It makes no sense

Perhaps that Intelligent Being created the Universe for Its Self--including You. For all you know, You're just another amusement ride at the park :biggrin:

Yes...perhaps...and the problem is any proposition re a god or gods is that we have no more than "perhaps" and so I find it very odd that theists make various unsupported claims including but not limited to...God created the universes, that such creation was for us, that this god created humans in his image, that he communicated his wishes to humans, that after death there is an expectation of some sort of eternal existence in some mythical place.
If you "perhaps" you can "perhaps" anything that seems like a good idea at the time.
And so a theist somehow entertains their "perhaps" upon faith as if it were a virtue without considering that faith is a mere belief with no evidence in support.
"Perhaps" is not a path to truth.
And so a theist somehow entertains their "perhaps" upon faith as if it were a virtue without considering that faith is a mere belief with no evidence in support.
"Perhaps" is not a path to truth.

There is a lot of power in belief. If you believe Jesus can save you from the burden of your misdeeds--if you truly believed that to be true--how much lighter would your load be?
There is a lot of power in belief. If you believe Jesus can save you from the burden of your misdeeds--if you truly believed that to be true--how much lighter would your load be?

Only YOU can save yourself from the burden of YOUR misdeeds, no one else. You have to take responsibility for your own actions and not expect to hoist them on someone else shoulders. That's the power of reality.
Only YOU can save yourself from the burden of YOUR misdeeds, no one else. You have to take responsibility for your own actions and not expect to hoist them on someone else shoulders. That's the power of reality.
Okay. Do you want to Define Reality too? Others might disagree depending on their point of view.
Okay. Do you want to Define Reality too? Others might disagree depending on their point of view.

Reality is where you do your misdeeds.

And, if you have a moral compass, why are you committing misdeeds?
If you believe Jesus can save you from the burden of your misdeeds--if you truly believed that to be true-

What Q said.

Perhaps much of the burden of misdeeds is generated by the guilt created by most religions.

To create guilt say in matters relating to sex is obvious and damaging to young folk.

I am for accepting responsibilty firstly and living a decent life such that you don't carry any burdens.

The confession system hardly encourages better behaviour when you can do your worst and spill your gutz and then get a free pass...well a little cash in the plate maybe.
What Q said.

Perhaps much of the burden of misdeeds is generated by the guilt created by most religions.

To create guilt say in matters relating to sex is obvious and damaging to young folk.

I am for accepting responsibilty firstly and living a decent life such that you don't carry any burdens.

The confession system hardly encourages better behaviour when you can do your worst and spill your gutz and then get a free pass...well a little cash in the plate maybe.
All I'm saying is that it works for many. There is power in belief. I wouldn't block that avenue for anyone.
All I'm saying is that it works for many.

It doesn't work for anyone. Grow up, put your big boy pants on and take responsibility for your actions.

There is power in belief.

There is no power in belief, there is only illusions.

I wouldn't block that avenue for anyone.

No one needs it if they are responsible people. Are you or are you not a responsible person?
Are you seriously saying you don't know what reality is? Seriously?
I'm waiting for you to define reality. Each individual stands at the center of the Universe. What have you found there?

I'm not, why are you if you need saving from them? Can't you live your life without doing bad things?
I'm all things: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly. Made in God's Image, you know.
I'm waiting for you to define reality.

Is that supposed to be a joke? I don't define reality, it defines itself.

Each individual stands at the center of the Universe. What have you found there?
I'm all things: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly. Made in God's Image, you know.

All I'm saying is that it works for many.
Yes is does I expect.
You can cut wood with an axe..that works for many folk but a chain saw is better and all that I suggest is being honest and living by a code of accepting personal responsibility is, like the chain saw, better.
There is power in belief.
I am not interested in power but more in facing reality and accepting personal responsibility and such an approach can only build self esteem. I see no value in a system that does so much to destroy self esteem by creating guilt and self loathing which is a general but reasonable cristisism that can be made about many religions.
I wouldn't block that avenue for anyone.
I can understand that approach but there is a better way.
Have a nice day and don't burden yourself with guilt.
So give me its definition if you have none of your own.

So, you're asking me to look up a words meaning because you don't understand it's meaning. Usually, if a person doesn't understand the meaning of a word, they look it up themselves. You could have easily done that yourself rather than wasting both our time. But then, that was probably your motive all along, waste our time with your ignorance of words.
So, you're asking me to look up a words meaning because you don't understand it's meaning.
No, he's asking you to look up a word because he's losing the argument, and redefining words is one way he can "win."
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Yes is does I expect.
You can cut wood with an axe..that works for many folk but a chain saw is better and all that I suggest is being honest and living by a code of accepting personal responsibility is, like the chain saw, better.
You eventually need to cut loose your baggage, X. You are the boat, not the wake.

I am not interested in power but more in facing reality and accepting personal responsibility and such an approach can only build self esteem.
It's good to learn from past mistakes.

I see no value in a system that does so much to destroy self esteem by creating guilt and self loathing which is a general but reasonable cristisism that can be made about many religions.
It is a mixed bag, isn't it? I like to whittle it down to its bare essentials--Christ died so others might live.

I can understand that approach but there is a better way.
Have a nice day and don't burden yourself with guilt.

The present moment is where all things take place...always. The past is a memory, the future has yet to arrive.
No, he's asking you to look up a word because he's losing the argument, and redefining words is one way he can "win."
I don't see this as an argument...sheesh. If you claim to have cornered reality, you should be able to define it.
I think that has a lot to do with religious indoctrination
Sure, but the religion had to exist and be well established before indoctrination could ever be a factor. So, why was it invented? And why did it catch on? You have to look at the origins of each religion to see what need it filled in each particular society. And when you look at the gods - how they are described in the scriptures of each religion - you can see what human traits or archetypes they represent.
Anybody can leave a religion if it doesn't meet their emotional needs, or offends their moral sense, or contravenes their reason - but a relatively small minority choose to do so. Those who choose to stay are making the compromises necessary to stay: turn off logic, overlook inconsistencies, ignore some of the teachings and pick the bits they like, justify and excuse past crimes, pretend the ancients didn't know any better and it's all better now.
They choose to stay for a reason. There has to be a payoff.