Your posts are reminiscent of cargo cults shortly after World War II. During World War II, many Pacific islanders were literally showered with wealth; Allied aircraft dropped supplies from aircraft, built runways and bases, and occupied many islands. As a result, islanders got jobs, got soldier's discarded clothing, got the equipment when they left etc. But after they left the supplies dried up. The islanders then decided if they could just make their island _look_ like it used to the cargo would come back. So they built airplanes out of straw, wore coconut headsets to "talk to the pilots," stood on the runways with flags as they had seen airmen do etc. They thought that if they just acted like they had the airplanes the airplanes would come back - even though they had no clue as to how airplanes worked or what might convince them to come back.
Your posts seem to indicate a similar attitude - that if you post enough meaningless "science word salad" that you will seem intelligent, that you will somehow clothe yourself in the respectability of science by making yourself sound like a scientist, even though you don't know the science behind what you are talking about. It doesn't work that way.