It is immoral to marry for money?

It is immoral to dupe someone into marraige under false pretenses, but if both parties are aware of the reasons behind the marraige and agree to it I don't see how it can be immoral.
It may not necessarily be the "right" thing to do (in some peoples opinions), but it is hardly harmful.
What etiquette book says that love is a better base for marriage than money?

Statistically speaking, marriages based on common interest last longer than love based ones. Common interest as, I am old and rich and you are young and beautiful...
Statistically speaking, marriages based on common interest last longer than love based ones. Common interest as, I am old and rich and you are young and beautiful...
But if beautiful and poor is taken by the old and rich then can I hope for beautiful and rich, I being old and poor? :scratchin:
Beauty is actually a sign of good genes. Its actually determined by symmetry and health and a couple other minor things. We also do like things that are out of the norm like a mutation for blue eyes. So it is a asset that could compare to money. Gah I hate ethical philosophy it makes me blow a fuse. The whole philosophy of what is beautiful is pretty interesting. I still believe in ethics that come from the heart rather than logic however. Logical ethics is what caused radical eugenics in world war II and now we ruined a essential field in making sure humans don't devolve. It is good to balance them.
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In my opinion if both parties know and they agree: is not immoral.
But if one party does not know?
