is'nt it about time you read your bible

I however for purely personal and without any logic, choose to beleive in a 'God'. For me though religion is man made and has little to do with God at all.

Then you are a Deist. Like my mother, she believes in a supreme being who started it all, but then does not partake in human affairs, and religions are just man made to manipulate.

Unless it is to exert control of some kind over the masses?

I know, it can be taken badly. Everyone, even after 60 odd years now, has still got the Hitler syndrome. Scared someone's going to talk them or the masses into something they shouldn't be doing. It works both ways. The evil have an agenda on spreading their evil thoughts on others for destructive purposes. While the truly good people that think they have something to share that might be helpful to others, try to spread their ideas on others in hoping it will lead them to better lives. And the ones who don't believe or have an agenda, they are just there. Doing nothing. No purpose whatsoever. So what's wrong in people spreading their beliefs if they think it will lead them to a better life? It is up to the discretion of the listener to discern if the word is harmful that is spoken or good. Not a by-stander. I come to the forums to have my thoughts maturely judged and analyzed and for someone to prove I am wrong. I like being challenged. When I was an atheist (BTW, judging by the info provided, I'd say I was a weak atheist), I loved challenging Christians with answers they couldn't provide and it was so easy because so many just blindly, without questioning, follow their beliefs. Now I look for others to scrutinize my beliefs but in a mature, scientific fashion so I can ultimately say to myself, "hey, maybe they do have a point", or "I'm kind of doubting my religion now", which hasn't happened yet.

I have no beliefs, I'm an atheist, or was'nt that obvious enough, in my last post.

So you have no beliefs, none to scorn? Even an atheist has beliefs, or grounds for it unless they're just too lazy to try to comprehend if a God exists or for that matter, can't comprehend it. You have to have some basis for your argument. Are you the type to judge, say, someone who steps out and tries to save someone in trouble while you aren't sure and just sit on your butt judging others for actually stepping up and doing something? It's easy to judge those which do while those which don't know they haven't done or believed in something which can be judged. I don't mind having my opinions judged unless it's just scornful, childish ridicule which is a waste of a post to me.

go ahead we are all open to scrutiny, but make sure you show one micro instant of evidence, for you assertions, to prove mine wrong.

No, I won't try to scrutinize your posts and I do not take it personally. The internet's such an impersonal medium and I don't take anything personally unless someone personally knows me. Sorry, as a whole, I can't prove you wrong because the God you think others see, isn't seen to you. And the God I assume is there, can't be seen, so therefore, I can't be proved wrong. So when you discuss the topic of God's existance, it's usually a stalemate. But often times, the greatest minds can go beyond known science and theorize, not just say, "well, I can't see it, so it's not there". If Einstein had that attitude, he wouldn't have gotten far. Conclusions are came to, they're not where you are, you can't see them unless you search for them. If the lazy mind sees and equation and says there is no answer, it is true, because there is no answer, it, by default, has no answer unless sought. But the truly great mind will see an equation and take it on, and in the end, will discover the answer to the equation and therefore, the answer exists. Maybe I'm drabbling on but you can't be lazy at these things and say, "screw it, I haven't looked so there is none". Maybe you get my point, I hope.

Don't give me any more accounts of these people who claim they used to be atheists. I know lots of atheists. They stay atheist.

Well I must be one in a million.
Godless said:
Then you are a Deist. Like my mother, she believes in a supreme being who started it all, but then does not partake in human affairs, and religions are just man made to manipulate.


No, I am not a deist cos this is NOT what I believe, not remotely! Don't stick your wannabe labels on me.

I never said I believed in a supreme being or that God didn't interfere in lives of indiviuduals or that religion was created to manipulate. You read so much into so little.
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geeser's thread said:
is'nt it about time you read your bible
1. Don't have one.
2. There are more coherent bits of fiction out there with much better storylines.
I however for purely personal and without any logic, choose to beleive in a 'God'. For me though religion is man made and has little to do with God at all.


No, I am not a deist cos this is NOT what I beleive, not remotely! Don't stick your wannabe labels on me.

Hey!! dip shit, i've not made a fucking label dumb ass, what you state above is a defenition of a deist!. Dumb ass! :rolleyes:

Godless said:

Hey!! dip shit, i've not made a fucking label dumb ass, what you state above is a defenition of a deist!. Dumb ass! :rolleyes:


"Deism: The doctrine that God created the world but does not interact with it. This view emphasizes the deity's transcendence."


My beliefs most closely match those associated with spiritualism but not sufficently so for me to call myself a spiritualist. These are the bits I relate to:

Quoted from web:
"REMARKS—As thus defined, Spiritualism is no narrow superstition, but an all-comprehensive System of Truth. It includes all true Philosophy, all true Theology, all true Religion, and lies at the basis of all true Science. It should not be identified (as it often is) with the individual opinions of its adherents or prominent advocates, who are liable to mistakes; nor even with the teachings of disembodied spirits, for these appear to differ as widely in their theories as do spirits in the body. None of them should be received as authoritative teachers, since each can present, at best, only his own views of truth, and these are necessarily limited by his capacities and stand-point of observation. Every individual soul must determine for itself what is truth'
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TheoryofrelativityMy beliefs most closely match those associated with spiritualism but not sufficently so for me to call myself a spiritualist. These are the bits I relate to: Quoted from web: "REMARKS—[COLOR=DarkRed said:
As thus defined, Spiritualism is no narrow superstition, but an all-comprehensive System of Truth. It includes all true Philosophy, all true Theology, all true Religion, and lies at the basis of all true Science.[/COLOR] It should not be identified (as it often is) with the individual opinions of its adherents or prominent advocates, who are liable to mistakes; nor even with the teachings of disembodied spirits, for these appear to differ as widely in their theories as do spirits in the body. None of them should be received as authoritative teachers, since each can present, at best, only his own views of truth, and these are necessarily limited by his capacities and stand-point of observation. Every individual soul must determine for itself what is truth'

That paragraph says, in a nutshell, that what you believe is completely and utterly non-self consistent and worthless since you can never accept any source as reliable, and that you essentially are adrift in a sea of ignorance. Do I understand that correctly?
Being adrift in a sea of ignorance would place one in the same cateogry as Socrates who remarked "All that I know is that I know nothing."
geeser said:
the credit for this list must go to the unbeliever.

this is the first ten there are another four hundred.

I am a bible scholar. A very good one.
I have listened to the KJV bible on tape over and over again for over 25 years. Covered the New Testament hundreds of times, and the old testament possibly close to a hundred times.
I briefly looked at what you typed. I could easily show the errors in what you posted. There aren't any contradictions when you understand it correctly. What you call contradictions are not contradictions. You just don't understand it correctly, mostly because scriptures were pulled out of context, and that is one of the easiest ways to misunderstand the bible.
I don't want to waste my time demolishing your supposed contradictions.
I have come to the conclusion, that if someone wants to go to hell, then let him go there. It is no skin off my back if you burn, atheist.
I know that God exists and that the King James version bible is His inspired Word.
[PS. According to the bible if you don't really love the truth and you have pleasure in unrighteousness, then you will be deceived by strong delusion.
You need God's help even to come to a knowledge of the truth, in this World that is deceived by Satan and his devils, which have telepathic contact to the minds of men, to test them.]
I have come to the conclusion, that if someone wants to go to hell, then let him go there. It is no skin off my back if you burn, atheist

I didn't feel like trying to answer it myself but I do think we should help others understand our beliefs and do think it's what being a Christian is all about. If being Christian makes you satisfied, then why not share that satisfaction or understanding with someone else. If you honestly believe someone will go to hell for not knowing or believing what you know, then why not share with them the knowledge. It is because of Christians like that that turned me off from it and couldn't answer my questions so I remained an atheist until I had to answer my own questions.

You need God's help even to come to a knowledge of the truth, in this World that is deceived by Satan and his devils, which have telepathic contact to the minds of men, to test them.

I believe science and what we observe is the truth. I think it is how much time and effort we put into it rather than our fellow humans which is the deception.
ghost7584 said:
I have come to the conclusion, that if someone wants to go to hell, then let him go there. It is no skin off my back if you burn, atheist.

You are the exactly the type of religious nut that gives other people who beleive in God a bad name...provide proof people burn in hell aif they are not christian?

God loves everyone regardless, religion is a man made thing, the bible was written by 'men' retrospectively blah blah, so what ever you read in it is rather irrelevant, it was NOT written by God. Man was here long time before the bible was, what were we doing then ay? burning in hell for thousands of years, I don't think so.
I am a bible scholar. A very good one.


I have listened to the KJV bible on tape over and over again for over 25 years.

This makes you an expert? Listening to the same BS over and over again without study of different sects of the same relgion does not make you an expert, the KJV is not the origional bible, in order to get the historicity of the religion you may also need to study, Latin, Greek, and read these bibles as well, and study them, it also may be helpfull if you learned Hebrew. ;)

I briefly looked at what you typed. I could easily show the errors in what you posted. There aren't any contradictions when you understand it correctly.

Even proffessed, and very well schooled bible scholars today admit there are CONTRADITIONS in the bible. Even the Catholic Church admited recently that not all parts of the bible need be taken "LITERALLY".

I don't want to waste my time demolishing your supposed contradictions.

Because you can't. Put up Or Shut Up!

I have come to the conclusion, that if someone wants to go to hell, then let him go there. It is no skin off my back if you burn, atheist.

How Christian of you! :rolleyes:

According to the bible if you don't really love the truth and you have pleasure in unrighteousness, then you will be deceived by strong delusion

According to "reality" if you don't really love the truth and you have pleasure in mysticism, then you will be deceived by strong delusion.

No "reality" in the bilble

ghost7584 said:
I am a bible scholar. A very good one.
nothing to scream about, most atheist are.
as well as scholarly on the qu'ran the vedas, the torah.
ghost7584 said:
I have listened to the KJV bible on tape over and over again for over 25 years. Covered the New Testament hundreds of times, and the old testament possibly close to a hundred times.
so you cant read then lol, sorry just my little joke, seriously though, you can say your well and truly indoctrinated.
ghost7584 said:
I briefly looked at what you typed. I could easily show the errors in what you posted.
please do, thats what the forums are for.
ghost7584 said:
There aren't any contradictions when you understand it correctly. What you call contradictions are not contradictions. You just don't understand it correctly, mostly because scriptures were pulled out of context, and that is one of the easiest ways to misunderstand the bible.
we get the same old story every time, from the religious.
but you forget the you have to witness to the unbeliever and make him a believer, so unless you show us, how are we going to learn.
ghost7584 said:
I don't want to waste my time demolishing your supposed contradictions.
I have come to the conclusion, that if someone wants to go to hell, then let him go there. It is no skin off my back if you burn, atheist.
your god made us unbelievers, who are you to say he's wrong, you are the one at fault for not showing us the error of our ways.
ghost7584 said:
I know that God exists and that the King James version bible is His inspired Word.
[PS. According to the bible if you don't really love the truth and you have pleasure in unrighteousness, then you will be deceived by strong delusion.
then you sir are not a christian, it is you job to show us the error in our ways, James 5:20 “Let him know that he who turns a sinner from the error of his way will save a soul from death and cover a multitude of sins.” you know what happens to the unrighteous, and you sir are unrighteous.
ghost7584 said:
You need God's help even to come to a knowledge of the truth,
no we need you help, god steps in once you've converted.
ghost7584 said:
in this World that is deceived by Satan and his devils, which have telepathic contact to the minds of men, to test them.]
then you should help them.
Let’s say that you are out at the lake one day and you spot a drowning person. What would you do? Would you ignore their desperate condition and turn the other way? Or would you throw them a life preserver? If you are the decent person I imagine that you are, I am confident that you would try to do something to save that poor soul.
God does not want anyone to be lost. “The Lord is... not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance” (2 Peter 3:9). This is why He sent Jesus to become a sacrifice for the world’s sins (John 3:16). However, who is going to tell them about this life-saving news? Who is willing to throw them the life-preserver that can save their life from the horrible consequences of eternity in the lake of fire? “ shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher?” (Romans 10:14)
§outh§tar said:
I don't yet see where the inconsistency here is. :confused:


2 Ths 2:11
And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:

God sends them a strong delusion, and deliberately makes them believe a lie, yet also at the same time declares that he is NOT the author of confusion???
Well, God CAN do anything, I guess!

God himself supposedly tempts no one, but finds it perfectly acceptable to go even farther than that to forcibly make them believe a lie?
Well, God CAN do anything! ;)

Is there evil, and the Lord hath not done it?
g-d is good AND evil. light AND dark. strong AND weak.

there is no definition that we as humans can come up with that would be suitable for g-d.

all things originate at the beginning.
The Devil Inside said:
g-d is good AND evil. light AND dark. strong AND weak.

there is no definition that we as humans can come up with that would be suitable for g-d.

all things originate at the beginning.

will you turn into a caterpillar if you write the word 'God?' whats with the g-d?