actaully i was refering to somehing a bit more "Cosmo"-approved. lol. ) but the second doesn't sound that bad either..... :eek:
well, im not celebate.... lol... (actaully i was refering to somehing a bit more "Cosmo"-approved. lol. ) but the second doesn't sound that bad either.....

Ahhhh. A wise philosopher once said:

"Masturbation is simply sex with the one person who will ever truely love you, never leave you and knows how to please you sexually"

(Ignore the above, I'm in a bad mood)
you were in a bad mood? funny... i thought you were being nice to me for once. lol. either way.. i took no offense since your claim wasn't anything out of character for me in the first place....

but still i wasn't talking about masturbation.. just different sexual positions.. ones that could.. "produce puppies". hope that clears things up.
"but the second doesn't sound that bad either..... "

all the pretty ones are turning gay
for shame

well, im not celebate.... lol... (actaully i was refering to somehing a bit more "Cosmo"-approved. lol. ) but the second doesn't sound that bad either.....
Nightfall, I'm shocked! You didn't save yourself, all prue and inncoent and all, for me? Nooooooo!!! Why god why???

Hmm. Too much caffiene...
Nightfall, I'm shocked! You didn't save yourself, all prue and inncoent and all, for me? Nooooooo!!! Why god why???

-feels the sudden urge to burst out into a britney spears dance. -
um.....whats cookie dough?
Uncooked cookies. :) I don't know how people can eat it raw though...there's raw eggs and stuff in it. :eek:

-feels the sudden urge to burst out into a britney spears dance. -
AHHH!! Shield your eyes, children! The Devil has taken over her mind! Someone call an exorcist!

:p :D
thank you for explaining this, i wasnt sure if it was what i thought it was. Why would anyone want to eat raw flour/eggs/etc ? sounds disgusting.
I don't know how people can eat it raw though...there's raw eggs and stuff in it.

One of my fondest memories.... Sitting in my car in the parking lot of Safeway with my best friend, a tube of raw cookie dough and a half gallon of milk... Ahhhh.... thats the life:D
yes.. we used to have pom parties... we grab old pom videos from years past.. and something girly, and a bunch of cookie dough.. and stay over at someone house.. it was always such a great expirience, and really brought us together.. if course there was more than cookie dough..we also usually brought along the fudgey browny dough too.... mmm that stuff is so good...
the best is to gather for some paintball mach

or go with friends to the sea, set up a big fire and sing songs till morning
(+drinks + guitar)

our guitar player went to live in a far away city from here:(
we'll have to find a new one, or I, myself, will have to learn it:rolleyes:
Already borrowed a guitar from a relative of mine, but have no idea how to play more than my own thought of melodies:D lol

I'll have to get tutorials smwhere probably

g'night ppl.......
"One of my fondest memories.... Sitting in my car in the parking lot of Safeway with my best friend, a tube of raw cookie dough and a half gallon of milk... Ahhhh.... thats the life"

the divide never seemed greater than it does now
cool skill:
oh the horror! (1)
we grab old pom videos
y do i keep seeing a diffrent word? (2)
1. you'd die to see me in a britney spears outfit jumping up and down.
2. see number one.

:D :D :D
im not having sex WITH a dog

Masturbation is simply sex with the one person who will ever truely love you, never leave you and knows how to please you sexually

Cool skill:
we grab old pom videos

y do i keep seeing a diffrent word?

After seeing these replies, I'm not sure of what to think about stRgrL comment
One of my fondest memories.... Sitting in my car in the parking lot of Safeway with my best friend, a tube of raw cookie dough and a half gallon of milk...